In the Handbook On Being Human the Mysterious Dr. M. states, “You cannot really control other people, (even children). The greater the degree of control over another individual or group (through fear, intimidation, or violence) the more of a nemesis they become for the individual or group attempting to exercise control.” We can see the truth and wisdom of Dr. M’s words being played out across the Middle East, North Africa, and other parts of the world today. “You can however control yourself. You can choose to Create Peaceful Space!” In the Handbook, Dr. M. discusses the Multi-Causality Formula that states, “Any social phenomenon that we choose to call ‘Y’ is invariably the result of more than one causal element ‘X’." He goes on to give a brief list of 16 Causal Elements that will nurture the emergence of Peaceful Space. Here is a prescription for teaching our children how to create a better world. Here is a curriculum for unlocking the positive and beautiful potential of our species. Here is a simple set of guidelines for facilitating the rise of the Ti-Enia.
- Understand the basic nature of life and your species.
- Understand the composition of your own personality.
- Live up to the Prime Directive of our species.
Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others,
Convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world,
Nurture life and struggle again death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. (The Prime Directive of the Human Family)
- Look beyond the surface of things and feel the people around you.
- Recognize diversity as a fundamental and unalterable characteristic of creation.
- Develop a sense of empathy regarding the common human condition.
- Accept the uniqueness of each individual’s journey.
Dr. M. points out in the Handbook that we create Quantum Entities when we interact with each other. These Quantum Entities take on the energetic qualities associated with our interpersonal interactions, positive or negative. The more we open ourselves up to the feelings of empathy and compassion for others, the more the Quantum Entities we create take on those attributes.
- Be true to yourself.
- Be self-determined and self-defined.
- Honor each individual’s right to choose.
- Embrace the positive and rise above the negative.
- Encourage the best and support the highest aspirations of everyone you meet.
- Do things that make you feel good about yourself and then nurture that good feeling in others.
- Give people time to grow out of their fears and misery.
- Plant seeds of wisdom wherever you can but don’t hang around waiting for them to grow.
- Trust in the Process!
To which of these guidelines would you say, “No, I will not do that!” “No, I cannot do that!” Each of these 16 Causal Elements for the emergence of Peaceful Space is totally within your control. It is all about how you choose to live your life, everyday, every minute of every day.
Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!
You have been invited!
Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!
Peace, Love, and Health!
Thank you Baba Umar for sharing more of the compassion, wisdom, and insights that we need in these times. All around us are significant signs of the imbalance in our lives and world, yet there are so many individuals and groups working and caring towards a shift to balance and peace in our lives and world. Thank you for sharing these tools that will move our species and world to a place of peace and coexistence that all can share in. Peace and Love
Thought provoking posting! I so agree that Dr. M.’s Multi-Causality Formula can play a significant role as “we die, we cry and we hope [for a Peaceful Space]” in our relationship with the Ile Inurere. That is, the Y variable of a Peaceful Space can be determined through such X variables as (a) Balancing our view of negative occurrences (i.e., natural disasters, crisis, violence), and (B)Nurturing of the “16 Causal Elements for the emergence of Peaceful Space”. I like how Seifu Andrew nicely sums up the latter when he states that they are like “tools" that can assist in moving our species and world toward a Peaceful "coexistence".
Of those casual [X] variables or guidelines, my personal growth in the tool: "Live up to the Prime Directive of our species” primarily occurs as I continue to ‘respond and pull’ from Dr. M.’s messages (via the Handbook and PSP Blog) in a ‘quiet state of mind’. I have, hence, come to Believe that I too can Create Positive Quantum Entities with empathy and compassion in my interpersonal interactions with others.
In harmony with this Blog’s message of “Creating Peaceful Space”, renowned theologian and humanist, John Dietrich, once wrote:
“Everywhere we turn today we meet racial antagonists, nation jealousies,, class struggles, religious prejudices, individual hatreds; and it is not strange the majority of men have no thought of human solidarity non ideal of world unity. But, in spite of this, we to believe that there flows through the whole human race, from the lowest to the highest on life, one blood and that man’s salvation depends upon a recognition of this human solidarity. Either we must find that underling unity and march on together to that common ideal and purpose, or mankind is hopelessly doomed (p. 108)”.
Dietrich, J. (1927). Unitarianism and Humanism. from
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