Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Nature's Way to Peaceful Space

In a recent Post I talked about the game played with my youngest son. The game about what God has created and what man has made. There is something very mysterious, almost magical about our natural environment. If you get it, we can pass it on to the children. In the midst of a cosmos fueled by unimaginable and often destructive forces, you and I sit on this sphere of dynamic energy, products of its life-giving powers. And throughout our lives we remain related-to, connected-to, and dependent upon this sphere that Dr. M. and the Enia call Ile Inurere (the House and Home of Humanity). The Earth and her many environments and forces have an affect on us, mentally and physically, as the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. We share a quantum connection with the earth and with the thread of her garments. We are related-to, connected-to, and dependent upon the Ile Inurere because the earth, air, fire, water, wood, and iron that are woven into the design of her garments are also woven into the design of our garments. We are her children! Each of us finds comfort, meaning, inspiration, and peace in one of the layers of her robes. Some of us are keenly aware of a shift in our energy when we are around bodies of water, like oceans, rivers, or lakes. Some of us have a particular energetic response to mountainous areas covered in foliage or dry desert rock. For some of us the environment of personal cultivation is a wooded area full of tall, awe-inspiring trees with brilliant seasonal colors. Like our animal and plant relatives, we can have strong reactions (positive or negative) to wind, rain, fog, lightning, temperature, and other shifts in the dynamic forces that sustain the garment of Ile Inurere, of which we are a part. Clouds can cause a shift in your mood and your health, the direction of the shift depending on whether or not you are a Cloud Person (someone who tends to have a strong reaction to all manner of cloudy skies) and what kind of Cloud Person you happen to be, positive or negative. When we are seeking Peaceful Space each of us has a natural environment that we can go to where we can be nurtured into our Healing Place. It’s important to know what that environment is and then to go there when you need renewal, rejuvenation, and vitality.

Your Ase, the field of energy that defines your Energy Signature, shifts when you are around animals, plants, children, adults, or the seniors of our kind. Being aware of these shifts is an important part of understanding the special way you need to plug into the energy field that feeds all things on this planet. Those select environments that allow you to potentiate Ase are a part of who you are and who you have to potential to be in the world. It is as important for you to plug into your Energizing Environments (EEs) as it is for you to drink water, eat food, and sleep. Every aspect of your being requires that you draw energy through your EE periodically.

Few of us are wealthy enough to be able to design our homes to bring nature right into our rooms. Sometimes people need to relocate to a different environment in order to blossom, maybe from hot to cold, maybe from cold to hot, maybe from highland to low land or vice versa. We all have EEs but it is different for each individual, even in the same family. I have a sister who lives in New York and the cold is a no-no for me! Moving to a warmer climate was a good thing for me. Many of us have no problem making the choice about the general climate in which we want to live. However, we often forget that we need shifts in our environment on a regular basis. Man-made environments and natural environments are not the same. Being in your home is not the same as being in a park, garden, or field. You can go from home, to your car, to your day office or school, to your car again, and to your evening school or work, and to your car again, to home, and to bed, and then repeat that process for days, sometimes weeks, maybe months before you plug into your Energizing Environment. Increasingly, we are equipping ourselves with all of the gadgets necessary to stay in our homes, cars, offices, and classrooms, and avoid all contact with our natural world. This trend will have a profound effect on our physical and mental evolution as well as on our social development and environmental consciousness.

Perhaps you are what the Enia would call an Omo Eshu, Child of Eshu, who thrives with opportunities to travel, draws energy from bright colored clothes, and has a need to be outside, in the open, and unrestricted by confined places. In confined places restricting circumstances your sense of humor, your knack for practical jokes, your sensuality, and your sense of right and wrong would all be negatively affected. Or perhaps you are an Omo Ogun who is attracted to metal, woods, and mountains. Spending time working or playing with metal, and time in the woods or mountains periodically will help you to maintain your profound sense of right and wrong, your enjoyment of physical things, your inclination to ‘do’ rather than talk about doing, and your strong physique.

You may be an Omo Obatala and find your Energizing Environment in being alone around your home during a beautiful sunset or other significant change in the weather, or perhaps in a garden or yard, or on a rooftop looking at the stars, or maybe in a familiar park near your home. This alone time helps you to think, to feed your love of new ideas, to nurture and reflect on your sense of justice and honor, and to mentally rejuvenate. Without this alone time in quiet places you may lose mental potency, your nerves may fray easily, you may disengage from your regular and desired routine and activities, and you may be prone to headaches and head colds. Knowing the location of your EE is as important as knowing your birth date or social security number.

One of the benefits of the Traditional Martial and Healing Arts [TMHA] as a developmental tool for educating our children is that these arts nurture a healthy attitude towards the natural environment and teaches each student of their special place as a thread in the garments of Ile Inurere. TMHA teaches the Prime Directive by encouraging students to see themselves as part of the whole, with special benefits derived from the whole and special responsibilities owed to the whole. Creating Peaceful Space for yourself and others requires effort in a world so charged with negativity. Spending time in your natural Energizing Environment is the way to start with you. Pay attention to yourself as you move from one environmental experience to another. Observe how your energy shifts until you hone in on your ideal natural Energizing Environment.

To be continue!

To all my readers, Have a blessed, safe, and wonder-filled Holiday and New Year!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your timely Blog on finding a Peaceful Space “Nature’s Way”! I like how you conceptualize human beings as being a part of a quantum connection through the thread of Ile Inurere’s garments. In essence, it makes sense that we are intertwined in the layers of her threads due to our necessity to breathe her air, seek the warmth and safety of her fire, drink her water, and utilize her wood and iron for tools of necessity and recreation. Additionally, it makes sense that we are intertwined in the layers of her Energy Environment (EEs) due to our innate desire for “comfort, meaning, inspiration, and peace” as well as restoration from stress or fatigue.

In support of Dr. M's message to us, Ryan, Weinstein, Bernstein, Brown, Mistretta, and Gagné (2010, the authors examine in their research study whether being outdoors is associated with physical and mental energy (i.e., vitality) wherein people experience a sense of enthusiasm, aliveness, and energy available to the Self. This association (i.e., nature and vitality) are explored above and beyond the influences of physical activity and social interactions. The participants include college campus students (N = 51 students; 43 female and 8 male) ranging from 18 to 26 years. The method of study includes three studies utilizing survey, experimental, and diary methods. In Study 1, a vignette (case study) method examines whether being outdoors is associated with vitality above and beyond the influences of physical activity and social interactions. Study 2 explores the experimental effects of being outdoors on vitality (i.e., contrasting indoor and outdoor walks). In Study 3, participants are exposed to photographic scenes of either nature or buildings.

The research results showed that only the Nature Scenes enhanced subjective Vitality. In discussion Ryan et al. state that this study is potentially important as vitality has been implicated as an important component of Wellbeing and Physical health (Plante, Cage, Clements and Stover, 2006).

As a personal testimony to "Nature's Way to a Peaceful Space", I want to share a recent occurrence involving a shift in my Ase while sharing my space with one of God’s creations. Due to experiencing a sense of deep empathy for a loved one’s personal struggle (as well as a sense of powerlessness and grief over "what was"), I Choose to find a place of refuge, solitude, and restoration in an EE (high school with a full set of bleachers to exercise on) during the dusk of the day. As I was running up and down the bleachers with my shepherd dog, Shiann, I began to hear “whoo-whoo-whoo” loudly and clearly. I noticed that within 25feet or less, perched on the unlit light fixture, was a fairly large sized Owl piercingly looking down at me. While being in the Gift of the Now, I felt so honored to have one of God’s creations’ to talk with on a brisk, moon lit evening! I truly can say that I felt a positive shift in energy along with a sense of comfort, meaning, inspiration, and Peace in accord with the Prime Directive.

I found a poem that I think truly exemplifies Dr. M’s message in the Blog. It reads:

“Once in a while you find a place on earth that becomes your very own. A place undefined. Waiting for you to bring your color, yourself. A place untouched, unspoiled, undeveloped. Raw, honest, and haunting. No one, nothing is telling you how to feel or who to be…"


Ryan, R. M. Weinstein, N., Bernstein, J., Brown, K. W., Mistretta, L., Gagné. M. (2010). Vitalizing effects of being outdoors and in nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30 (2): 159. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2009.10.009
Plante, C. Cage, S. Clements and A. Stover, (2006).Psychological benefits of exercise paired with virtual reality: outdoor exercise energizes while indoor virtual exercise relaxes. International Journal of Stress Management, 13, 108–117.

Baba Umar said...

Namaste'! Thank you so much for your wonderful and informative comment. I hope other readers take the time to read it. I loved what you shared about your moment with the owl. It is so amazing, not just how, but how much nature feeds our need to live in Peaceful Space.

Thanks again! Your comments are always great to read!
