Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Burden of Hate

It is all about energy! When we look beyond the veil of the Pataki Aiye (Material World) and see creation in its fundamental form we can’t help but understand and feel the interrelatedness, interconnectedness, and interdependence of all things, seen and unseen. The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia, in the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, teach about our Energy Signatures. If we could all see our Energy Signatures in the radiant colors that emanate from and surround our bodies, if we could all see how those fields of energy shift as we act, interact, and react to each other, if we could see clearly, with our own eyes, the dance of vibrant yet nebulous forms that emerge with our every thought and action, we would be in awe and wonder, and we would be in dread of an evil thought. We would especially want to avoid the Burden of Hate. A burden is a load, especially a heavy one. Burden implies a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief. To burden means to weigh down, encumber, hamper; overload. To be under a burden suggests trouble, worry, distress, strain, stress, and being overwhelmed. Dr. M. talks about how our thoughts and actions, our interactions and reactions influence our Quantum Personality and the Quantum Entities that emerge between one’s self and other people.

To hate implies a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something, to have a strong aversion to someone or something. Hate also denotes hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice towards some individual, group, or idea: a hate crime. To harbor hate is to loathe, detest, despise, abhor, or execrate someone or something. It is to be repelled by, be unable to bear or stand something, to find it intolerable, to recoil from it, to shrink from it, or to look upon it as an abomination, something that should and deserves to be removed from existence. To nurture hatred in your heart is to feed your soul with feelings of abhorrence, aversion, hostility, enmity, animosity, antipathy, revulsion, disgust, contempt, and odium. These are the antithesis of love. They are the sour fruits of the Fight-or-Flight Response. Hate and the feelings that accompany it are thorns in one’s mind, body, and spirit. Hate is a very powerful negative form of affective energy that can place a greater burden on the one who hates than it places on the person or thing that is hated. Dr. M. is very clear about the negative consequences of letting the Fight-or-Flight Response dominate in our everyday lives, distorting our view of the world and robbing us of joy, hope, happiness, vitality, vision, creativity, companionship, and the love of life.

The Burden of Hate begs the question, when is hatred an appropriate reaction and to whom or what should that response be applies? Part of me argues that hatred is never an appropriate response to an animal or other living thing. In fact, hatred is never an appropriate response to a natural thing, animate or inanimate. Animals, trees, plants, insects, creatures of the sea and air, mountains, valleys, caves, meteors, and the weather to not warrant the response of hatred. Granted, you may feel uncomfortable, and in fact may be endangered by some of these living things and environments, and granted, you may wish to avoid them, but what you hate is not the thing or environment. It is the way it makes you feel. The way it disturbs your nature, the way it breaks your inner peace and sense of balance, the way it seems to put you at risk. Avoidance or challenge would both be appropriate responses. You might choose to simply avoid being around certain kinds of animals or in certain environments. Or you may choose to face the discomfort, face your fear, and take it on as a challenge to be overcome. Either way, blaming and hating the nature of things is hardly of benefit to you.

Part of me says that people fall into a different category because people have a capacity for choice and reason that is not shared by other members of our earth family or other aspects of our earth environment. So is it appropriate to hate people? I think not! Something in my Ori says people should not be hated for the conditions of their birth. Something in my Ori also says people are responsible for the choices they make but hating them for their choices serves no positive end. That is not to say that we would not hold them accountable for their choices. To hate what they do, how they act, interact, and react, to hate the pain and damage they bring into the world, Yes! Or maybe! Because, if hatred is a negative form of energy (and it is) then even hating the things that they do will serve no good purpose. It will only generate more negative energy. Hatred burns deep in the soul, it feeds on the spirit, it enchants the mind into exaggerations of reality and it distorts the truth giving credence to illusions and lies. Hatred casts a veil over the eyes, a screen or filter that enhances the color red that emerges from the dark background of fear. To hate what some people choose to do? Yes! But hatred is a poison. It is a toxic and corrosive emotion that consumes from within. It seeds in the mind, in words and ideas, and then it enters the nerves and bloodstream so that it can travel to and root itself in the heart. From their it burns hot urging the enraged soul into some kind of hostile action, a word, a deed, a glance, a frown, an act of violence.

The Prime Directive of the Human Family states that we should convert negative energy into positive energy through our conduct in the world. Yes! It seems impossible to avoid that feeling and the passionate expression of it, I hate…! But then what? What should you do with that negative energy, that poison? It is all about energy remember? Energy is neither created nor destroyed only changed from one form into another.  Rather than responding to the things that we abhor with hatred, hostility, opposition, and vehement protest against them, adding more negative energy to the Quantum Entity that reflects the Energy Signature of our planet as a whole, perhaps it would be wiser to contemplate the opposite of those things that we abhor, and to focus our minds, bodies, and spirits on calling and being those good things into existence. To stand against something or someone makes you wholly dependent on them. You open a crack in your Energy Signature and invite that negative thing into your consciousness like bacteria entering an open wound. Ask yourself what price you are willing to pay for the satisfaction of hating. And know for a certainty that there will be a price to pay.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!


Unknown said...

every thought is a Life-form and all lifeforms want to survive and recreate themselves, so growing hatefull thoughts in your consciousness will start to feed on your energy and life-force just like a parasite.

if everyone on this planet was positive then the Energy Signature of this planet would raise this planet to a higher vibration taking us to a higher dimension. like taking us from the 3rd dimension to the 5th.

Anonymous said...

When I think of my experiences of the Burden of Hate in relationship to my recent academic performance, I recall vividly the realm of its power. For instance, just last week, I received a second failing grade on a class assignment, and on top of it, the professor asked me to check into the writing center to improve on my skills in writing an APA master’s/doctorate appropriate paper. In the process of digesting the comments and grade, I began asking myself if I can possibly do better, hence I let Doubt enter the picture. The emotional flight path of fear, hate, and wanting to isolate was also near at hand. Concerned, I went home to rest and perhaps gain a healthier perspective. Gratefully, prior to falling asleep, I Choose to contemplate your posting on the Burden of Hate in hope for a change of heart and courage to step up to the plate and address the academic issues at hand. During the period of sleep, I dreamt that I Choose to kick an older cherished animal out of the house as it no longer could serve its purpose of being. As I entered back in the house (emotionally pulled by what I did), I was met by a spiritual-orientated individual that shared with me that the animal Can do its job if given the Opportunity. In adherence to his counsel, I welcomed the beloved animal back into the house with an open-armed attitude. Interesting, the animal was immediately challenged to a boxing match. In observing the animal ‘do its thing’ and the high skill level that it showed, I woke up feeling spiritually uplifted.
This renewed spirit led to the Choice of immediately focusing my attention on converting the existing negative energy of this world’s Quantum Entity into a powerful positive energy of my Energy Signature.

By letting go of Doubt, Choosing the path of the Collective Prime Directive, and Challenging the academic areas of concern through my Oras has been very rewarding alternatives! For instance, I am presently refining my writing skills through the College writing center; a beloved English College Instructor has come forward to assist me in my upcoming Master's Thesis; I am recieving higher grades on my assignmets (in this particular class); and last, but not lest, I see myself as a more Balanced “student in progress” as well as a recognized 2010 All American Collegiate Scholar Nominee.

Thank you so much for your posting and Dr. M’s continual messages that you so kindly share with us!