Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Monday, June 25, 2012

We Need More Of The Feminine Principle

Peace Be With You!

Only when every child can experience the mother within his or her father;
Only when every child can experience the father within his or her mother;
Only then will every male and every female be whole and free;
And our world will have changed!

The Pathology of Supremacy is a male dysfunction that has a direct effect on women and children. In the Handbook On Being Human, the Mysterious Dr. M. discusses human Needs, Desires, Instincts, Emotions, and Fears and explains how they all play a part in the Emergence of Personality. Our process of becoming, of learning how to manage the powerful forces and potentials that lie within, takes place in the context of our outer environments and experiences. Dr. M. points out that we are completely vulnerable upon our emergence into the world and we therefore quickly come to accept, believe, and expect that the outer reality that we see and experience is TRUE in some absolute sense. When a parent calls their child stupid, the child – because they are a child – does not consider if perhaps he or she – the child - is really the smart one and perhaps the parent is really the one who is being ‘stupid’. And when a parent nurtures in their child the conviction that he or she can overcome any obstacle and are worthy of self-love and self-respect, that child experiences the emergence of a personality that will harness and harvest the best of their innate potentials.

One can hardly advocate for the well-being of children without first considering the material and mental welfare of families. We cannot seriously and sincerely consider the welfare of families without taking into account the male-dominated Pathology of Supremacy in most of the world’s major cultures and the dysfunctions that spring forth when the natural balance between the Masculine and Feminine Principles is disturbed. Every child, whether male or female comes into the world driven to crystallize a sense of personal identity, an identity that emerges in the context of its outer environments and experiences. Each one is asking, who and how am I suppose to be in the world? And their developing brains will from associative links, their minds fill-in the blanks, and their imaginations will forms stories about the TRUTH of their world. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female? What does it mean to be masculine? What does it mean to be feminine? Much of the dysfunction that we see in our world today are rooted in the answers that generations of children have witnessed for thousands of years, right up to today. One of the first violations of the Prime Directive was the breach in the relationship between males and females based upon a false understanding of the Masculine and Feminine Principles of creation.

Of course, even before the identification of male, female, masculinity, and femininity the child should receive the very first lesson that they are to internalizeYou are a human! We are one of many kinds of living things on the planet we call earth. We are all tied together! We are family! This important lesson paves the way for each child to eventually learn and embrace two of the tenets of the Prime Directive – Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, and Nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. In order for any childhood character development lessons to be internalized, they must be reinforced and exemplified. This is first and foremost the role of the family. Therein lies the fundamental problem that must be understood and overcome. For millennia we have fostered a philosophy of gender that has maintained an extreme imbalance between the Masculine and Feminine Principles of creation and that false philosophy is most often first witnessed in the relationship between males and females in the family.

Biology (Sex)
Male – of or denoting the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized.
Female – of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.

Culture (Gender)
Masculine – having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness – of or relating to men; male.
Feminine – having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness – of or relating to women; female.

The above dictionary definitions of masculinity and femininity tell us much about the False Philosophy that disrupts the natural and wholesome development of our children, families, communities, nations, and our world. This False Philosophy divides certain human qualities between males and females in an exclusive manner and we come to believe it and therefore act as though it is TRUE. Are females capable of being strong and aggressive? Yes! Are males capable of being delicate and pretty? Yes! Think about the ideas that predominate in your and my present environments! Males are supposed to be strong, aggressive, active, objective, independent, unemotional, … and above all – no sissy stuff! Females are supposed to be sensitive, nurturing, passive, attractive, subjective, dependent, emotional, … and above all – don’t act too tough, strong, or assertive! So in many households of today, in the US and other countries around the world, developing minds are being fed this false notion of what it means to be human. The distinctions to be made between males and females are meaningful and some are observable, but in terms of masculinity and femininity the distinctions mentioned above are a distortion of reality.

“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principle; Gender manifests on all planes.” (The Kybalion)

The word ‘Gender’ is derived from the Latin root genus meaning to beget, to procreate, to generate, to create, or to produce. This creative process is taking place all of the time in every thing and it requires the constant interplay between the anode (positively charged) and the cathode (negatively charged) forces of the Ase. Dr. M. goes into some depth on this topic in sharing with U about the Quantum Reality. The above statement says that Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principle. What male dominated cultures have done over past millennia has been to put forth the false idea that males are exclusively masculine, females are exclusively feminine, and never the two shall cross. Further, is the embedded notion that the cathode or negative energies involved in the creative process are somehow less important, less worthy of recognition, less a miracle of Divine Will than the anode – positive energies of the process. This is the wicked seed of the False Philosophy that is planted in the hearts of too many children and the fragmentation of the human family and the debilitation of our social institutions continues because of it. Nothing could be further from the facts. The so-called ‘negative’ pole of a battery, for example, is really the pole in and by which, the generation or production of new forms and energies is manifested. Even the word ‘cathode’ reflects the central role of the Feminine Principle. Cathode, coming from the Greek root kathodos, means descent, the path of generation. The Cathode Pole, the Feminine Principle, the ‘negative’ energy is the Mother of all phenomena just as it is the Mother Principle of Electrical Phenomena. Since Gender characteristics (in the modern social sense) are defined not by nature but by culture, those with power (the ability to get what you want even against the resistance of others) are able to define masculinity and femininity in ways that nurture the Pathology of Supremacy in males and suppresses the capacities of women. It is this imbalance that our children are being born into and that cries out for a solution. Every male and every female has a Masculine and a Feminine Principle of Mind, and human societies will continue to degenerate if the Feminine Principle continues to be diminished and absent. In my next Post I’ll shade some light on why We Need More of the Feminine Principle in order to Create Peaceful Space!

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Reference: The Kybalion - Hermetic Philosophy, the Three Initiates, Yogi Publication Society, Chicago, Ill. (1922 - out of publication)