I am reminded of Dr. M’s 15th Letter to U where he discusses some of the fragments that the Riri Enia (Seeing People) have found. Remember, they connected each of the statements in the fragments with specific historical and current events. What I’m reminded of is the recurring statement, ‘They fail to see!’ The message is repeated eight times and then ends with ‘They are forced to see!’ I know that for all of you out there who do put the pieces together it is probably as difficult for you as it is for me to be optimistic, to wake up each day looking forward to the beauty and joy that each moment of life could hold. Of course, for you to deny the ignorance, arrogance, greet, prejudice, hatred, sexism, the dark side of globalization, and the faults that lie at the foundation of our political, scientific, and technological pursuits is not a solution. Going through life as though it is all good is as flawed a perspective as thinking and acting like it is all bad. Chaos and conflict are a part of the creation. The wisdom of The Architect of Creation is that It has put chaos and order, conflict and harmony into a fecund balance from which all of the wonders of the Universe emerge.
In Letter 15 Dr. M. states,
People who think that this reality is designed to sustain a world without tension and conflict fail to understand the nature of the world and the nature of our species. The aim of the Enia is to live in accordance with the Prime Directive of our species. There is no question as to whether conflict will emerge between Inurere. It will! The question is whether or not we use our wisdom to alleviate the conditions from which conflict emerges, and when conflict does emerge, to choose the method of mitigation and resolution that produces the least negative Unpredictable Consequences in the Pataki Aiye and the Ojiji Aiye.
The Ti-Enia have already set things into motion and planted seeds that are bearing poison fruit. Yet the Ti-Enia, from world leaders to common everyday people, continue to look away focusing their attention on empty pleasures and futile solutions to orchestrated problems. Did you hear the predictions about the end of the world? One group predicting it will end this Saturday, May 21, 2011 and the Mayan Calendar predicting that the world will end in 2012. Who knows for sure? People have been predicting the end of the world by divine intervention for thousands of years. Some people have spent their entire lives waiting for it to come. To me a Divine Day of Reckoning is a matter of personal belief and each should be free to believe as they choose. But reckoning is not restricted to divine or spiritual sources.
Reckoning means retribution, doom, punishment, and nemesis. But it also means fate, and your fate is the consequences of your choices. Once again the message of the Handbook rings clear, you are responsible for your choices and through your choices you shape your and our worlds (the Pataki Aiye and the Ojiji Aiye). You and I can choose to Create Peaceful Space in our own little part of the world. Dr. M. makes it clear that everything is connected to everything else. So when you choose to make a positive change in your little part of the fabric of creation, you actually change the whole thing. You change the Universe! More importantly, you can change the lives of the people around you. Remember, it doesn’t have to be big. A small act of kindness can truly go a long way. It can be something as simple as sharing this Blog and the Prime Directive with a friend, acquaintance, or coworker. Or how about sending them a copy of the Handbook On Being Human as a gift?
- The Prime Directive is something to anchor your self to when conflict emerges. It is also a reminder of how to avoid conflict.
- The Prime Directive can give students the words to speak to address bullying.
- The Prime Directive can give parents the words to guide and socialize their children.
- The Prime Directive can give teachers words to establish their protocols for classroom management.
- The Prime Directive can give life-partners the words to define the parameters of their relationship.
- The Prime Directive can give business and political leaders the words to frame their relationship to the people whose lives they affect in such profound ways.
- The Prime Directive can be that choice that you and I make that changes our world by moving us in the direction of decreasing conflict and chaos, in the direction of Peaceful Space.
- The Prime Directive can be that thread that ties all of us together into a beautiful quilt.
But it can only become these things if those who accept and align their lives with the Prime Directive share it with others. One-By-One!
Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!
You have been invited!
Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!
Peace, Love, and Health!
1 comment:
Great Posting on Conflict!
You make a good point that our society is "conditioned" to behave, feel, and think in a manner that is short-term, instant, cold-hearted, and thoughtless. As illustrative of "conspicuous consumption", the Commission on Development of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP, n.d.) comment that a single youth in wealthy nations (i.e., North America, England) will consume, waste, and pollute more in a lifetime than as many as 50 children in a developing country! With this fact in mind, Now more than ever, our youth need to be conditioned to hear the message of the Prime Directive!
I also want to thank you for bringing to light that our Architect of Creator has Purposefully designed the universe to be in “feudal balance” for us to Observe the Universe "emerge in all of its wonders"! Reflecting on the time we live in, Dr. M makes a profound statement that mankind can no longer “fail to see”. He’s right! According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO;2009), international and national leaders, scientists, and institutions are “forced to see” that Action is necessary Now to assure that the Earth’s future population has access to adequate food in the year 2050.
For this to occur there needs to be a 70%increase in food production! This can be a “cautiously optimistic picture”, (according to the FAO) if there is a future balancing of Order and Harmony from the existing Chaos and Conflict among our leaders, researchers, and institutions. Specifically, this entails the (a) mobilization of political will, (b) the building of necessary institutions to ensure that key decisions (at investment levels) on allocations are followed through, and (c) the pursuit of agricultural and food security policies with the goal of hunger eradication in mind.
Overall, it is my hope that the Prime Directive can reach the hearts and minds of these significant leaders and institutions so that their Actions and words are framed in “relationship to the people whose lives they affect in such profound ways”. In harmony with my Choice “in my own little part of the world", to Create Peaceful Space, I will Mindfully and Conscientiously continue to spread Dr. M.’s message of the Prime Directive to others as well as personally affect universal affairs (i.e., world hunger, depletion of earth’s resources) through the spiritual discipline of fasting.
Commission on the Development of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. (n.d.) A call for fair consumption. Available: http://www2.jaring.my/just/fairconsumpt.html
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2009). How to Feed the World in 2050. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/wsfs/docs/expert_paper/How_to_Feed_the_World_in_2050.pdf
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