Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hurting For Tyler Clementi

It seems that my heart is in constant pain over the meanness, cruelty, and inhumanity that is sweeping across our world. Human social life is steadily degenerating into something that makes the worst of Hollywood’s horror films into PG13 movies. Each day I think about the Oku Enia (the Corpse) and the tragedy that is growing in the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow world) and making its way into our Pataki Aiye (Material world) as described by the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia in the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I. Each day it becomes more challenging to remain optimistic in my belief that the human family will turn things around. This past week has been especially difficult. I’ve found it almost impossible to shake the pain my heart feels over the senseless death of Tyler Clementi. I know that I am not alone in feeling this deep sense of hurt for him, for Megan Meier, and for the tens of thousands of other young souls who suffer the abuse of bullying and senseless condemnation. Have we really become so blind, callous, and crude that we can take pleasure in the sadistic disregard for the pain and suffering of others?

The national and global reaction to Tyler’s death is the tread that ties my heart and my faith to the hope that we have not all degenerated to the depths of no return. The expressions of genuine empathy and compassion that have emerged in the face of Tyler’s provoked suicide offer me a ray of hope that we have not all descended into the abyss of dehumanization where tragedy and destruction are waiting to consume us for our offenses against our own humanity.

I also viewed the PBS documentary entitled Soldiers of Conscience this week and it also helped me to hold on to the optimistic belief that One-By-One we can turn things around and save ourselves from the consequences of the negative energies that we are generating in our world. If we can teach our children to go to war, to kill animals and other human being, and if we can create the conditions and environments for them to learn how to be mean, cruel, crude, uncaring, insensitive, and even diabolical, then why can’t we also create conditions and environments for them to learn and internalize the Prime Directive of the Human Family? Tyler Clementi’s death strengthens my conviction that this message has to be spoken and this choice has to be put on the table as an option.

Please don’t sit on the sidelines in silence and let our children live and die in such pain. Please help to promote the Prime Directive of the Human Family in any way and every way that you can. Can’t you see that we (the human family) have lost our way; that we have forgotten how to live in harmonious coexistence, that we have forgotten how to Create Peaceful Space, and that we are condemning our children to a nightmarish existence of horrific cruelties, unspeakable crimes, harrowing experiences, and disturbing realities? Can’t you see how important your voice is in making a difference?

The Prime Directive states that you should seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, that you should transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and that you should nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. As we advance in our development of new technologies we also need to advance in our moral and ethical protocols, in our empathy and compassion for each other, and in our understanding of human nature and the human condition. There are those who would dismiss the senseless cruelty of Tyler’s suicide as just one of those things. There are those who would have us believe that war and terrorism, that crime and murder are just inevitable facts of life. But our babies don’t come into this world with war, terrorism, crime, and murder written into their genetic code. Nature prescribes our capacities but it is nurture that shapes our choices. Lets join together in nurturing the Prime Directive into every human heart and in teaching each other how and why we should Create Peaceful Space.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the thought provoking posting! I remember attending a suicidal conference some years back in which a panel of diverse age groups shared their experience of suicide tendencies and/or intent to harm themselves. One of the main themes that permeated their discussion was non-acceptance by their peers and/or others. Of interest, in a current statistics report (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007), suicide, due to the emotional nature of non-acceptance among others, is reported as the third leading cause of death in 2008 among youths and young adults aged 10--24 years (N = 4,599) deaths in the United States.

While researching the link between bullying and suicide via internet, the word “cyberbullicide” appeared frequently. It is defined as suicide indirectly or directly influenced by experiences with online aggression (i.e., email, instant messaging, chat room, website or gaming site, digital messages, images sent to a cellular phone; Hinduja, & Patchin, 2010, p. 1). Available online study results, for instance, report global prevalence of cyberbullicide include countries such as: Canada, USA, Belgium, England and Turkey (Topcu, Erdur-Baker, & Yıldırım, 2010, Introduction section). Another online study indicates that an individual’s first experience with ‘cyberbullying’ not only occurs in grade school, but in college (Kowalski, 2008). As evident, both age groups are represented in this past month’s alarming deaths related to cyber bullying(The Huffington Post, 2010)! Namely,they are: Raymond Chase, Seth Walsh, Asher Brown and Billy Lucas and as you mention, Tyler Clementi.

Of these deaths, college-age incidents of suicide are most frightening as they occur within a more “freedom-based” environment. And the more freedom there is, the more freedom a cyber bully has to be cruel to a cyber victim(s). As such, I think, that college administrators should take cyberbullicide very seriously (Rankin, Weber, Blumenfeld, & Frazer, 2010).

At a more comprehensive level, I so agree with you that we can “create conditions and environments for college students and youth to “learn and internalize the Prime Directive of the Human Family”. To assist in promoting the Prime Directive’s message of nurturing life and struggle against death by transforming negative energy into positive energy, there are helpful internet resources available including MTV and YouTube (see references). Additionally, we can support legislative statues against electronic bullying (see Sameer Hinduja & Patchin, 2010).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Retrieved from
Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2010). Bullying: Cyberbullying, and suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 14(3), 206‐221.
Kowalski, R. M. (2008). Cyber bullying: Recognizing and treating victim and aggressor. Psychiatric Times. 25 (11).
Rankin, S., Weber, G., Blumenfeld, W., Frazer, S. (2010). Retrieved from
Sameer Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2010). Retrieved from
The Huffington Post. (2010). Retrieved on
MTV. (2010). Retrieved from
Topcu, C., Erdur-Baker, O., & Yıldırım, A. (2010). Retrieved from
YouTube. (2010). Retrieved from