Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Nature's Way to Peaceful Space

In a recent Post I talked about the game played with my youngest son. The game about what God has created and what man has made. There is something very mysterious, almost magical about our natural environment. If you get it, we can pass it on to the children. In the midst of a cosmos fueled by unimaginable and often destructive forces, you and I sit on this sphere of dynamic energy, products of its life-giving powers. And throughout our lives we remain related-to, connected-to, and dependent upon this sphere that Dr. M. and the Enia call Ile Inurere (the House and Home of Humanity). The Earth and her many environments and forces have an affect on us, mentally and physically, as the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. We share a quantum connection with the earth and with the thread of her garments. We are related-to, connected-to, and dependent upon the Ile Inurere because the earth, air, fire, water, wood, and iron that are woven into the design of her garments are also woven into the design of our garments. We are her children! Each of us finds comfort, meaning, inspiration, and peace in one of the layers of her robes. Some of us are keenly aware of a shift in our energy when we are around bodies of water, like oceans, rivers, or lakes. Some of us have a particular energetic response to mountainous areas covered in foliage or dry desert rock. For some of us the environment of personal cultivation is a wooded area full of tall, awe-inspiring trees with brilliant seasonal colors. Like our animal and plant relatives, we can have strong reactions (positive or negative) to wind, rain, fog, lightning, temperature, and other shifts in the dynamic forces that sustain the garment of Ile Inurere, of which we are a part. Clouds can cause a shift in your mood and your health, the direction of the shift depending on whether or not you are a Cloud Person (someone who tends to have a strong reaction to all manner of cloudy skies) and what kind of Cloud Person you happen to be, positive or negative. When we are seeking Peaceful Space each of us has a natural environment that we can go to where we can be nurtured into our Healing Place. It’s important to know what that environment is and then to go there when you need renewal, rejuvenation, and vitality.

Your Ase, the field of energy that defines your Energy Signature, shifts when you are around animals, plants, children, adults, or the seniors of our kind. Being aware of these shifts is an important part of understanding the special way you need to plug into the energy field that feeds all things on this planet. Those select environments that allow you to potentiate Ase are a part of who you are and who you have to potential to be in the world. It is as important for you to plug into your Energizing Environments (EEs) as it is for you to drink water, eat food, and sleep. Every aspect of your being requires that you draw energy through your EE periodically.

Few of us are wealthy enough to be able to design our homes to bring nature right into our rooms. Sometimes people need to relocate to a different environment in order to blossom, maybe from hot to cold, maybe from cold to hot, maybe from highland to low land or vice versa. We all have EEs but it is different for each individual, even in the same family. I have a sister who lives in New York and the cold is a no-no for me! Moving to a warmer climate was a good thing for me. Many of us have no problem making the choice about the general climate in which we want to live. However, we often forget that we need shifts in our environment on a regular basis. Man-made environments and natural environments are not the same. Being in your home is not the same as being in a park, garden, or field. You can go from home, to your car, to your day office or school, to your car again, and to your evening school or work, and to your car again, to home, and to bed, and then repeat that process for days, sometimes weeks, maybe months before you plug into your Energizing Environment. Increasingly, we are equipping ourselves with all of the gadgets necessary to stay in our homes, cars, offices, and classrooms, and avoid all contact with our natural world. This trend will have a profound effect on our physical and mental evolution as well as on our social development and environmental consciousness.

Perhaps you are what the Enia would call an Omo Eshu, Child of Eshu, who thrives with opportunities to travel, draws energy from bright colored clothes, and has a need to be outside, in the open, and unrestricted by confined places. In confined places restricting circumstances your sense of humor, your knack for practical jokes, your sensuality, and your sense of right and wrong would all be negatively affected. Or perhaps you are an Omo Ogun who is attracted to metal, woods, and mountains. Spending time working or playing with metal, and time in the woods or mountains periodically will help you to maintain your profound sense of right and wrong, your enjoyment of physical things, your inclination to ‘do’ rather than talk about doing, and your strong physique.

You may be an Omo Obatala and find your Energizing Environment in being alone around your home during a beautiful sunset or other significant change in the weather, or perhaps in a garden or yard, or on a rooftop looking at the stars, or maybe in a familiar park near your home. This alone time helps you to think, to feed your love of new ideas, to nurture and reflect on your sense of justice and honor, and to mentally rejuvenate. Without this alone time in quiet places you may lose mental potency, your nerves may fray easily, you may disengage from your regular and desired routine and activities, and you may be prone to headaches and head colds. Knowing the location of your EE is as important as knowing your birth date or social security number.

One of the benefits of the Traditional Martial and Healing Arts [TMHA] as a developmental tool for educating our children is that these arts nurture a healthy attitude towards the natural environment and teaches each student of their special place as a thread in the garments of Ile Inurere. TMHA teaches the Prime Directive by encouraging students to see themselves as part of the whole, with special benefits derived from the whole and special responsibilities owed to the whole. Creating Peaceful Space for yourself and others requires effort in a world so charged with negativity. Spending time in your natural Energizing Environment is the way to start with you. Pay attention to yourself as you move from one environmental experience to another. Observe how your energy shifts until you hone in on your ideal natural Energizing Environment.

To be continue!

To all my readers, Have a blessed, safe, and wonder-filled Holiday and New Year!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nurturing The Way of Peace

In the Handbook On Being Human, the Mysterious Dr. M. talks about the value of Traditional Martial and Healing Arts training for our children. To some it might seem like a contradiction to look to the martial arts to discover and nurture The Way of Peace. But if you understand the purpose and content of Traditional Martial and Healing Arts training you will see that there is a paradox but not a contradiction. A paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. A paradox is a situation, person, or thing that actually combines or integrates apparently contradictory features or qualities.

In the book, “Wu-Te, A Guide for Parents: Why Train Your Children in Traditional Martial and Healing Arts?” the author states, “As the soldier prepares to meet and defeat the enemies of the state, the traditional martial artist daily meets and defeats the enemies of the self. The Traditional Martial and Healing Arts turns the practitioners’ attention away from the mundane and trifling annoyances of daily life, and instead focuses their attention on the higher aspirations and possibilities of the self.” According to Da Mo, one of the patriarchs of the Shaolin Temples of China (one of the foremost centers of traditional martial arts training in the world)we practice the martial arts to develop the qualities of discipline, restraint, humility, respect for human life, and the principle of Do No Harm’.

Having studied and taught the traditional martial arts for the past 40 years, I’ve experienced and witnessed the profound benefit that these disciplines have brought into the lives of thousands of students. And every day I become increasingly aware of the dire need that the youth of today have for an experience and a teaching that will help them to unlock their unique inner potential and to realize their connection and responsibility to the larger social order and environment. Training in the Traditional Martial and Healing Arts has rescued thousands of youth from drugs, crime, a sense of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness. It has nurtured in them a sense of pride, purpose, confidence, courage, discipline, respect, kindness, patience, humility, and determination.

We have a responsibility to teach our children how to live together in peace and how to be good caretakers of this magnificent planet that they will inherit (if we don’t destroy it first). The word traditional distinguishes martial arts training from mere self-defense training and fighting or combat techniques. Traditional Martial and Healing Arts training embodies a philosophy that nurtures the highest aspects of human character and potential. According to the late and great founder of the Art of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, the Way of Peace begins with you (the individual). It requires that you work on yourself and your appointed task. As Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, everyone has a spirit and personality that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow or Destiny Mandate that they are driven to realize. Our children are not here simply to be consumers of the endless and latest array of products that appear in the marketplace. They are here for no other purpose than to realize their inner divinity, to manifest their innate enlightenment, and to achieve their Destiny Mandate. These are the same reasons that you and I chose to come into this world.

We are here to nurture and foster Peaceful Space. The thousands of Traditional Martial and Healing Arts schools across the United States and the tens of thousands around the world are places where children (and adults) can learn how to discipline themselves, control their appetites, face their fears, overcome their weaknesses, recognize and build upon their strengths. These schools, temples, and dojos (rooms or halls for martial arts practice) are places that nurture the virtues of humility, kindness, patience, and diligence. Students of the Traditional Martial and Healing Arts learn that one does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art or Way of Peace. They learn that heaven is right where they are standing in any given moment, and that is the place to train some aspect of their mind, body, or spirit. They learn the critical lesson embodied in the Prime Directive. That is, all things, material and spiritual, originate from one source and are related as if they are one family. Likewise, the past, present, and future are all contained in the life force or quantum field of energy as Dr. M. explains in the Handbook On Being Human. The students of the Traditional Martial and Healing Arts learn that the universe emerged, developed, and is sustained by one source, and we evolve through the optimal process of harmonious integration, that is, Interrelatedness, Interconnectedness, and Interdependence. As Ueshiba said, the Way of a Warrior is based on humanity, love, and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship. Emphasis on the physical aspects of the Way of the Warrior is futile, for the power of the body is always limited. The Way of the Warrior must be the Way of Peace.

Traditional Martial and Healing Arts training is a wonderful way to rescue our children from the addiction of consumerism and the stupor of technology intoxication. It is a venue where they can learn to internalize the Prime Directive and how to Create Peaceful Space.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Ref: The Art of Peace, Morihei Ueshiba, translated by John Stevens, Shambhala Pocket Classics, ISBN: 0-87773-851-3

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Spiritual Worldview

There are some 2 billion Christians inhabiting the Ile Inurere (the Home of Humanity). There are approximately 1.2 billion Muslims, 800 million or more Hindus, and over 700 million followers of other religious traditions. If we take the broader view of religion, a personal set or institutionalized system of religious beliefs and practices, we come to recognize that more than half of the world’s inhabitants, almost the entire human population, believe in and acknowledge the existence of a Divine, Supreme, and Sentient Being responsible for the creation of the world. When we speak of a spiritual worldview we broaden the family of believers even further for here we are referencing all of those seen and unseen manifestations and forces that affect the human spirit or soul in transcendent ways.

When my youngest son was just a little boy of five or six years old we started playing a game. It was a very important wisdom game to help him in developing a spiritual worldview. A spiritual worldview and a religious worldview may be related but they are not necessarily the same. When we speak or think of a religious worldview or more specifically a religion we are generally referencing a particular creed or dogma that is distinguished from some other religious ideology and belief system. However, when we speak of a spiritual worldview we are referencing a way of seeing and being in the world that is able to appreciate and even embrace the core idea in all of the various religions and even those beliefs and practices that would not necessarily be viewed as an organized religion. As my son and I would drive to our destination I would point to or reference a particular thing like a bird, a tree, a car, a house, the sky, or a mountain, and I would ask him whether it was made or created. The key to his answers was the idea that God creates things and man makes things from what God has created. That was the first level of our wisdom game.

At the next level of our wisdom game he was taught that what God creates, the sky, the sun, moon and stars, the birds, animals and trees, the fish, rivers and oceans, the land and the mountains are all infused with spirit; and anything that has spirit should be respected and honored because it is an expression of the creative impulse of the Creator of All Things, The Greatest Creator of All. With this wisdom he was taught the lesson that all of these things are a gift to humans from the Creator, that we are dependent upon them for our survival, and that we have a responsibility to care for them as we would care for a beloved relative.

Next came the understanding that when we humans use that which is created to make something from it, we must be careful to honor and try to preserve the spirit of the things that we use. In other words, when we cut down a tree to build our house we need to be in the right frame of mind, have the right attitude and show proper respect, appreciation and gratitude for the Creator of the tree, for the water, earth, and air that sustained it and helped it to mature, and for the spiritual energy that resides in the tree itself.

As I traveled in Southeast Asia and Africa, and in my experiences with our Native American brothers and sister it was clear to me that there are still many of us who still have a spiritual worldview and who understand this spiritual way of being in the world. However, it saddens me to see how too many of us conduct ourselves in the world today. Many of us, especially in the so-called modern and advanced Western societies, and increasingly in the developing and underdeveloped parts of the world, have lost or are loosing our spiritual way of being in the world. And we will suffer great hardships because of the decline of the spiritual worldview. Science is a wonderful thing. The scientific method is a reflection of who we are as human beings. But science that is devoid of a spiritual worldview, that is infused with arrogance and disregard for the spiritual nature of the world, says that whatever can be done should be done. This is a dangerous road to travel. When science is guided by a healthy respect for the spiritual nature of our world, its interrelatedness, interconnectedness, and interdependence it will lead us to frontiers of discovery that will not destroy Ile Inurere or the life that thrives on her abundant gifts.

The Prime Directive of the Human Family as described in the Handbook On Being Human is based on a spiritual worldview that adheres to the principles of Interrelatedness, Interconnectedness, and Interdependence. (1) To seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and other. That includes all of our relatives, all created things, the plants, the animals, the land, and the animals. (2) To transform negative energy into positive energy through our conduct in the world. Do no harm and wherever possible be a healer for all aspects of Ile Inurere. (3) To nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the co-existence of all living things. What we make from the created things should not kill the spirit of those things. When we build our house from a tree we should want the positive spirit of the tree to be a part of our house. Managing this earth and the many gifts that it sustains is not an easy task. As the human population continues to increase our challenge will become even more difficult. But we are brilliant creatures in our capacity to solve problems. We simply need to align with a Prime Directive that will inform and guide our problem solving efforts.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Community & the Prime Directive: Or, The Fall of America

On this eve of the 2010 Elections in the U.S. the warnings of Dr. M. and the Enia are echoing in my head. I can feel the Oku Enia (the Corpse) getting stronger by the moment. I am aware that there are people who have awakened to the very real threats that we face as citizens of the U.S. and in our now globalized world but I am also aware of the many souls who are asleep in the middle of the road. The Peaceful Space Project calls to you to align with the Prime Directive of the Human Family and to Create Peaceful Space, but my voice is like a whisper further muffled by the noise of social disintegration. My heart aches with the thoughts of what is to come from our collected wandering in the world of illusion and deception. We are being lead to the slaughter and most of us are too blinded by prejudice to see what is happening.

In one of my earlier Post (The Process of the Middle Way, Part III) we discussed the Door of Good Fortune and the Door of Misfortune. Behind the Door of Good Fortune are the blessings, benefits, and opportunities that you and I can call into existence with the power of our good intentions, the manifestations of our dreams. But behind the Door of Misfortune is something that is not waiting for us to call it forth but rather horrific and nightmarish experiences that are seeking an opportunity to push their way into our world. The negative energy that will fuel these nightmarish experiences seeps like air and water through whatever cracks it can find and on this eve of the election we have provided many cracks for this negative energy to manifest itself into our everyday lives.

On this eve of the 2010 elections with the airwaves full of negative ads, backbiting, slander, and lies, I am reminded of the words I read in Milton William Cooper’s book, Behold A Pale Horse, words spoken by those who have little regard for the hard working people of the world but rather seek their own empowerment and self-gratification:

"The primary reason why the individual citizens of a country create a political structure is a subconscious wish or desire to perpetuate their own dependency relationship of childhood. Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk from their life, pat them on the head, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every dinner table, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell them that everything will be alright when they wake up in the morning".

"Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
(1) Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
(2) Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in a form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide".

"The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, … a blight upon the face of the earth. They do not care enough about economic science to learn why they have not been able to avoid war despite religious morality, and their religious or self-gratifying refusal to deal with earthly problems renders the solution of the earthly problem unreachable by them. It is left to those few who are truly willing to think and survive as the fittest to survive, to solve the problem for themselves as the few who really care".

A Community is a group of people living together in one place, especially one practicing common ownership of a system of norms, values, beliefs, and common interest. A community is a group of interdependent organisms living together in a symbiotic relationship of interconnectedness and interrelatedness. Simply put, to form community the parts must unite on the basis of what they have in common (common –unity). The Handbook On Being Human and the Prime Directive beckon us to unite on the basis of what we share in common for our own sake, for the welfare of our planet, and the co-existence of all living things. On this eve of the U.S. elections 2010, it appears that we have lost all sense of community and have given ourselves over to the few who do not have our best interest at heart. Dr. M. and the Enia have given fair and clear warning of the consequences of our failure to understand the true nature of our world and the power of our choices.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Behold A Pale Horse, Milton William Cooper, 1991, Light Technology Publishing, ISBN: 0-929385-22-5

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reassert Empathy

As I observe our evolving or perhaps devolving world it seems to me that many of us are losing our capacity for empathy. This is a profound loss because it is one of the essential qualities that serve to hold our societies and our world together. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. We have a model of the empathetic relationship in our own bodies. We might say that each cell in your body is in an empathetic relationship with all the other cells. Each of the cells of our bodies is in constant communication with all of the other cells so that any cell can send out an alarm when some problem is taking shape. Long before the body is dehydrated a few cells have already sent out an alarm signaling that a fluid drought is beginning to take form. Long before the body experiences starvation a few cells have already sent out an alarm signaling that nutrients are becoming sufficiently depleted and that they need to be replenished. Of course the essential key to the success of this advanced warning system is that the various cells that make up our bodies have to be paying attention and listening to each other.

You can think of your family, neighborhood, the larger community or State, your Nation and our world as social organisms that operate in pretty much the same way. They are integrated systems where you and I are the individual cells that make up the various organs that in turn perform their unique functions all for the benefit of sustaining and protecting the welfare of the entire organism. You don’t have to stretch your imagination too far to realize what happens when the various cells of the social organism stop communicating or when they become insensitive to each other. How many times have we heard members of a family, where a member has committed suicide, say I just wasn’t paying attention to the signs, or I just didn’t see or realize how much pain he or she was expressing? How many times have we heard members of a neighborhood, social group, or religious community where some tragedy has occurred say that they just didn’t think something like this could happen in their community; he or she seemed a little different but…?

As I listen to the hostile, insensitive, and virulent political dialogue taking place during this current election cycle I cannot help but reflect on the words of the Mysterious Dr. M. about the Quantum Entity called the Oku Enia and how it must be feeding on all of the negativity that we are generating in our political and social environment. As I witness what to me seems like a complete breakdown in the relationship and sense of mutual responsibility between the working class and the financially elite members of our society I find myself reluctantly anticipating the collapse of the world’s premier experiment in Democratic Capitalism. As I reflect on and feel the pain in our youth as they are increasingly indoctrinated into the notion that their worth as individuals is to be measured in terms of the things they have or don’t have as oppose to the content of their character and their conduct in the world, I cannot help but think that the future we are shaping is far from the American Dream and much closer to a horrific nightmare that none of us will want to live through. Are we (humans) going mad? Are we losing our minds? Have we become so pathologically disturbed and narrow in our thinking that we can no longer anticipate the consequences of our actions? Have we reached that critical turning point in our history when we can no longer see the majesty of our animal relatives, that we can no longer appreciate the beauty of the flora and vegetation that surrounds us, that we can no longer understand that we are the sole caretakers of this wonderful ecosystem that the Enia call Ile Inurere, the House (Home) of Humanity?

In the Handbook On Being Human, the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia make it very clear that we humans come into this world from the Realm of Infinite Possibility, that we come into this world as Pure Potential, and that the environment into which we are born will shape us. This present environment that we have created and that we are perpetuating is not one of harmonious interaction. Instead, it is filled with hostility, insensitivity, anger, violence, hatred, selfishness, greed, disrespect, disregard, lying, cheating, crime, war, mayhem, and anomie – a lack of the usual social or ethical standards necessary to sustain the social order within and between individuals, groups, societies, and nations. A loss of faith in our institutions, a sense of hopelessness about the future, and a disturbing sense of helplessness in dealing with our current problems is becoming pervasive in U.S. society and is spreading like a pernicious epidemic around our world.

We can either surrender to this blighted future or we can fight back with all of the passion and power that we can muster. It is after all an ideological battle, that is, a battle of ideas and attitudes. That is why the Prime Directive is so important. The Prime Directive represents the ideological counterbalance to the madness that we see consuming our world. The proclamation to align with the Prime Directive and to Create Peaceful Space is a statement of power. The power that is inherent in our capacity to reassert Empathy as an essential protocol for the survival of our species and for the welfare of our planet. The Prime Directive is a guideline for reestablishing the Empathetic Civilization. Without this bold step all of our advanced technologies will simply speed up the process of our self-destruction and lead to the decimation of our planet. According to Dr. M. and the Enia, each of us chose to come into this world and to be here during this particular time period. They state that we came for a purpose and that each of us has an important role to play in shaping the future. The purpose of the Peaceful Space Project is to invite each of you to do what you came into the world to do – make a difference!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hurting For Tyler Clementi

It seems that my heart is in constant pain over the meanness, cruelty, and inhumanity that is sweeping across our world. Human social life is steadily degenerating into something that makes the worst of Hollywood’s horror films into PG13 movies. Each day I think about the Oku Enia (the Corpse) and the tragedy that is growing in the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow world) and making its way into our Pataki Aiye (Material world) as described by the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia in the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I. Each day it becomes more challenging to remain optimistic in my belief that the human family will turn things around. This past week has been especially difficult. I’ve found it almost impossible to shake the pain my heart feels over the senseless death of Tyler Clementi. I know that I am not alone in feeling this deep sense of hurt for him, for Megan Meier, and for the tens of thousands of other young souls who suffer the abuse of bullying and senseless condemnation. Have we really become so blind, callous, and crude that we can take pleasure in the sadistic disregard for the pain and suffering of others?

The national and global reaction to Tyler’s death is the tread that ties my heart and my faith to the hope that we have not all degenerated to the depths of no return. The expressions of genuine empathy and compassion that have emerged in the face of Tyler’s provoked suicide offer me a ray of hope that we have not all descended into the abyss of dehumanization where tragedy and destruction are waiting to consume us for our offenses against our own humanity.

I also viewed the PBS documentary entitled Soldiers of Conscience this week and it also helped me to hold on to the optimistic belief that One-By-One we can turn things around and save ourselves from the consequences of the negative energies that we are generating in our world. If we can teach our children to go to war, to kill animals and other human being, and if we can create the conditions and environments for them to learn how to be mean, cruel, crude, uncaring, insensitive, and even diabolical, then why can’t we also create conditions and environments for them to learn and internalize the Prime Directive of the Human Family? Tyler Clementi’s death strengthens my conviction that this message has to be spoken and this choice has to be put on the table as an option.

Please don’t sit on the sidelines in silence and let our children live and die in such pain. Please help to promote the Prime Directive of the Human Family in any way and every way that you can. Can’t you see that we (the human family) have lost our way; that we have forgotten how to live in harmonious coexistence, that we have forgotten how to Create Peaceful Space, and that we are condemning our children to a nightmarish existence of horrific cruelties, unspeakable crimes, harrowing experiences, and disturbing realities? Can’t you see how important your voice is in making a difference?

The Prime Directive states that you should seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, that you should transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and that you should nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. As we advance in our development of new technologies we also need to advance in our moral and ethical protocols, in our empathy and compassion for each other, and in our understanding of human nature and the human condition. There are those who would dismiss the senseless cruelty of Tyler’s suicide as just one of those things. There are those who would have us believe that war and terrorism, that crime and murder are just inevitable facts of life. But our babies don’t come into this world with war, terrorism, crime, and murder written into their genetic code. Nature prescribes our capacities but it is nurture that shapes our choices. Lets join together in nurturing the Prime Directive into every human heart and in teaching each other how and why we should Create Peaceful Space.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Your Secret Trial: Personal Reality Check

Your body-mind is an integrated system of specialized parts each working interdependently for the benefit of the whole. At least they should be working for your benefit. But sometimes the system works towards its own detriment undermining the ideal relationship between your body, mind, and spirit. A Personal Reality Check [PRC] can help to keep the system working to your best advantage and to the benefit of the entire human family and our home (Ile Inurere). If you are going to do a PRC you need a standard or criteria against which to take your measurements or make your evaluations. The Prime Directive provides you with the perfect criteria. The Prime Directive states that you should seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things.

Personal Reality Check – Step 1: Take a few moments to contemplate the relationship between your body and your mind. Recognize that it is a mutual relationship, that is, the body provides a vehicle and medium for the mind to experience the world and the mind acts as the command and control center from which the actions and experiences of the body are regulated. In other words, your mind is in charge, at least it should be.

Step 2: Take a few moments to contemplate the nature of your body. It too is an integrated system of specialized and interdependent parts that ideally work together for the benefit of the whole. The heart, kidneys, liver, digestive system, spleen, pancreas, lungs, and other organs and biological systems each have their unique function. These parts also depend on and support each other in order to maintain the health and well-being of the body as a whole. Much of the inner workings of this dynamic system take place without the conscious involvement or intervention of your mind.

Step 3: Think about the structure of the body that supports your ability to interact with the outer world, especially the social world. Your body has feet and legs, hands and arms, mouth and tongue, nose, ears, and eyes, and it is these parts that are designed to respond to the conscious commands of your mind.

Step 4: Understand that since the mind is given the command and control function, all the various parts of your body lay claim to innocence.

Step 5: Call on that wonderful capacity of your mind that we refer to as imagination. Imagine that you are in a courtroom with your mind as the defendant or accused. And imagine that each of the parts of your body mentioned in Step 3 is given an opportunity to speak and to account for the actions and experiences they have engaged in up to this point in your life.

Step 6: Listen carefully as each of your parts bears witness to what they have done and as they each turn to the judge and jury and declare it was not I who chose to do these things. I was commanded to do these things by the one who is in charge.

Step 7: Sit silently, open your mind, and listen to the testimony given whether good or bad, whether uplifting or depressing.

Step 8: Imagine what your feet and legs would say about where they have taken you at your command.

Step 9: Imagine what your hands and arms would say about what they have done to yourself and to others at your command.

Step 10: Imagine what your mouth and tongue would say about what you have put into your body and about the words they have spoken under your command.

Step 11: Imagine what your eyes and ears would say about what you have fed your mind through them.

Step 12: Now ask yourself if the testimony that has been given makes you feel good or bad about who you have been and how you have acted in the world. Is the testimony something that you would proudly share with someone whose friendship and respect you value, or is it something that you would rather hide from the world and deny to yourself?

The Peaceful Space Project is about changing the condition of the world through an individual social evolutionary and developmental process. We can all make better choices and a first step in that process is a Personal Reality Check. In the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, the Mysterious Dr. M. takes U through a series of lessons designed to help U to discover and unlock the higher potential that lies dormant in each of us. We have the capacity to create a better world for ourselves, our children, and the yet to be born. That capacity is expressed in the choices you and I make each and every day of our lives. Choose to Create Peaceful Space and to align with the Prime Directive.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Seeking Peace: Reality Check

The atmosphere is so full of drama, so charged with noise and distraction, so burdened with pain and suffering that we long for a moment to be in Peaceful Space and to live in a world that is finally at Peace. In the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, the Mysterious Dr. M. states, Peace does not descend down. It stems from the individual human heart and branches outward like a vine seeking to wrap itself around other hearts.

Reality Check Step 1: Take a few moments to imagine this world without the human factor. Just close your eyes and erase the human animal and our cultures from the canvas of your mind. Plants would still grow, fish would still spawn, and the oceans and fecundating rivers would be flowing with life. Predators species would still hunt, prey would still breed, and the weather would challenge them both. Birds would still fly bringing beauty to the sky and mammals would still roam the earth. The earth’s life process of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, floods, and ice ages would still occur. All aspects of life on planet earth would be in a symbiotic dance giving off a harmonic vibration that the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia refer to as the Quantum Personality of Ile Inurere (the House of Humanity, Earth). Every creature and thing would still feel the struggle, which is the life process itself. The processes of coming and going, of rising and falling, of expansion and contraction, of ebb and flow would still occur. This is the Ile Inurere, the House of Humanity! As you hold that image in your mind consider that it represents the world into which we (humans) were born. Gift or chance this is our home! Think of the words you would use to describe that world! Not much need for negative terms and judgments in your description is there?

Step 2: This time close your eyes and create a list, with pictures, of some of the current problems going on in the Ile Inurere, the ones that give you particular concern. Call to mind an image or picture for every item on your list. After you have completed the list in your mind you are certain to have a clearer vision of the obvious. The critical items and images in your list are not inherently characteristic of Ile Inurere, the House of Humanity. In other words, it is we humans that have brought most of our current problems into and upon our house. Social discord, division and conflict, poverty and war, terrorism and environmental degradation, greed and ambition, selfishness and disregard are part of the human factor in today’s world.

Step 3: Play the blame game! Go ahead and unload. If there is no one else around you can even do this part out loud. After all, some people seem to really enjoy playing the blame game. Maybe there is something to it! Now go ahead and name all of the national and international organizations, institutions, industries, corporations, agencies, governments, and countries that you blame for the problems on your list. Take as much time as you need. You wouldn’t want to let any group off the hook!

Step 4: OK! I know that was difficult because I suggested listing only groups and you so wanted to mention some individuals that you blame for some of the things on your list. No problem! Welcome to Step 4 where you get the chance to blame whoever or whatever you want for the concerns you listed. Don’t hold back! You don’t know when you will have an opportunity like this again.

Step 5: Calm down! Relax! Breathe!

Step 6: Recognize that there was no difference between Step 3 and Step 4. National and international organizations, institutions, industries, corporations, agencies, governments, countries, and other designated groupings (ethnic, racial, religious, and political groups) don’t do anything. These are mere labels, organizational structures, policies and protocols that define agendas. These bureaucratic structures cannot act and in fact would not exist without the agency of the human factor.

Step 7: Reflect on Axiom 1 from the Handbook, when two or more individuals interact a Quantum Personality or Quantum Entity is formed. This Quantum Entity comes into being in the Quantum Field because of the aggregation of human consciousness and is not an independent entity. It is the whole that emerges as a result of the interaction of the parts. [The whole is greater than the sum of its parts but not independent from them.]

Step 8: Recognize that what these national and international organizations, institutions, industries, corporations, agencies, governments, and countries do and what they experience is a manifestation of the Quantum Entity emerging from the aggregate of the choices made by the individuals in and interacting with those groups. It is ultimately about each individual and our capacity to choose.

Step 9: Understand that the human factor is the greatest influence on the Quantum Personality of Ile Inurere. Reflect on Axiom 7, human societies exist within a quantum reality and no aspect of their functioning can be separated from the Quantum Field or fully explained without consideration of Quantum Social Forces.

Step 10: Understand that we human are the only species who can write our history in advance. We can shape the course of our future if there is the will and determination to do so. We can choose the direction and the conditions of our future to a greater extent than any other creature.

Step 11: Understand that the key to writing our history in advance is to plant the seeds of an alternate future in our children. Ask yourself what seeds we humans are planting in our children today and then compare those seeds with the seed of the Prime Directive and the encouragement to Create Peaceful Space. Which message is likely to bear the fruits that you hope for your descendants?

Step 12: Do something to make a difference. It happens One-By-One! Peace does not descend down. It stems from the individual human heart and branches outward like a vine seeking to wrap itself around other hearts

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Open Letter To God: From a Leru

Dear God,

I know that some people say that you aren’t real and that you do not really exist, that you are just something people have made up in their minds like Santa Claus. I’m not one of them! I believe you are real. I also know that many other people believe in you too, but they all seem to be so confused about who you are so they argue, fight, and kill each other in your name, which doesn’t make much sense to me. That is part of the reason that I’m writing this letter to you, because there is so much arguing, fighting, and killing going on in the world that I’m really afraid for myself, my family, my friends, and really for all of us. I’m not so much afraid that you will become so disappointed in us and that you will punish us. What I really fear is what we are doing to ourselves and to this beautiful world that you created for us. My mother read the book Letters To U: From The Mysterious Dr. M. – The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, and she read some of it to me and talked to me about it. When the Mysterious Dr. M. described the Leru, the Fearful members of the human family, I felt like he was describing me. He said, the Leru are humans who are so disturbed by the negative energy in human social interactions that they become frozen in fear, unable to pursue their dreams, and unable to share their gifts, insights, and talents with the world. That is exactly how I feel most of the time and I sometimes wish that you would just call me home to you so I could stop feeling so sad. But then I remember that I’m just a kid and that I still have time to make a difference and maybe change things. At least I hope I still have time!

People who say that you don’t exist say, how can there be a God? They say you don’t exist because there is so much pain and suffering in the world and that an All Powerful God would not allow all of the horrors that I see. I don’t think the pain, suffering, and horrors are your fault. I think they are because of the choices each of us make and because so many of us have been making very bad choices. When I was 6 years old, which wasn't that long ago, my dad showed me how to seed and grow a plant. After a few weeks the plant began to come out of the soil. That was really a wonderful thing to see. It was like I created life and I thought, Wow, I can only imagine how you must feel having given life to so many things. After a few months some of the leaves and flowers on my plant began to turn colors and then they fell off and died. My dad said that he wanted me to understand how life and death work together. He said that a few leaves and flowers had to die to make room for new leaves and flowers to come forth, and sure enough new leaves and flowers replaced the ones that had died. It was a pretty cool thing! It seemed really natural. I took care of my plant for a couple of years and I often thought about you while I was watering my plant. I imagined you taking care of all of the beautiful things that you have planted into existence and even helping me to take care of my little plant.

Then one day I came home from school and my plant looked kind of funny, like it was not as healthy as it was before. My mom said that the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth are a natural part of the life process. That was what my dad told me too. But she also said that plants could catch diseases and get sick and that sometimes the disease could be so bad that it could kill the plant. I continued to water my plant and even gave it some extra food that my parents bought for me from the plant place (I forgot what they call it) but after a few weeks it started to die. I was really sad and even when the plant was dead I kept it for a long time because it was just too hard to let it go, to say goodbye. It was like losing a friend. Then my dad said I could put the plant into the compost that he keeps to feed the garden and that my plant would live again when we returned it to the ground in the garden. He said my dead plant would become part of the new plants and herbs and flowers growing in our garden. That made me feel a little better but I still hated to see my plant die. I wondered if it suffered while it was dying. It was in the moment that I put my plant into the compost that I realized that you would not want to see any part of your creation suffer. Do you also feel sadness?

After that experience, my parents allowed me to work with them in our garden and I learned a lot about how you have designed your creation for things to work together and in harmony. Over the past couple of years I learned that people, and families, and communities, and nations, and really the whole world is like a garden and we are suppose to work together and in harmony. But I think we have caught some really bad disease and like my plant our world is dying and I’m afraid, sad, and feel so alone because so many people don’t seem to care or even to recognize what is happening. And I don’t know what to do. So I decided to write to you and see if you can offer any suggestions on how I can help save what you have created.

In the Handbook, the Mysterious Dr. M. and U were able to communicate with each other by writing into each other’s minds. I don’t have a mailing address for you but my parents said that if I sat down and wrote this letter to you that you would be able to know exactly what I wrote and exactly how I feel. They even helped me with my spelling and grammar so it wouldn’t be so hard for you to understand me. My parents said that you could also communicate with me in my dreams like the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Ero Enia (the Traveler People) in the Handbook. So I hope you will visit with me and help me to figure some things out. I don’t want our world to die. I don’t want to see the oceans and air polluted. I want to be able to swim in the ocean, to drink clean water, and to breath clean fresh air. I don’t want to see so many of your beautiful animals die because of our bad choices. And I’ve come to think of your wonderful plants and trees as relatives and friends who come with gifts of beauty, shade, nutrition, and healing. I want us to stop killing each other and to begin loving and caring for each other like we are all family, because we are all family. My parents told me that Dr. M. said that Creating Peaceful Space is a choice. They told me about the Prime Directive of the Human Family and it makes so much sense to me. I believe we all need to be reminded that each of us has to part to play in taking care of your creation. Would you help me make a difference?

Thanks for reading my letter. I’m hoping to hear from you really soon because the disease seems to be getting worst and I feel sadder everyday.

Your Creature

Filled with fear and sadness but holding on to hope!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fasting for Peaceful Space, Part II

Most of the spiritual traditions of the world include some form of Fasting as a way of giving thanks, cleansing, and transcending the mundane concerns of everyday life. For millions of Muslims around the world, the month of Ramadan (on the Islamic lunar calendar) began this past week. Fasting the month of Ramadan is prescribed for the Muslims in their sacred text, the Holy Qur’an. During the month of Ramadan (which moves throughout the year based on lunar cycles) the believers are enjoined to fast from dawn in the morning until sunset. During this period the believer consumes neither food nor water. In fact, nothing passes the believer’s esophagus except what forms in the mouth. In Arizona, for example, fasting during our record-breaking heat wave like this August, 2010 is a great challenge. The summer that I arrived in Arizona, June 1980, the temperature reached 116 degrees during the first week of Ramadan, which began the first week of July that year. I can remember how attentive and appreciative I was at the end of the day to sit and drink a simple glass of water. Funny how fasting does that! It makes you appreciate the simple things in life!  During the Ramadan fast, the believer is also enjoined to avoid arguing, mischief of any kind, fighting, and also intimate relations during the daylight hours. The month is to be spent in mindfulness, meditation, prayer, reflection, and in Peaceful Space. At the end of the day the believers can eat and drink. The Ramadan fast is not simply for the individual believer. It is designed and enjoined to enhance the feeling of Peaceful Space among and between all elements of the larger community. Unfortunately, over the past several decades more and more acts of violence have occurred during the month of Ramadan, much of that violence being perpetrated by Muslims upon Muslims. In the Handbook, the Enia have suggested that this is a sign of the growing strength of the Oku Enia (the Corpse).

The key expression in beginning a fasting discipline is gradual process. Your body, mind, and spirit are designed to communicate with each other and to work together for your survival and well-being. If you pay attention and listen your body-mind-spirit will communicate to you what is working and when to make a change. If you currently eat three meals per day and stuff in-between you can begin by cutting out the stuff. Take the money that you would spend on stuff (munchies) each day or week and give it to a homeless person or someone else in need. That simple act adds positive energy to your actions and enhances your energy signature. Having eliminated the munchies, you can begin moving from three meals per day to two meals per day or two meal every other day or every three days. Start by replacing the morning meal with only fruit and then only an enhanced fruit juice blend like I described in my last Post. Over time you might begin moving your midday meal later and moving your evening meal earlier. The goal is for your midday, late afternoon meal to become your main meal of the day, and for your evening meal to become a lighter meal of the day. Your stomach will rebel and protest some of these changes and that is where gradual process and a nice cup of herbal tea come in. Over time the late meal can be eliminated and the late afternoon will be your one main meal of the day. Remember, this is not about one size fits all. It is about you getting in touch with yourself!

There are many possible paths to a fasting discipline. You can gradually replace your three meals with fruit so that you end up eating only vibrant color (fruit) one or two days per week. This is sometimes referred to as a cleansing fast. Abstinence is only one way of thinking about fasting. Actually, we sometimes give more to the body-mind by fasting than we do by feeding it. Eating is a labor-intensive process, not only for you in the preparation and consumption of the meal, but also for your body in carrying out the process of digestion and elimination. While you give your body-mind time to rejuvenate from this process you also give your spirit time to feed on the silence and the emptiness that accompany the fast. As the Enia believe, “Immortality exists in the space in-between events. Honor transition!”

Do parents still tell their children, think about all the hungry children in the world and eat everything on your plate? I’m not sure if that ever really worked to solve the problems of hungry children around the world but perhaps it did help to establish some sense of interconnectedness in our minds. Taking a portion of the money you save by fasting and donating it to some worthy cause is a wonderful and tangible way of elevating your fast and strengthening your spirit. Life can feel so negative and overwhelming sometimes. We can feel helpless to do anything about the horrendous problems we see in the world. Too many fires to put out! As fast as one problem is dealt with two or three more erupt into blazing fury! The more we try to change things, the more things there are that seem to need changing. Thoughts like these are a sign that the left-brain, our logical, rational mind is at-its-wits-end. They are also an indication of the need to shift to a more balanced approach between the Masculine Principle of Mind and the Feminine Principle of Mind. If the direct, mechanical, objective, logical approach to problem solving isn’t working, why not shift to a spiritual, intuitive, quantum approach? Fasting is an alternate approach to problem solving, a different way of affecting the world. Fasting unlocks the powers of the Feminine Principle because it is a transcendent discipline. Remember the example that the Mysterious Dr. M. gave in the Handbook of the Effect of Meditation on Crime Rates in Washington D.C.? Fasting for a higher purpose can have that some kind of effect.

Fasting is a silent discipline. It moves through the Quantum Field like the sonar of whales moving through the depths of the oceans. In the Muslim community it is not considered appropriate to ask a believer if they are fasting. That fact is between the believer and the One who enjoined the Ramadan fast. Likewise, with your self-imposed fast, it is not something that you proclaim, boast, or brag about. It is your silent way of moving the Ase (Quantum Energies) and affecting change in the world through indirect, spiritual means. When a Muslim breaks their fast or is unable to fast it is not an occasion for shame or ridicule. Instead the believer is enjoined to feed a poor person the equivalent of what they feed themselves. There will be days when you will break your fast for one reason or another, although these will hopefully come to be rare occasions. When this happens, be like water! Go with the flow! Fasting is about silent and unselfish giving without the expectation of acknowledgment or reciprocity. Don’t use the discipline of fasting as another excuse to beat yourself up because you failed! . Fasting for the enhancement of Peaceful Space in our world is a silent and unselfish way of making a different in the world. When you fast, you are not simply abstaining from food. You are also mindfully abstaining from adding any more negative energy into the Quantum Field. You are denying the Oku Enia (the Corpse) the fuel that it needs to enter our world with all of its vengeance. During your Day of Fasting your Energy Signature will be more calm and radiant, and that calming radiance will have its positive affect on the people around you. You will feel insulated from the effects of their negative actions, interactions, and reactions. You will also feel better able to transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, part of the Prime Directive of the Human Family.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fasting for Peaceful Space

One of the questions I’m frequently asked is how to stay centered in Peaceful Space. For most, the difficulty is not in understanding the concept or in achieving the experience of Peaceful Space when you are in control of your environment. The challenge that we all face is maintaining our state of Peaceful Space when confronted with the negative and disturbing actions, interactions, and reactions of others.

Here are several things to remember!
(1) Your state of Peaceful Space must be a characteristic of your Quantum Personality. It must be genuine. You must be at peace with your own Path and Process.
(2) Peaceful Space is itinerant and goes where you go. It emerges from your attitude about your self and the world, it exudes from you, and it travels with you from place to place.
(3) The dynamic energies that make up your Quantum Personality and your Energy Signature are directly influenced by your thoughts and feelings. When you experience an emotion, anger or gratitude for example, your experience is reflected as a shift in your Energy Signature. Self-denial or self-deception will affect your Energy Signature and can be felt by others.
(4) Your ideal state of Peaceful Space requires that your body be a peaceful place for your mind to reside, that your mind be in a state of resolution about who you are, and that your body-mind is nurtured and continuously revitalized by a positive spirit.
(5) Peaceful Space is not a static state. It is more like a calm lake that once disturbed immediately seeks to return to its natural state of equilibrium. Total isolation is the only way to escape the disturbing experiences, trials, and tribulations of human social interaction. But our ability to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are stifled through isolation. So you cannot hide from life and yet claim that you are living. Water yields and responds, absorbs and redirects the energies that disturb its calm without giving up or denying its essential nature. Water is true to itself. Be like water! As the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, both the positive and the negative aspects of human nature dwell within each of us. They must and can be managed!

It was back in the 1960s when I was first introduced to the idea of Fasting. I read and listened to the comedian Dick Gregory who later became known as Amiri Baraka and became a guru of healthy eating and vegetarianism in the African American and larger community. My experiences in the traditional martial and healing arts, in studying Eastern philosophies and traditions, and in fasting the month of Ramadan, also helped to guide me into this discipline. I’ve spent perhaps half of my life fasting. Over the years I’ve eaten one meal per day, one meal every other day, and one meal every three days for years at a time. In my personal experience fasting is an excellent discipline for bringing the body, mind, and spirit into harmonious interaction and balance. Fasting brings health to the body, calm and discipline to the mind, and vitality to the spirit. As added benefits it will also eliminate any concerns about dieting and weight control, it will give you a greater appreciation for the foods you do eat, and it will save you money on your grocery bill.

Fasting requires a high level of discipline in this consumer culture that tempts you with foods, candies, and beverages at every corner and occasion. Food trays in the office, business luncheon meetings, free samples in the grocery stores, drive-thru for your convenience. We have been seduced into being the most obese population on the planet (approximately 1/3 of the U.S. population is obese) with health consequences that dwarf the negative impact of all of our wars (past and present). To be able to look those temptations in the face and turn away is very self-empowering. To dedicate your fast to a higher purpose is even more empowering and rewarding. Fasting is a way of affecting the world through a spiritual discipline.

For the past few years, I’ve dedicated my fast to creating more Peaceful Space in the world. Fasting is different than dieting. Dieting is like being a farmer. A person diets with a personal goal in mind and therefore has the expectation of timely and measured results. Like the farmer they are subject to failure and disappointment. Fasting for a higher purpose is more like being a sage who drops a seed here and there along the path of their journey with faith that in time, when the season and conditions are right, the seed will grow. If you’ve read the Handbook and understand the quantum nature of things as described by Dr. M. then you know that our every thought, intention, and action has its affect upon the Quantum Entity that surrounds and emanates from our planet. At the end of 2009 I invited a friend to join me in the fast and he enthusiastically agreed. We have fasted every other day for the past seven months of 2010 and intend to maintain our fasting discipline indefinitely. Each day of the fast we send each other a few words of encouragement. And now we want to invite you to take up the Discipline of Fasting for Peaceful Space as part of your personal way of making a difference in the world and in yourself.

You cannot and should not attempt to jump right into an every-other-day fast (one meal every 48 hours). It will take time for your body-mind to figure out what it is that you are asking it to do. Your body metabolism will need time to adjust. Your stomach will need time to accept the fact that it is no longer in charge. It will take time to alter your course from living-to-eat to eating-to-live. In fact, because of your unique chemistry, an every-other-day fast may not be the best thing for you. Maybe your ideal is fasting once every three days, or perhaps fasting one day out of the week, or once day every two weeks. You will need to experiment and discover what discipline really feels good and right for you.

Here is what a fasting discipline might look like using myself as an example. We eat every other day. On the days that we eat, I eat one meal of vibrant colors (fruits and vegetables), herbs and spices, grains, carbohydrates, and nuts. The meal is spread out over a one to two hour period in the late afternoon or early evening. Most components of the meal are organic, home grown, or carefully chosen. Each morning I have a drink-blend of fruit juices (for example, orange, mango, peach, white grape, blueberry pomegranate, and strawberry), raw fruit (for example, seedless grapes, nectarines, and kiwi), and supplements (for example, a tablespoon or so of wheat germ, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, and protein powder). My juice blend is also enhanced with liquid vitamins and minerals. On the days that we don’t eat, I have only the juice blend in the morning and herbal teas and water throughout the rest of the day.

The Days of Fasting allow the digestive system to fully process the previous day’s meal, to completely extract and absorb the meal’s nutrients, and to eliminate the meal’s waste products. The Days of Fasting will also help you to calm and focus your mind, to connect with the higher spiritual aspects of your nature, and to exude the positive energy of Peaceful Space into your world.

In Part II of this Post, I’ll talk more about how to get started moving toward an every-other-day fasting discipline and how to gradually eliminate meals until you are at your desired discipline.

To be continued:

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Burden of Hate

It is all about energy! When we look beyond the veil of the Pataki Aiye (Material World) and see creation in its fundamental form we can’t help but understand and feel the interrelatedness, interconnectedness, and interdependence of all things, seen and unseen. The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia, in the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, teach about our Energy Signatures. If we could all see our Energy Signatures in the radiant colors that emanate from and surround our bodies, if we could all see how those fields of energy shift as we act, interact, and react to each other, if we could see clearly, with our own eyes, the dance of vibrant yet nebulous forms that emerge with our every thought and action, we would be in awe and wonder, and we would be in dread of an evil thought. We would especially want to avoid the Burden of Hate. A burden is a load, especially a heavy one. Burden implies a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief. To burden means to weigh down, encumber, hamper; overload. To be under a burden suggests trouble, worry, distress, strain, stress, and being overwhelmed. Dr. M. talks about how our thoughts and actions, our interactions and reactions influence our Quantum Personality and the Quantum Entities that emerge between one’s self and other people.

To hate implies a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something, to have a strong aversion to someone or something. Hate also denotes hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice towards some individual, group, or idea: a hate crime. To harbor hate is to loathe, detest, despise, abhor, or execrate someone or something. It is to be repelled by, be unable to bear or stand something, to find it intolerable, to recoil from it, to shrink from it, or to look upon it as an abomination, something that should and deserves to be removed from existence. To nurture hatred in your heart is to feed your soul with feelings of abhorrence, aversion, hostility, enmity, animosity, antipathy, revulsion, disgust, contempt, and odium. These are the antithesis of love. They are the sour fruits of the Fight-or-Flight Response. Hate and the feelings that accompany it are thorns in one’s mind, body, and spirit. Hate is a very powerful negative form of affective energy that can place a greater burden on the one who hates than it places on the person or thing that is hated. Dr. M. is very clear about the negative consequences of letting the Fight-or-Flight Response dominate in our everyday lives, distorting our view of the world and robbing us of joy, hope, happiness, vitality, vision, creativity, companionship, and the love of life.

The Burden of Hate begs the question, when is hatred an appropriate reaction and to whom or what should that response be applies? Part of me argues that hatred is never an appropriate response to an animal or other living thing. In fact, hatred is never an appropriate response to a natural thing, animate or inanimate. Animals, trees, plants, insects, creatures of the sea and air, mountains, valleys, caves, meteors, and the weather to not warrant the response of hatred. Granted, you may feel uncomfortable, and in fact may be endangered by some of these living things and environments, and granted, you may wish to avoid them, but what you hate is not the thing or environment. It is the way it makes you feel. The way it disturbs your nature, the way it breaks your inner peace and sense of balance, the way it seems to put you at risk. Avoidance or challenge would both be appropriate responses. You might choose to simply avoid being around certain kinds of animals or in certain environments. Or you may choose to face the discomfort, face your fear, and take it on as a challenge to be overcome. Either way, blaming and hating the nature of things is hardly of benefit to you.

Part of me says that people fall into a different category because people have a capacity for choice and reason that is not shared by other members of our earth family or other aspects of our earth environment. So is it appropriate to hate people? I think not! Something in my Ori says people should not be hated for the conditions of their birth. Something in my Ori also says people are responsible for the choices they make but hating them for their choices serves no positive end. That is not to say that we would not hold them accountable for their choices. To hate what they do, how they act, interact, and react, to hate the pain and damage they bring into the world, Yes! Or maybe! Because, if hatred is a negative form of energy (and it is) then even hating the things that they do will serve no good purpose. It will only generate more negative energy. Hatred burns deep in the soul, it feeds on the spirit, it enchants the mind into exaggerations of reality and it distorts the truth giving credence to illusions and lies. Hatred casts a veil over the eyes, a screen or filter that enhances the color red that emerges from the dark background of fear. To hate what some people choose to do? Yes! But hatred is a poison. It is a toxic and corrosive emotion that consumes from within. It seeds in the mind, in words and ideas, and then it enters the nerves and bloodstream so that it can travel to and root itself in the heart. From their it burns hot urging the enraged soul into some kind of hostile action, a word, a deed, a glance, a frown, an act of violence.

The Prime Directive of the Human Family states that we should convert negative energy into positive energy through our conduct in the world. Yes! It seems impossible to avoid that feeling and the passionate expression of it, I hate…! But then what? What should you do with that negative energy, that poison? It is all about energy remember? Energy is neither created nor destroyed only changed from one form into another.  Rather than responding to the things that we abhor with hatred, hostility, opposition, and vehement protest against them, adding more negative energy to the Quantum Entity that reflects the Energy Signature of our planet as a whole, perhaps it would be wiser to contemplate the opposite of those things that we abhor, and to focus our minds, bodies, and spirits on calling and being those good things into existence. To stand against something or someone makes you wholly dependent on them. You open a crack in your Energy Signature and invite that negative thing into your consciousness like bacteria entering an open wound. Ask yourself what price you are willing to pay for the satisfaction of hating. And know for a certainty that there will be a price to pay.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Process of the Middle Way, Part III

This is a somewhat lengthy but hopefully meaningful conclusion to our topic. The Middle Way is not a structure laid out before you. No one can provide the specifics of your unique path. But there are common elements in our individual journeys as the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. The Middle Way is your ideal way of being in the world. The word Process comes for the Latin processus meaning progression or course. A process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. It also implies a natural or involuntary series of changes like the aging process, the process of photosynthesis, a spiritual or ceremonial process, the maturation process, or the process of change. When you speak of the Process of the Middle Way, you are inquiring into the actions or steps that must be taken in order to achieve the Middle Way or the Middle Path in your particular life journey. How can you avoid the emotional extremes that are like jagged rocks making your journey more of a struggle than you want it to be, or than you feel it needs to be?

Remember the first two letters between U and the Mysterious Dr. M.? And remember the image that is printed throughout the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I? The image of the mountain, off in the distance, standing alone, crowned by clouds, yet appearing to be illuminated. In those first two letters, U and Dr. M. discuss the dream that brought them together. And throughout the Handbook Dr. M. uses the image of the mountain to describe the process of our individual journeys through this life. In U’s dream there was no clear path or way, only the inner feeling that U had to reach the top (the Destiny Mandate). Dr. M.’s description of the wheels on U’s car and the process of the wheels gradually rounding are hints at the difficulty of achieving the Middle Way. The fact that there is no clear path in U’s dream also indicates difficulty and that the ultimate route that U takes to the top of the mountain will be the consequences of U’s choices. And as another hint about our life journey, notice again that the image of the mountain is in the distance. You know that from a distance and even when you are in the midst of the climb, you cannot always tell how many peaks, fissures, and valleys lay on your path. And finally remember that Dr. M. tells U that he has traveled into people’s dreams who have given up on their journey because of its difficulty. Throughout the Handbook Dr. M. encourages you and me to trust in the process!

In the last Post we repeated, the Process of the Middle Way is about being sensitive and responsive to the signals and signs that indicate when you are approaching an extreme (going off-path). In other words, it is U trying to be in the moment to traverse the immediate challenges of the terrain and also looking ahead in order to anticipate the future choices that will ultimately get U to the top of the mountain. But you can't anticipate everything! Sometimes on your journey you may come to a sudden drop, requiring a sudden downward (or backward) movement. Think about struggling to climb to the summit of some difficult mountain only to find that you will either have to retrace your steps and try another route or you will have to risk a potentially life changing fall into the darkness below not knowing the depth of the abyss. Either way, you are going to have to go down before you can climb up the next peak.

Sudden downward movements can present their own set of choices about how you should respond to your experiences. The first thing to remember is that it isn’t just happening to you! Sudden downward movement is part of the nature of our common journey in life. No one escapes the experience. It is a part of the Laws of Vibration and Rhythm. The second thing to remember is that there is always a lesson to be learned from a sudden downward movement, a lesson that (if learned) will make your choices wiser and your journey smoother in the future. The third thing to remember is that your response to a sudden downward movement in your life will determine the depth of the movement. A host of negative feelings, attitudes, and behaviors can emerge during sudden downward movement if once again the Fight-or-Flight Response suppresses the Peaceful Space Response. A negative response to sudden downward movement increases the cracks and deepens the fall. When you allow your energy signature to shift towards envy, jealousy, resentment, anger, cynicism, animosity, bitterness, malice, and general negativity, you open the Door of Misfortune for more adversity, woe, and tribulation to come into your life as Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. A positive response to sudden downward movement (trusting in your process, aligning with the Prime Directive, Creating Peaceful Space, listening to your Ori) will heighten your intuition and creativity, illuminate the lessons to be learned from your experiences, seal the cracks in your energy signature that required the lesson, and enhance your ability to recover from the sudden downward movement with greater personal power.

The Prime Directive says that the Process of the Middle Way is to seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, to transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. The Peaceful Space Response is a response to the conditions that you call into existence when you align you life with the Prime Directive. In the Handbook, the Enia proclaim that the Peaceful Space Response is a necessary condition for the sustainable existence of social order and life on this planet.

Whether we are talking about our hypothetical young lady, or Michael Steele, or U in the Handbook, or you, the Process of the Middle Way is really the process of learning to trust in yourself and in the universal laws that you see operating in your life. Who among us has not had that strange sense that the universe or something unseen within it has had some influence in your life, that it has saved you from some hardship or misfortune, that it has warned you without words of some event to be avoided, or that it has guided you toward some opportunity or good fortune? The Middle Way in your life can only be realized by you listening to your self, your Ori. Therefore, the Process of the Middle Way must be an act of paying attention to your self, of listening to yourself, and of trusting yourself. As Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, the Yoruba word Orisa is said to derive from Ori (to see) and sha (to choose) – meaning to choose to see. To choose to see what? To see your own way to be a positive influence in the world, your way of seeking, avoiding, transforming, nurturing, and struggling while avoiding the extremes!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Process of the Middle Way, Part II

In The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, The Mysterious Dr. M. states that each of us comes into the world with a Destiny Mandate. He describes the Destiny Mandate as that evocative energy that drives you to fulfill some purpose in your life, whether large or small, distinguished primarily by a sense of personal fulfillment. We don’t need to continue using the language of Bollinger Bands because now you understand (from our previous Post) that Bollinger Bands are to stocks what Path is to you. What defines your Path is your Destiny Mandate, the reasons you chose to come into the world, that is, the things you came to do (large or small), to learn, and to experience. Your Destiny Mandate generates the gravitational force that pulls you to your Middle Way, your most direct route to personal fulfillment and self-actualization, your innate way of being in the world. But of course, the world challenges you!

Dr. M. also explains that your Fate is the consequences of your choices. Your choices are like the individual movements of a stock’s price, sometimes moving up (forward), sometimes moving down (backward), and sometimes remaining unchanged. Dr. M. states that we live the consequence of our choices, and that the only way to escape the backward swing of the pendulum (that is, to escape the negative consequences of our bad choices) is to rise to a higher plane or higher energy signature. How do you know when you are making choices that will tend to take you Off-Path? What are the signs and can you see them in other people? We were talking about sudden upward movement in our last Post so lets finish that discussion.

Lets call our hypothetical young lady, U! What are some of the negative shifts in U’s energy signature that might be predictive of a future fall? Just think about some of the movie stars, television personalities, athletes, and other successful people who have gone off-path and precipitated a fall. I think a good current example of the negative consequences of being unprepared for sudden upward movement is Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, the first African American to become head of the RNC. Success, especially success in the form of sudden upward movements, brings with it a host of trials and temptations. In the Handbook, the Mysterious Dr. M. mentions the Instinct of Pugnacity (L. pugnax – to fight) and states, this instinct is called forth from the internal interpretation of a feeling or an experience, like being challenged, threatened, constrained, or deceived. The condition of its excitement is rather any opposition to the free exercise of any impulse, any obstruction to the activity to which the creature is impelled by any one of any such instincts. Pugnacity brings with it the Emotion of Anger. One of the first signs that U is going off-path is that she will experience the Instinct of Pugnacity and the Emotion of Anger that are both inconsistent with her success. U might also experience either Self-Abasement or Self-Assertion as described in the Handbook and manifest these instincts in ways that alienate the very people she needs to help stabilize and sustain her sudden upward movement.

Dr. M. talks about cracks in the Handbook and we have discussed them in our Posts. In the last Post we said, the Process of the Middle Way is about being sensitive and responsive to the signals and signs that indicate when you are approaching an extreme (going off-path). Those signals are both internal and external because the way we change inside affects the way the world response to us. When success creates cracks in your energy signature it opens the way for negative energies like arrogance, narcissism, greed, egotism, haughtiness, pugnacity, anger, hostility, paranoia, and an obsessive need for power and control over others. When these feelings, emotions, instincts, and dispositions begin emerging in your thoughts, they are in the process of shaping your view of the world and your energy signature is shifting to the negative. As your energy signature shifts your attitudes and choices will also shift and you are inclined to lose all of the benefits that Dr. M. outlines in 10 Selfish And Unselfish Reasons For You To Create Peaceful Space. As your energy signature is depleted of positive energy the potential for a fall increases. As Dr. M. states in the Handbook, Your power emerges in Peaceful Space! If your path is unfulfilling to you, you are not in Peaceful Space! …You decide whether your world is full of potential enemies or potential friends! …Shape yourself into a being you can love and give others a chance to love you too!

The Pataki Aiye (the material world) and the material consciousness that we have internalized about it cause us to focus our attention on a superficial level of our existence. This is an energy-based reality, everything is connected, and you are capable of feeling, sensing, knowing when significant changes are coming into your life. You have an inner guide that tells you when you are going off your Path. The Fight-or-Flight Response is not our normal state of being. It is a reaction to internal and external stimuli and forces. Our normal and ideal state is Peaceful Space! Even your physical body signals to you when you are going off your Path. If you observe, listen, and response to those signals you will know when your choices are consistent or inconsistent with your Destiny Mandate.

You may also experience sudden downward movements in your life journey. Sometimes you make a choice even after you get that certain feeling inside that it’s not the right choice to make. Your Ori speaks to you and you don’t listen. Not listening can sometimes cause sudden downward movements that take you off-path.
To be continued:

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!