Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year 2011

Most of the world is already full stride into New Year 2011. New Year’s resolutions have already been made, many are off to a good start, and some resolutions have already been broken. Some of us are full of optimism and positive anticipation about the year, and too many of us, nationally and internationally, are full of despair, feeling hopeless and helpless, and see only hardship and more suffering ahead. The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia refer to the later as the Shonu (the Lost) and the Leru (the Fearful). Among the various categories of humans (Ti Enia) there are in Inurere (Humanity), the Baja Enia (the Strivers) are the ones who are in the best position to make a difference. Dr. M. makes this clear in the Handbook On Being Human. The Baja Enia are humans who are dissatisfied with the ways things are, in their personal lives or in the world. They are in a state of questioning this reality and are pushing against the veil. They are the ones (among the Ti-Enia) who see that we are on the wrong path. They are the ones who are ready to rise (as described in the Handbook).

As new events occur around the world I am reminded of the insights, warnings, and descriptions that Dr. M. presents in the Handbook. The year 2010 was an example of the escalating social tensions and natural disasters the Enia predict in the Handbook. Remember his definition of the Ashodi (the Opposers)? The Ashodi are humans who have lost the essential elements of their humanity and therefore cannot see or connect with the humanity in others. They mask their own pain and dissonance behind the façade of arrogance and aggressiveness, and selfishly satisfy their uncontrolled base appetites by syndicating sorrow on others. You can think back over the past year of news events and put a human face on those referred to in the Handbook as Ashodi from the people and events reported in the news. In many of my Posts last year I reminded you about the ongoing struggle that confronts us inwardly and outwardly. We live in an energy-based universe (the Ase) and there is a tension between positive and negative forces that has its expression in the Kikegbe Aiye (Social World, the world of social interactions). A good example of this tension between these positive and negative forces manifesting in the social world can be found in the DVD entitled The Mean World Syndrome based on the research of George Gerbner. In the video Gerbner describes the range of negative social effects of the violent images that have become a part of contemporary media storytelling. The entire video is worth viewing. (Preview clip Caution: some content may be emotionally disturbing.)

The New Year 2011 will bring changes into our lives, some good, some not so good. Change is the natural consequence of the energy-based tension in the universe. Some changes will come as a result of the successful execution of your resolutions and plans, and some will come like an unfamiliar form materializing from a nebulous mist. Some changes will make you feel euphoric and elated. And some of the changes that are already taking shape in your life will make you feel overwhelmed and for a moment, desperate or numb. But, as with all of the years before 2011, these changes occur and we manage to adjust, overcome, accommodate, and thrive in the face of change. Things will change in the world around you, and things will change in your personal, everyday reality. It is important to remember that you cannot control or even anticipate all of the changes that will occur. It is also important to remember that there are a host of changes over which you exercise considerable control. This is the area where you should focus your attention, time, and energy during this New Year. The Handbook On Being Human is about our personal choices and how those choices and the consequences of those choices aggregate to create the social atmosphere or energy field or Quantum Personality of our planet (Ile Inurere, the Home of Humanity). The better your choices, the better the world!

Marking the New Year with promises to our selves and others is one of the magical things that we humans can do. It is one of the many wonderful things that distinguish us as members of the family of Earth Creatures. We have the ability to set a course for ourselves. We can set the occasion to make a change in our lives. We can determine to make a change in the lives and for the benefit of others. We can resolve to do things differently. We can take a different view of the past, change our mind and behavior in the moment, and envision a future very different from the present. Not only can we envision a different future, we also have the capacity to bring that vision into manifestation. We can apologize and forgive. We can step outside of ourselves and into the person of another to unlock empathy and compassion.

Aligning your life with the Prime Directive and inviting others to do the same is a change that each of us can make. Choosing to Create Peaceful Space and encouraging others to do the same is a choice that each of us can make. As we kick into stride for New Year 2011 let us resolve to make a big difference in a small way each day, week, and month of 2011 that the opportunity presents itself. Or be more proactive and seek out opportunities to make a difference and feed your spiritual life force in the process. I hope you will make the Peaceful Space Project one of the projects that you focus on this year. There is a lot that you can do to help spread the word and support our efforts. I hope you will make a commitment to making a difference in the lives and future of our children in 2011 and the years to come. As Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, we write history in advance through the seeds we plant in our children. I hope you will choose to take better care of yourself, feeding yourself a balanced mental, physical, and spiritual diet. I hope you will make the time to engage nature with the wonder of the child that you use to be, the child that still lives within you. It is all in the Prime Directive! The best hopes, wishes, and dreams that we can have for ourselves and for others.

Have a Peaceful, Joyful, Blessed, Wonder-filled, and Prosperous 2011

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Umar! Your posting (along with so many others in the past) makes me think of how Grateful I have been this this past year to be among those who are doing their part to follow the Prime Directive and to Create Peaceful Space! I am also thankful to be among those Striving to complete long term collegiate, professional, or personal goals in effort to keep on the right path. That is, the path that allows us to Seek Pleasure and Avoid Pain as part of the Prime Directive. Though the path has a sign at its trail head designating that it “requires some kind of mental or physical effort”, it is essential to signal (through the mechanics of quanta energy) the Inurere to rise above its national, ethnic, racial, political, and other cultural divisions to address the needs of all humanity and the welfare of the planet.

Overall, I am in great Gratitude that I shall never be on the path of those lifeless, timid, and self-seeking souls (i.e., Shonu, Leru, Ashodi) who for whatever reason(s), fail to question reality and push against the veil as you mention. Instead, I see myself, among other peaceful warriors, with the Courage to do what is right even when it's not easy. This includes trusting my own inner voice and pursuing my passion and dreams even when the obstacles seem overwhelming. Lastly, I have the courage to follow my innate Prime Directive path of love and compassion, of awareness and of deepening spiritual Consciousness, and of living in the Now by being fully Present and in the Moment. This type of courage ruminates from Dr. M.’s prior statements that “Peace emanates from our heart and Perspective on life”.