Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Time To Upgrade and Renew

Peace Be With You!

Always hoping there is brightness in your life!

It's time to upgrade my computer and I'll be so glad when that process is successfully completed. I've also told myself that I've earned a short break from publishing my Blogs and need time to rejuvenate and listen to my Ori. That sounds right! At the latest I'll be posting for the New Year. But who knows? Maybe sooner. I will certainly send out an email to those of you on my various Blog email list.

The Blogs will still be live so feel free to visit and reread some of my past Post. Hopefully you will find their relevance unconstrained by time.

Be Well!

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We Need More Of The Feminine Principle, Pt II

Peace Be With You!

Only when every child can experience the mother within his or her father;
Only when every child can experience the father within his or her mother;
Only then will every male and every female be whole and free;
And our world will have changed!

Perhaps one day more people will realize how much truth was revealed about our past, present, and possible future in the Handbook On Being Human. The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia said that we shape our reality through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. They predicted that the past history and present characteristics of human choices would feed the Oku Enia (the Corpse) and we would continue to see an increasing deterioration of our fragile civilizations and societies. Think about it! The Oku Enia is making its way into every area of our lives – all of our institutions and places of work, education, prayer, and play have fallen victim to the numbing stench of the Oku Enia. National Security, Religion, Public Safety, Education, Sports, Banking, Investing, and government have all manifested the foul smell and grotesque characteristics of the Corpse – stealing, lying, using, abusing, deceiving, tricking, robbing, devouring the minds, hearts, wills, and souls of millions of people. Now, in the wake of the mass and senseless shooting at Century 16 theaters at the Aurora Mall in Colorado, what was once relegated to the television and movie theatre screens has now passed through the veil that separates the world and become a part of your and my reality. The irony and dilemma of our situation is that we are creating this nightmare ourselves.

You have not only heard it, you have in all likelihood lived it – It’s a man’s world! That is the truth of the present and the source of our nightmare of violence creeping and seeping across the planet. The combat attire reportedly worn by the accused shooter provides us with a teaching moment about the significance of an imbalance between the Masculine and Feminine Principles of Mind. Be a big wheel! Be a sturdy oak! No sissy stuff! Give them hell, son! Decked out in full body armor and armed with both versatility, power, and a finely tuned plan, 24-year-old James Holmes was the perfect picture – the poster child – for the predominant Masculine Male Stereotype, impervious to the emotional world around him and switched off from the Feminine Principle calling to him from within – Feel! Feel! Feel the reservoir of empathy, love, and compassion that surrounds you! But the Feminine aspect of his Ori (inner head, spiritual head) could not reach him. Humans are very strong mentally and emotionally, but we can also break. James Holmes is a broken person like many others. He has his own history of experiences that brought him to his horrific actions. Maybe he was broken by the weight of it being A Man’s World. Be objective! Be unemotional! Be willful – Be your own man! Be conscious of what is important to you! And don’t forget son, - No sissy stuff! Oh, and absolutely no crying – Be A Man, son!

If being a man means buying into the present Masculine Male Stereotype, and if that stereotype is as described above – and it is – then we will continue to see an increased in the number and scale of the atrocities being visited by the Oku Enia as it feeds on your and my negative thoughts, feelings, and actions – our choices! The Masculine Principle of Mind is incapable of functioning properly without its complementary and supplementary Feminine Principle of Mind. The present Masculine Male Stereotype breeds a feeling of not measuring up in many, an anxious desperation and fear in others, and an unjustified but fully believed feeling of superiority in still others. It feeds and nurtures the most base instincts, drives, passions, needs, attitudes, and fears of men (and women) motivating us to compete for survival as though we have less intelligence than other animals and as though we had no blueprints for a higher levels of civilization. In demanding that ‘real men’ abandon their inner emotional reality for fear of not measuring up, the present Masculine Male Stereotype also denies them access to their deeper levels of intuition, creativity, insight, and problem solving. Human progress under the influence of the Masculine Male Stereotype has brought many ‘advancements’ into our world - most of them of some obvious benefits. But, our modern male-conceived, male-achieved, and male-dominated social design reminds me of a verse from the Holy Qur’an in reference to intoxicants and gambling – ‘… in them is some good, but the bad far outweighs the good!

The promulgators of the Masculine Male Stereotype must – in order to sustain their illusion and delusion – diminish the worth and power of women. To be considered a ‘real woman’ she must never show any behavior remotely resembling those held as sacrosanct and for males only. As a result – for example – even when women’s intuition tells them with certainty that the direction is wrong, many women – their Masculine Principle of Mind subjugated by the prevailing Masculine Male Stereotype – fails to assert clear warning, to sound the alarm, to put on the breaks, to confront the male and call him to the wisdom of his own Feminine Principle of Mind. And, too often, he will be reluctant to listen. The arbitrary designation of males being exclusively masculine and females being exclusively feminine – based upon some equally arbitrary and culturally-based definitions of masculinity and femininity - are at best a dangerous distortion of reality. Every male and every female has a Masculine (objective, conscious, voluntary, active) and a Feminine (subjective, subconscious, involuntary, passive) Principle of Mind.

An Exercise for Understanding
Read all of the instructions before you begin!

Set aside a few minutes where you can be alone and comfortable.
Sit quietly for a few minutes, just long enough to begin feeling relaxed.
Take three breaths – slow, deep inhales through your nose and slow, extended exhales through your mouth.
Now! Ask yourself the question, ‘Who am I?
Search for the one who asked the question – looking first in the obvious places but then going deeper, like peeling the layers of skin that are the onion.
OK! Try it for a few minutes, or more if your have time!

During your journey you may be able to make the following observations.

At first you may consider that you are your body but should quickly realize that that is not possible. The atomic matter and cells that make up your body are transient – changing in every second of your life. You are NEVER in the same body that you were in a few seconds ago, so how can the one who asked the question be your body?

As you peel back the layer of the physical body you may consider that you are the feelings, tastes, likes, dislikes, personal idiosyncrasies, habits, and other characteristics that you think of as your Self. But, did the question come from here? How could this be the originating source when these too are always changing? Your emotions, feelings, habits, tastes, and likes are born and they die, they emerge, change, and die, and you are a witness to their life cycle. And at any moment during the life cycle of any of the things that you call your Self, the part of you doing the witnessing always experiences itself as ‘I’, speaks of itself as ‘I’, and remains ‘I’ even as those other aspects are born, change, and die. You have to keep looking. That which is permanent and perpetual cannot belong to and be bound by that which is transient. That which is transient must emerge from and be bound to that which is permanent and perpetual.

Who is the owner of these mental states, emotions, feelings, habits, qualities, characteristics, and other personal mental belongings? Who is it that asked the question, ‘Who am I’? All of what you have peeled back so far is that aspect of your Self that you refer to as Me – my body, my feelings, my habits, my ways of doing things, my likes – ‘…that’s just Me, man!’ But then, ‘Who am I?’ And, how do my ‘I’ and my ‘Me’ aspects of Self depend on and relate to each other? Am I balanced in my Masculine and Feminine Principles of Mind? Only your ‘I’ aspect of Self can Create Peaceful Space!

To be continued:

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Reference: The Kybalion - Hermetic Philosophy, the Three Initiates, Yogi Publication Society, Chicago, Ill. (1922 - out of publication)

Monday, June 25, 2012

We Need More Of The Feminine Principle

Peace Be With You!

Only when every child can experience the mother within his or her father;
Only when every child can experience the father within his or her mother;
Only then will every male and every female be whole and free;
And our world will have changed!

The Pathology of Supremacy is a male dysfunction that has a direct effect on women and children. In the Handbook On Being Human, the Mysterious Dr. M. discusses human Needs, Desires, Instincts, Emotions, and Fears and explains how they all play a part in the Emergence of Personality. Our process of becoming, of learning how to manage the powerful forces and potentials that lie within, takes place in the context of our outer environments and experiences. Dr. M. points out that we are completely vulnerable upon our emergence into the world and we therefore quickly come to accept, believe, and expect that the outer reality that we see and experience is TRUE in some absolute sense. When a parent calls their child stupid, the child – because they are a child – does not consider if perhaps he or she – the child - is really the smart one and perhaps the parent is really the one who is being ‘stupid’. And when a parent nurtures in their child the conviction that he or she can overcome any obstacle and are worthy of self-love and self-respect, that child experiences the emergence of a personality that will harness and harvest the best of their innate potentials.

One can hardly advocate for the well-being of children without first considering the material and mental welfare of families. We cannot seriously and sincerely consider the welfare of families without taking into account the male-dominated Pathology of Supremacy in most of the world’s major cultures and the dysfunctions that spring forth when the natural balance between the Masculine and Feminine Principles is disturbed. Every child, whether male or female comes into the world driven to crystallize a sense of personal identity, an identity that emerges in the context of its outer environments and experiences. Each one is asking, who and how am I suppose to be in the world? And their developing brains will from associative links, their minds fill-in the blanks, and their imaginations will forms stories about the TRUTH of their world. What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be female? What does it mean to be masculine? What does it mean to be feminine? Much of the dysfunction that we see in our world today are rooted in the answers that generations of children have witnessed for thousands of years, right up to today. One of the first violations of the Prime Directive was the breach in the relationship between males and females based upon a false understanding of the Masculine and Feminine Principles of creation.

Of course, even before the identification of male, female, masculinity, and femininity the child should receive the very first lesson that they are to internalizeYou are a human! We are one of many kinds of living things on the planet we call earth. We are all tied together! We are family! This important lesson paves the way for each child to eventually learn and embrace two of the tenets of the Prime Directive – Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, and Nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. In order for any childhood character development lessons to be internalized, they must be reinforced and exemplified. This is first and foremost the role of the family. Therein lies the fundamental problem that must be understood and overcome. For millennia we have fostered a philosophy of gender that has maintained an extreme imbalance between the Masculine and Feminine Principles of creation and that false philosophy is most often first witnessed in the relationship between males and females in the family.

Biology (Sex)
Male – of or denoting the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized.
Female – of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.

Culture (Gender)
Masculine – having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness – of or relating to men; male.
Feminine – having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness – of or relating to women; female.

The above dictionary definitions of masculinity and femininity tell us much about the False Philosophy that disrupts the natural and wholesome development of our children, families, communities, nations, and our world. This False Philosophy divides certain human qualities between males and females in an exclusive manner and we come to believe it and therefore act as though it is TRUE. Are females capable of being strong and aggressive? Yes! Are males capable of being delicate and pretty? Yes! Think about the ideas that predominate in your and my present environments! Males are supposed to be strong, aggressive, active, objective, independent, unemotional, … and above all – no sissy stuff! Females are supposed to be sensitive, nurturing, passive, attractive, subjective, dependent, emotional, … and above all – don’t act too tough, strong, or assertive! So in many households of today, in the US and other countries around the world, developing minds are being fed this false notion of what it means to be human. The distinctions to be made between males and females are meaningful and some are observable, but in terms of masculinity and femininity the distinctions mentioned above are a distortion of reality.

“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principle; Gender manifests on all planes.” (The Kybalion)

The word ‘Gender’ is derived from the Latin root genus meaning to beget, to procreate, to generate, to create, or to produce. This creative process is taking place all of the time in every thing and it requires the constant interplay between the anode (positively charged) and the cathode (negatively charged) forces of the Ase. Dr. M. goes into some depth on this topic in sharing with U about the Quantum Reality. The above statement says that Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principle. What male dominated cultures have done over past millennia has been to put forth the false idea that males are exclusively masculine, females are exclusively feminine, and never the two shall cross. Further, is the embedded notion that the cathode or negative energies involved in the creative process are somehow less important, less worthy of recognition, less a miracle of Divine Will than the anode – positive energies of the process. This is the wicked seed of the False Philosophy that is planted in the hearts of too many children and the fragmentation of the human family and the debilitation of our social institutions continues because of it. Nothing could be further from the facts. The so-called ‘negative’ pole of a battery, for example, is really the pole in and by which, the generation or production of new forms and energies is manifested. Even the word ‘cathode’ reflects the central role of the Feminine Principle. Cathode, coming from the Greek root kathodos, means descent, the path of generation. The Cathode Pole, the Feminine Principle, the ‘negative’ energy is the Mother of all phenomena just as it is the Mother Principle of Electrical Phenomena. Since Gender characteristics (in the modern social sense) are defined not by nature but by culture, those with power (the ability to get what you want even against the resistance of others) are able to define masculinity and femininity in ways that nurture the Pathology of Supremacy in males and suppresses the capacities of women. It is this imbalance that our children are being born into and that cries out for a solution. Every male and every female has a Masculine and a Feminine Principle of Mind, and human societies will continue to degenerate if the Feminine Principle continues to be diminished and absent. In my next Post I’ll shade some light on why We Need More of the Feminine Principle in order to Create Peaceful Space!

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Reference: The Kybalion - Hermetic Philosophy, the Three Initiates, Yogi Publication Society, Chicago, Ill. (1922 - out of publication)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Pathology of Supremacy

Peace Be With You!

Peace! That was the first word and the first vibratory energy that the Mysterious Dr. M. shared with U in his first letter. Over the 18 Letters and 42 Chapters Dr. M. shared with U some of the knowledge that explains the current human condition. In Letter 14 titled The Energy Signature and The Fragment, Dr. M. tells U that ‘The key, the catalyst, the power behind the rise of the Ti Enia (humans) and the survival and Self-Determined Evolution of Inurere (Humanity) is choice, each individual’s ability to choose.’ In this same important letter Dr. M. also tells U that, ‘For tens of thousands of years the Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) of the Earth was positive and aligned with life.’ In speaking about the Fragment that was discovered Dr. M. tells U, ‘The fragment talks about a future time when earth’s Ashe Ami could shift from Peaceful Space and a bias towards the positive energy to a bias towards negative energy and the Instincts of Flight, Pugnacity, Self-Assertion, and the Emotions of Fear, Elation, and Subjection. The Earth’s energy signature would be dominated by chaos, and the Fight-or-Flight Response would predominate among humans.’ You and I are living in that future time. We are the ones who have inherited the consequences of the bad choices made by those who came before us. The list of bad choices and negative consequences outlined in the fragment only scratch the surface since it ends with the early 20th Century, WW I, and the 8.5 million killed and the 21 million wounded. Humans continued to make bad choices throughout the 20th Century and we seem to be in stride to perpetuate and perpetrate the same into the 21st Century. Dr. M. also warns U that, ‘Something is coming through the energy membrane that separates the worlds. The dark energy is forcing it to take shape, … the buildup of something trying to push through from the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow World), something bad, something very bad!’ He continues his warning saying,

‘Time is running out! The Enia teach that every action creates a movement in the Ashe that is like a pendulum. When your positive energy pushes the pendulum its return trip acts like a lift to help carry you up to a higher level (socially, spiritually, financially, in health and wellness) on your journey up your mountain. When your negative energy pushes the pendulum its return trip acts like a scythe cutting holes in your Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) and creating conditions for sickness, loss, tragedy, obstacles, unforeseen evils, overwhelming events, chaos, and death to force their way into your everyday life. This is true for you as an individual and for Inurere as a whole.’

Being a sociologist I’m somewhat compelled to pay attention to the news and current events, nationally and internationally. What I see (and what I hope you can see), not just in terms of individual events but also in terms of national and global trends, is a confirmation of Dr. M’s warning, ‘Time is running out!’ I wish I could say it baffles me, but it doesn’t, that so many people in the U.S. express such profound concern for the financial indebtedness that is being placed upon the backs of our children and grandchildren but somehow fail to show the same regard for the legacy of dehumanization that we have bequeath them because of our historical and continuing deceptions, lies, theft, ill-will, debauchery, and murder. This legacy of dehumanization is like the soft tissue infections called Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) also referred to as the ‘flesh-eating bacteria’. Necrotizing soft tissue infection develops when the bacteria enters the body, usually through a minor cut or scrape. The bacteria begin to grow and release harmful substances (toxins) that kill tissue and affect blood flow to the area. As the tissue dies, the bacteria enter the blood and rapidly spreads throughout the body. This is a killer infection unless treated quickly and effectively, and effective treatment is more a hope and a prayer than a certainty.

The legacy of dehumanization based upon social class, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, culture, nationality, and all of the other rationalizations that support the Pathology of Supremacy, is eating away the fundamental threads of our humanity. For NF, a hopefully effective treatment would be a regimen of powerful antibiotics and anything else that might kill the bacteria before the treatment or the bacteria kills the patient. What is the treatment for the social infection, the social-fabric eating legacy that is being bequeathed to our descendants? How can we hope for them to live out their lives in Peaceful Space when we are failing to teach them the truth about choice and consequences? How can they possibly internalize the Prime Directive when we allow them to be deceived into believing that their worth, and the value of other individuals, is to be measured by the things they own, the clothes they wear, and the degree to which their body image reflects that of a biased and artificial standard of beauty and belonging?

The Prime Directive calls us to ‘seek pleasure and avoid pain for ourselves and others’. But how can we respond to that call if to many of us are not willing to question how our pleasures may cause pain to others? Do some of us really believe that they are better than the next person because of their social class, the color of their skin, their language, religion, sex, height, or weight? Do some of us really believe that? Or are they suffering from the Pathology of Supremacy, a delusion that hides the truth that sits at the core of their being – the truth that they are not really better, superior? Education, knowledge can elevate us in this world and help us to elevate the life circumstances of others, but do some of us really believe that Iku (death) will greet them differently because of their level of education or knowledge? How can so many of us not care enough, about the suffering of so many hungry children in the U.S. and around the world, to use their worldly advantage to the benefit of at least one of those children? Something of their essential humanity is being eaten away and their loss is even greater than that of the hungry and neglected.

If you cannot see, because you will not look, the suffering of young African American youth in cities across the U.S. and the potential that is squandered because of their continuing dehumanization then something of your essential humanity is being eaten away. If you cannot feel the suffering of families around the world as their sons, daughters, brothers, fathers, mothers, extended relatives and friends give their lives to wars of today that will become the history of friends of tomorrow, and if you do not ask yourself, why then did they not find a way to friendship without the slaughter of so many souls, the destruction of so many families, and the abuse of so much earth, then something of your essential humanity is already eaten away. No evil perishes by itself! For evil must have a hand to come into the world, it must have help in order to stay, and it must meet with overwhelming resistance in order to be driven out! What role are you playing? The Pathology of Supremacy, in all of its forms and in all of its places of manifestation, has to be driven out, not necessarily in some grand happening but by each of us making a decision to seek knowledge, speak truth, and take action in whatever way we can in our everyday lives and within the framework of the Prime Directive.

We tell our children to study history and then we teach them half-truths and lies, truth mixed with falsehood in order to support our frail egos and self-delusions. The Peaceful Space Project and those who truly support its mission cannot be purveyors of lies and fantasies. The future of our children is the burden that we share and must carry together. Empathy, being able and willing to feel the pain of others is the first step towards compassion, the determination to make a difference!

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Redefining Your Reality

Peace Be With You!

Have you taken a step back from the elements of your life to assess where your choices are taking you, what they are costing you, and what benefits they bring you? When was the last time you hit the pause button on the video of your life so that you could reflect on what has brought you to that particular frame? It is our journey of critical reflection that the Mysterious Dr. M. takes U on in the Handbook On Being Human. Dr. M. encourages U to ask and seek answers to important questions about the nature of life and the true nature of your existence. Like the Mysterious Dr. M. and U, I came up in an environment that forced me to begin asking those questions very early in my life. That may be just as true for you!

My personal journey has taken me through various religions, philosophies, and traditions from China to Cambodia, from Indonesia to Africa. On one side of the road I traveled there have been the constant images of dehumanization (humans inhumanity to other humans), and of images forming a pattern of self-destructive behaviors, bad choices. On the other side of the road there are the images of human potential, creativity, compassion, joy, cooperation, and love that fill me with a sense of hope that we humans can save ourselves and that we are more than worth saving. So I continue to write my Blogs and teach my students knowing that every little bit counts in the quantum reality, and hoping that one-by-one people get it. In the Handbook, Dr. M. guides U to see the mystery and the beauty of the Ti-Enia (humans) and the important and urgent choices we have to make for our future and the entire ecosystem of Ile Inurere (the Home of Humanity).

I believe that hope is part of the Ase Ami (Energy Signature) of the Prime Directive. To seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, to convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the co-existence of all living things. In my opinion you would have to be in some kind of denial not to recognize that we humans have brought ourselves, and our planet to the edge of a precipice leaving us little room to hesitate or navigate. We have never been in more direct conflict with the Prime Directive than we are in this particular frame of the video of the history of humanity. The predictions that Dr. M. and the Enia presented to U in the Handbook are manifesting in ways that are too obvious to miss.

In my view it is no longer a matter of people not being able to see. It is a choice some people are making not to see. I ask myself, how can anyone fail to see that our present direction and methods are not sustainable? How can they not care? And of course, I hear the chorus in the fragment found by the Enia that repeats yet they fail to see! But everyone is not lost in the illusions of the marketplace. Many people are waking up! I can see it in my students’ faces, hear it in their comments, and feel it from their Ase Ami. All of them don’t get it, but enough of them do for me to know that the desire for a significant change in direction will not be stopped. As Dr. M. predicted more and more Ti-Enia are reaching out in their dreams and many of them are rising to join the Enia (the People). Guess What! You can help in the process! You can make a difference! In fact, you are making a difference all of the time for better or for worse. So why not decide to make the kind of difference you really want to make. Why not redefine your reality?

Lately I’ve begun laying down some friendly and positive challenges. I posted a 21-Day Challenge on my Seifu-Sharif Blog. Now, I want to invite you … OK! Challenge you, my Peaceful Space followers and readers to do something between now and my next Post in the third week of May. It really is not that difficult and you may be surprises at the benefits. It will take just a few minutes out of 30 days. Yes! Yes! I know, but if you are really THAT busy, then all the more reason you should take the time out to meet this challenge. If will be educational, fun, relaxing, and meaningful.

30-Day Make A Difference Challenge

The 30-Day Make a Difference Challenge is about promoting a deeper dialogue about the human condition. Organisms grow from single cells into complex creatures. Yet, as complex as the creatures may become they are still dependent upon each individual cell. This Challenge is about recognizing our interrelatedness, interconnectedness, and interdependence on the deepest levels.

Step One:

A student of mine shared a DVD with me that really captured much of what the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia presented to U and to you in the Handbook On Being Human. The video really reassured me that I am definitely not the only one who the ideas and the realizations of the Enia have touched. There is a worldwide shift in consciousness taking place and you are part of it. The relatively short documentary is titled I AM, directed by Tom Shadyac. If you have not seen the documentary, Step One is to view it with some family members or friends. If you’ve seen it already, guess what? I’d like you to watch it again and invite someone to view it with you. I am going to watch it with all of my sociology students. Here is a link to the preview and web site.

Step Two:

Make at least 10 copies of the Prime Directive and share them with 10 different people over the next 30 days. My recommended targets are parents with young children or teens but it could be relatives, friends, co-workers, or someone you meet in the store or coffee shop. . Take a few minutes to discuss the Prime Directive with them and invite them to view the documentary I AM with some of their friends and to share the Prime Directive.

That’s it! That is the Challenge! Participation is easy and will help us to get an unscientific measure of our success! You can see a brief survey in the left hand menu. Just click yes on the survey to participate. On my next Post in May you will be able to click yes or no for completing the 30-Day Make A Difference Challenge. Of course your comments on my Post and on the Challenge are always welcome. Words and ideas are very powerful things but only if they can motivate us to act.

Five days each week I stand in front of dozens of students who are searching to make sense out of their lives and their world. There are few things more rewarding than to see a light go on in a student’s eyes, to see that change in expression, that nod of the head that says I got it! I can see it now!

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hurting For Trayvon Martin

Peace Be With You!

In October 2010 I wrote a Post titled Hurting for Tyler Clementi. In that Post I said, “It seems that my heart is in constant pain over the meanness, cruelty, and inhumanity that is sweeping across our world. Human social life is steadily degenerating into something that makes the worst of Hollywood’s horror films into PG13 movies. Each day I think about the Oku Enia (the Corpse) and the tragedy that is growing in the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow world) and making its way into our Pataki Aiye (Material world) as described by the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia in the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I. Each day it becomes more challenging to remain optimistic in my belief that the human family will turn things around. This past week has been especially difficult. I’ve found it almost impossible to shake the pain my heart feels over the senseless death of Tyler Clementi. I know that I am not alone in feeling this deep sense of hurt for him, for Megan Meier, and for the tens of thousands of other young souls who suffer the abuse of bullying and senseless condemnation. Have we really become so blind, callous, and crude that we can take pleasure in the sadistic disregard for the pain and suffering of others?”

Now here I am a year plus later and my daily hurt for the world is laid raw once again but the senseless death of Trayvon Martin. Many souls have died senseless deaths in the past seventeen months since Tyler Clementi’s death but Trayvon’s death has even deeper significance for me as an African American male, a BLACK MALE. For some people, those two words are like the air-raid sirens that use to go off when we were worried about being nuked by the Soviet Union – DUCK and COVER! For some others the words are more like a battle cry calling them to ATTACK and DEFENSE mode. For others the words signal an opportunity to redirect their own inner pain outward towards THE OTHER in the form of unbridled hatred and aggression. And for still others the words are an ambiguous label that are both a source of Global Unification, Strength, and Pride on the one hand, and Profound Dehumanization and a persistent underlying Fear-For-Ones-Safety on the other. Obviously I am in that later group. SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER is another word-set or label that is often thought and used interchangeably with BLACK MALE. Coming from the store where I bought my lunch. Walking home from visiting a friend. Waiting outside a girlfriend’s house for her to come out to the car. Standing on the corner selling newspapers. And those are just a few of the occasions that I had to actually look down the barrel of WHITE POLICE OFFICERS’ guns before reaching the age of twenty-one. It would take too long, too many words to report all of the times that my friends and I were stopped and harassed by the police while growing up in Harlem, New York. This is the cultural context of everyday life for BLACK MALES in America. BLACK MALE doctors, lawyers, professors, scientists, businessmen, ministers, construction workers, students, athletes, and others are viewed through a mental lens that distorts the truth of who they are regardless of their achievements, personal qualities, or other social status characteristics. A devastating lost of good fortune for those who are stuck wearing those lenses. A painful experience with possibly deadly consequences for those of us who are viewed through those lenses.

When Trayvon Martin was senselessly murdered the bullet pierced every BLACK MALE in America. Some of us have felt it more deeply and with a greater awareness than others but we all know that it could of just as easily been us, or one of our sons, fathers, brothers, uncles, or friends. We have been warned from childhood about the significance of the ambiguous label of BLACK MALE in the USA. Every BLACK MALE knows that his level of risk in everyday life exceeds that of others. Now as difficult and emotionally challenging as it may be for you, please be strong and listen to these two tapes of the 911 calls that occurred during the Trayvon Martin murder. Why do we need to think ahead, plan, and proactively shape a more humane future for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Why do we need the Prime Directive of the Human Family to be taught and proclaimed everywhere? Why is it important for us to nurture a generation of humans who have internalized the importance of Creating Peaceful Space? Listen to the cries of Trayvon Martin and consider the Prime Directive, to seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, to convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the co-existence of all living things. Listen to the comments of George Zimmerman as he constructs a justification for his vile actions as they occur. (Trayvon Martin tape 1) (Trayvon Martin tape 2).

George Zimmerman did not come into the world with a vile hated etched in his heart. It was here, in the world, after his birth, that he internalized the pathology of hatred. It is pathological to be able to hear Trayvon Martin's screams, especially if you happen to be the one kindling his fear and sense of helplessness and looking into his pleading eyes, and not feel empathy, compassion, and restraint. In using the term pathology I am in no way suggesting a level of mental dysfunction where George Zimmerman was not aware of and responsible for his actions. It is to state that his actions are related to a complex of factors that are pervasive in our US culture. To put it in the language of the Handbook On Being Human, vol I George Zimmerman’s actions and Trayvon Martin’s murder emerge from the Quantum Entity that we have created by our choices. We choose to hate! It doesn’t come easily! It can be a painstaking process to plant hatred deep into the heart. But this culture seems to do a really effective job of it. Human’s make up tales, lies really, about THE OTHER in order to rationalize and justify their actions towards them. According to the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Handbook, we are social beings. We are genetically coded for affection, affinity, and love because they support the survival of our species. Fear, flight, and fight (aggressiveness) are also important survival characteristics locked into our genetic code. Fear is that compelling emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, and likely to cause pain or some other threat to ones safety and well-being. Hatred is a feeling of intense and passionate dislike for, or prejudice toward someone. It is a motivational force behind hostile actions. They are not the same because hatred can exist where there is no basis for fear. What possible threat could Trayvon Martin and a bag of Skittles have been to George Zimmerman and his gun AFTER THE 911 OPERATOR TOLD HIM TO BACK OFF AND NOT FOLLOW?

In my last Post I said about Broken People, Sometimes broken people are like cracked vessels that leak what they should contain. Some broken people syndicate their sorry by striking out against anyone and everyone around them. It is not always intentional or conscious behaviors. More often than not, a broken person has retreated to their Instinct of Pugnacity and their Emotion of Anger as an unconsciousness defensive behavior to deny the internal reality of their own pain. As Dr. M. describes in the Handbook, the Instinct of Pugnacity (to fight) ranks with fear… in terms of …the great strength of its impulse and the high intensity of the emotion it generates. Critical to his description is the statement, …this instinct is called forth from the internal interpretation of a feeling or an experience, like being challenged, threatened, constrained, or deceived. The condition of its excitement is rather any opposition to the free exercise of any impulse, any obstruction to the activity to which the creature is impelled by any one of any such instincts. Broken people unwittingly challenge, threaten, constrain, and deceive because they want others to share the burden they carry. Generally they will persist until their temperament of pugnacity and anger are explained and redirected back to them as the source of what they claim to be happening to them.

George Zimmerman is one of those Broken People whose eyes BLACK MALES look into everyday. It hurts my heart that the last eyes Trayvon Martin saw looking at him were those of the broken person who was about to take his life; not because of Trayvon’s Blackness, but because of the pathology that George Zimmerman shares with so many others in this culture of hate. It does not have to be this way. There is no instant solution to our national and global social maladjustments but as Dr. M. states in the Handbook, we are not helpless because through our choices and our children we can shape our future. If George Zimmerman was raised in a world guided by the Prime Directive Trayvon Martin would be alive. How many more? Remember the recurring statement in the Handbook, ‘but they fail to see!’ How many more things have to happen before we choose to see that we are collectively nurturing our own destruction by cultivating the culture of hate? People’s emotions are being pushed beyond their breaking point – the threshold for the Oku Enia (the Corpse) as described in the Handbook. Can you feel it coming through?

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Journey to Peaceful Space

Peace Be With You!

Who said following the Prime Directive and Creating Peaceful Space was easy. It was not me! It really hurts me to see so many people walking around in so much pain, their faces and bodies contorted into images of resignation to an unwanted fate, despair, frustration, disappointment, resentment, anger, and the most contorted expression of all, hatred. The expression that is perhaps the most disturbing is the expression of loss. An emptiness and lack of vitality in their Ase Ami (Energy Signature) makes them stand out like a sudden and prolonged silence on a clamorous street. In the Handbook On Being Human, vol I, the Mysterious Dr. M. refers to these individuals as the Shonu, the Lost. They are described as humans who have given up on their selves and on humanity. They are not in rebellion but in a state of heightened discontent and confusion about how to change either their environment or their selves.

The Enia and I believe that each of us is born with a destiny that drives us if we listen or disturbs us if we don’t. Your Ori (inner head) whispers to you. It calls to you urging you on to the right decisions, although many of us don’t listen. We also believe that we are each born with a predisposition towards the Prime Directive, and that that predisposition can be nurtured or thwarted. Sometimes, I’d say too often, bad things happen to us when we come into this world and the consequences of those early experiences can knock us off our intended course for years, for a lifetime. Getting lost in this world is not difficult, not at all. It can happen anywhere along the way. It often starts in early childhood which is why the Enia believe the Prime Directive should be taught to all of our children as early as possible. As Dr. M. describes in the Handbook, we come into this world as pure potential and then someone meets us here, and they begin the process of squeezing a size 12 foot into a size 5 shoe. Most of us forget that we are really a size 12 forced into a size 5 and we carry and come to expect the related pain as though it belongs to us. And for many of us the pain of the conformity is too great, so unbearable, that we become broken people. And if we react too badly to our negative experiences we can become shattered beyond repair.

Sometimes broken people are like cracked vessels that leak what they should contain. Some broken people syndicate their sorry by striking out against anyone and everyone around them. It is not always intentional or conscious behaviors. More often than not, a broken person has retreated to their Instinct of Pugnacity and their Emotion of Anger as an unconsciousness defensive behavior to deny the internal reality of their own pain. As Dr. M. describes in the Handbook, the Instinct of Pugnacity (to fight) ranks with fear… in terms of …the great strength of its impulse and the high intensity of the emotion it generates. Critical to his description is the statement, …this instinct is called forth from the internal interpretation of a feeling or an experience, like being challenged, threatened, constrained, or deceived. The condition of its excitement is rather any opposition to the free exercise of any impulse, any obstruction to the activity to which the creature is impelled by any one of any such instincts. Broken people unwittingly challenge, threaten, constrain, and deceive because they want others to share the burden they carry. Generally they will persist until their temperament of pugnacity and anger are explained and redirected back to them as the source of what they claim to be happening to them. Too often family members, friends, co-workers, employers, employees, and the rest of us choose to claim the person’s pain as our own, share in their burden, and tolerate their obnoxious behaviors rather than to insist that they claim what is theirs and not syndicate it to others.

Some cracks are bigger than others! Have you seen Tyler Perry’s new movie Good Deeds. I recommend it, for what that’s worth! To me Good Deeds is really the story of the Journey to Peaceful Space. Tyler Perry’s character is broken in a way and over the course of the movie he learns how to turn down the volume of the world and listen to his own Ori. His brother in the movie plays the role of a really broken person who reacts badly to his experiences. I hope you see the movie so that you can see how his pugnacity and anger were explained and redirected back to him as the source, in order for him to be confronted with the choice to change. The choice Create Peaceful Space. Thandie Newton’s role is actually very much the way Dr. M. describes the Dabobo Enia (The Defender People) in the Handbook. They devote themselves to protecting the Leru (the Fearful). They often touch you lightly to open your mind (Ori) so that you can hear your inner voice guiding you to make the right choice (go this way, go that way, don’t stay here, don’t pick that up, don’t stop for that person, don’t accept that idea). Your ever-watchful Ori, Carrier of Your Destiny!

Creating Peaceful Space starts with the selfish act of taking care of your self. Give yourself a treat and see the movie.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Be Selfish in 2012!

Happy New Year! Or is it? A change in the solar calendar is not really as magical as we might like it to be. But I hope your 2012 is off to a good start and turns out to be a great year! The Mysterious Dr. M. did not say that Creating Peaceful Space would be easy. What he did say is that ‘Peaceful Space is the field of energy that emerges when humans interact with each other mindful of the intimate connection we share and the profound positive or negative impact we can have on one another’. Everyone is not going to be responsive to or respectful of your and my efforts to live in alignment with the Prime Directive and to Create Peaceful Space in all of our shared places. Humans (Ti-Enia) have created so many divisions between themselves that the probability of conflicts is increasing geometrically. This is made clear in the Handbook On Being Human, vol I. Now here I am promoting the Enia’s message to Create Peaceful Space and here you are dealing with people and situations on a daily basis where you feel like you just want to shake somebody. The coworkers you wish you could give a piece of your mind. The boss you wish you could tell to grow up. The store clerk you would get great satisfaction out of smacking. The employee you want to fire for their continued insubordination and unbridled disregard for others. Some people are in so much personal pain that their only relief is to syndicate sorrow and misery to others. And you have to deal with them not as a therapist (unless you happen to be one) but as a colleague, coworker, employee, or employer.

To your right and your left, in front of you and behind you, you see people, people who seem to deserve, or at least need, some kind of dramatic intervention. Of course, you probably don’t act on all of those impulses so you end up holding all of those feelings and all of that negative energy inside affecting your own Energy Signature (Ase Ami). Add in the negativity of the media and our world seems to be spinning into total chaos, leaving you and me to ask what’s the point of promoting the Prime Directive and striving to Create Peaceful Space? People seem to be loosing their minds! Nobody wants to listen! Too many people seem to be totally absorbed in their own self-interest at the expense of others! Why should I care enough to make the effort?

The answer is simple and you know it, you feel it in your heart! It is not a matter of whether you should care. The fact is that you do care! Why else would you be a regular reader of this Blog? Because you care about what kind of world you live in. You care about your work environment where you are spending a good portion of your life. You care about the future of your children and our children. You care about the future of the earth and her abundant forms of life. You care about all of the children made orphans and all of the women made widows by the predictable and unpredictable consequences of war. You care about all of the families made homeless by natural disasters, genocidal conflicts, and human greed. You care, but often those problems can seem so overwhelming, so daunting that you find it hard to believe that your individual actions could make a difference. And so you don’t act and then feel a sense of dissonance in your Ase Ami because your heart-mind and your intellectual mind are in conflict. Dr. M. would say that your Fear of Criticism, your Instincts of Pugnacity and Self-Abasement (or Subjection), and your Emotion of Anger are in conflict. If you think about Dr. M’s messages regarding Our Basic Instincts and Emotions then you can understand that your tendency to care and your tendency not to act are both natural aspects of your nature. People often stop caring about various things for a host of reasons, even things that they once valued or felt to be important. You are not alone in that. People often fail to act even when that action can mean life or death for someone else. Again you are not alone. It is part of our nature. We have the capacity of Selflessness and Selfishness neither of which is purely good or bad. None of our instincts, emotions, and drives is good or bad in some absolute or moral sense. They are simply the stuff of which we are made (so to speak) and they can be functional and dysfunctional in any given situation.

Lets Be Selfish in 2012! Being selfish can be quite functional! In the Handbook Dr. M. says, ‘Your brain is designed to function best in Peaceful Space. When your body-mind is experiencing cordiality, friendliness and a sense of belonging, encouragement and supportiveness, empathy and compassion, kindness and sensitivity, and attentiveness and mutual safety, you are operating with a different biochemistry and neuro-physiology, a different energy signature.’ In other words striving to live and work in Peaceful Space is to your own personal benefit. The positive impact on others is icing-on-the-cake! That fact that something you do benefits you does not in any way alter the fact that your actions may also bring great benefit to others. That is one of the reasons Dr. M. and the Enia subtitled the Handbook and named Part IV of the Handbook, 10 Selfish & Unselfish Reasons for You to Create Peaceful Space. Creating Peaceful Space and following the Prime Directive have as much to do with you taking control of the quality of your own life than they have to do with changing or saving our world. The logic of the Enia based on the Quantum Reality is that if your take control of the quality of your own life by following the Prime Directive and Creating Peaceful Space in your own sphere, then in that individual action you change the entire reality. That is why the Ero Enia (the Traveler People) and other members of the Traditions of the People (Itan Atowodowo Enia) visit each and every person who reaches out in their dreams. It is because each and every individual’s Ase Ami makes a contribution to the Quantum Entity that surrounds our planet or to the Oku Enia (the Corpse) that is coming.

You cannot escape your role in this drama. If twelve people are voting and one decides they are going to abstain from the vote, they will change that voting universe. The possibility of a six-six draw will no longer exist in the reality that their choice will create. If you are an organizational, civic, or business leader and you fail to act when someone or something is undermining the Ase Ami of your organization, your decision not to act affects every other individual who works with and for you. As an educator I have to establish protocols for the classroom that create (as much as is possible) an ideal learning environment for my students. If a student violates those agreed-upon protocols and I fail to act, my choice affects the learning environment of every other student in the class. Leadership is about managing Quantum Entities. As Dr. M. says to U in the Handbook, ‘it is all about energy’!

Why should you care enough to Create Peaceful Space? Here as a reminder from the Handbook are the 10 Selfish & Unselfish Reasons for You to Create Peaceful Space.

  1. It is in your nature.
  2. It will improve your health and that of the people around you.
  3. It will heighten your mental performance and powers.
  4. It will extend your social network and enhance your confidence.
  5. It will broaden your access to other people’s knowledge and experience.
  6. It will generate good will towards you and your endeavors furthering your personal success.
  7. It will augment your personal security and that of the people around you.
  8. It will produce a positive contagion and change the atmosphere in your shared places.
  9. It will facilitate a positive future for your children.
  10. It will promote the survival of our species.

In 2012 do it for your self! Do it for your own peace of mind! Go ahead and be selfish this year and Create Peaceful Space for the most selfish of reasons, your own health, well-being, and success. As Dr. M. states in the Handbook:

To succeed you must overcome obstacles and challenges.
To overcome obstacles and challenges you must understand their nature.
To understand the nature of what is to be overcome you must observe and study.
To observe and study you must pay attention and focus.
To pay attention and focus you must calm your mind.
To calm you mind you must enter into Peaceful Space.

Whatever your personal goals for 2012 they will be better served if you live each day of the year in Peaceful Space.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!