Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Self-Determined Evolution

In his documentary Journey of Man, Spencer Wells comments that if we took the DNA of one individual and could stretch it out to its full length, it would stretch from earth to the moon 3,000 times. Imagine that! And each piece of that DNA is packed full of information. And just think! Among all of the forms of life that Mother Earth has produced and sustained, we (Inurere) are the only ones who have the capacity for Self-Determined Evolution. The Mysterious Dr. M. speaks of this concept in one of his Letters to U. Self-Determined Evolution is the progression and enhancement of the physical and mental capacities of our species through the agency of thought and based upon cognitional and intuitional approaches to fulfilling the Prime Directive. He also states that the key to Self-Determined Evolution is choice.

Creating a world where we, our children and grandchildren, and our descendants to come can live in Peaceful Space is the challenge of our times. Current events speak to the volatility of the moment. We are living in the grip of Social Change of the Fourth Kind described in the Handbook On Being Human as rapid, sustained, far-reaching, dynamic, and a precipitant of social dysfunctions and Anomie (a breakdown of social order). Creating Peaceful Space as a global phenomenon will not be easy but there is no other creature on the planet that is equipped to play your and my role. There is no one else and nothing else to pass the responsibility to, unless we simply decide to pass it on to our children.

Dr. M. and the Enia make a clear prediction about the path that we are currently following. Today, the technologies we have engineered and infused into the Global Society are precipitating unexpected changes and latent effects. Powerful social and technological forces are driving social change under the influence of their own inertia and dynamic tendencies (for example, social media versus parental and government controls). We have arrived at a generation of children who have spent more time with a piece of electronic equipment than they have in a park, at a lake, wondering at the stars, or making their own toys out of the scraps of their everyday environments. For many of them the sense of connection to Mother Earth, to our many relatives, and to each other is breaking down or non-existent. We have to ask ourselves what kind of qualities, characteristics, and protocols do our children need in order to cope with and progress during this period of Social Change of the Fourth Kind. What should be the goals of Self-Determined Evolution for our children?

The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia have written the Handbook to help answer those questions. Remember these hints:

Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas. In order to solve the problems of our times individually and collectively we must develop in ourselves and nurture in our children inventiveness, vision, initiative, inspiration, resourcefulness, and enterprise.

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is a sense of knowing based on an instinctive or subjective feeling rather than an objective observation. Who could possibly record the number of times that a hunch, feeling-in-the-bones, inkling, sneaking suspicion, idea, sense, notion, gut feeling, premonition, presentiment, or instinct (an innate behavior pattern or natural skill) has changed the course of in individual life or world history? Teaching and training our children to be sensitive to and to trust their intuitions is a very important part of preparing them for the challenges of this life.

Instincts are natural tendencies, inherent tendencies, inclinations, urges, drives, compulsions, and needs. Our instincts and their effects are extensively discussed in the Handbook. Instincts also manifests as talents, gifts, abilities, aptitudes, faculties, skills, flairs, knacks, bents, and genius. It is very important that we observe and respond to the instincts of the next generation rather than simply thinking that as parents and adults, we know what is best for them. Many of us have been directed into career choices and activities that were not in alignment with our instincts and denied the opportunity to express ourselves in areas that were more aligned with our instincts. The result is internal dissonance and dissatisfaction.

Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions. It is a kind of self-modification to meet a new need or fulfill a new purpose. Adaptability could require a change in your Foundational Personality but it can also be built into the personality of children starting at an early age. Routine behavior development is very important to establish positive life-style behaviors. But nurturing adaptability is also extremely important. During Social Change of the Fourth Kind, Self-Determined Evolution must anticipate the need for versatility, modifiability, convertibility, alterability, adjustability, and multi-purpose functionality.

Flexibility is the ability to bend easily without breaking. Like adaptability it is characteristic of an individual or organization that can easily modify itself to respond to altered circumstances or conditions. Flexibility is characterized by pliability, suppleness, plasticity, give-and-take, cooperation, amenability, tolerance, and willingness to compromise. Adults and children who share this characteristic will be less prone to be overwhelmed by disappointments and changes in their everyday lives.

Resilience is the ability to spring back into shape after being bent or compressed (or to recover one’s health or spirits quickly). Both flexibility and resilience are essential qualities for Self-Determined Evolution. Resilient individuals are strong, hardy, buoyant, irrepressible, and hardwearing.

Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. Dr. M. talks about the human brain in the Handbook. The Brain thrives on associative links, the mind needs to fill in the blanks and complete pictures, and the imagination loves stories. Insight is critical to problem solving and in its Middle English origin means inner sight, mental vision, or wisdom. With insight come the abilities of discernment, perception, awareness, understanding, appreciation, penetration, acumen, judgment, and apprehension.

We are a unique and wonderful species capable of so much good. Each day each one of us chooses the aspect of ourselves that we are going to call forth or allow to be aroused by outside stimuli. Each day we choose to give into our Fight-or-Flight Response and all of the negative thoughts and feelings that come with it, or we choose to Create Peaceful Space. As Dr. M. and the Enia point out in the Handbook not even death frees us from our responsibility for Self-Determined Evolution.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting Post! For instance, I find it motivating to think that humanity’s approach in fulfilling the Prime Directive can play a key role in the process of Self Determined Evolution. By taking responsibility to create a Peaceful Space through the Prime Directive, we can essentially provide a means for the present and future generations to cope and progress through this period of Social Change of the Fourth. One key approach, as Dr. M and the Enia state in the Handbook, is our individual and collective Choice to carry out the ”Goals” of Self-Determined Evolution, namely: Creativity, Intuition, Instincts, Adaptability, Flexibility, Resilience, and Insight.

I think a good example of the Pure Potential of Inurere’s ability to develop these deeper levels of Consciousness can be seen by the historical lifestyle of the Mongols who originally lived in the forests of Siberia (“What can Mongols teach”, n.d.). For the most part, the Mongols relied on their animals for survival and moved their habitat several times a year in search of water and grass for their herds. In the process of Adaptation, they developed an Awareness of their Interconnectedness to nature and hence, an increased level of their physical and sensory abilities including Intuitiveness, Flexibility, and Adaptability. The sensory ability of Intuitiveness, for example, assisted them in grasping environmental conditions by a single flash of Insight and, along with Instinct, assisted them in automatically and spontaneously reacting to environmental changes. These increased abilites of Consciousness, in the process of Self-Determined Evolution, eventually played a key role in the Mongols taking a stand against civilized life in the 1200’s. Although the manner in doing so was course and primitive, the Mongols acquired the world’s largest land empire extending from the Yellow Sea in eastern Asia to the borders of eastern Europe (i.e., China, Korea, Mongolia, Persia (now Iran), Turkestan, and Armenia, parts of Burma, Vietnam, Thailand, and Russia; Davis, 1999). Overall, the Mongols Interconnectedness to nature and their sense of adaptation to the Ile Inurere exemplify the process of Self Determined Evolution within their own critical period of Social Change.


Davis,R. L. (1999). Mongol Empire: Biggest land empire in history1279 – 1368. Retrieved from

What can Mongols teach us in our urbanized world about a relationship to nature and innate human potential? (n.d.). Retrieved from