Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Creating Peaceful Space

Peace Be With You!

A friend of mine invites friends, friends of friends, and acquaintances to his home once each month. Each gathering includes a shared experience or discussion, a meal, and a period of informal social interaction. The gatherings are non-religious although the spiritual energy surrounding the gatherings and their home is unmistakable. Remember Axiom 1 from the Handbook states:

When two or more individuals interact a Quantum Personality or Quantum Entity is formed. This Quantum Entity comes into being in the Quantum Field because of the aggregation of human consciousness and is not an independent entity. It is the whole that emerges as a result of the interaction of the parts. [The whole is greater than the sum of its parts but not independent from them.]

This recent gathering was devoted to prayers and songs for Peace. In my friend’s home every person is welcomed as a dear friend and each person’s faith is respected as his or her path to the Divine. The warmth generated by the sense of unconditional acceptance among the fifteen to twenty-five people who generally attend is a genuine expression of Peaceful Space. This past Sunday embodied a rainbow of spiritual traditions, cultures, and languages. There were prayers and songs from the Hindu, Baha’i, African, Persian, Jewish, Christian, and other traditions each in their language. Even when one did not speak the language of the song or prayer the Quantum Entity shared by the group allow each person to realize the meaning and intention incarnate in the mysterious words. For approximately two hours we shared in the experience of Creating Peaceful Space, so that each person present in the moment could have the opportunity to connect with his or her Healing Place.

While listening to the various prayers and songs (and their translations) it was obvious to me that in the absence of specific religious references and terms, the aspiration of each prayer is embodied in the Prime Directive. One guest offered the reminder of just how simple it is to change our world, the same reminded that the Mysterious Dr. M. offers U in the Handbook On Being Human. If we each went to bed this evening and got up in the morning determined not to offend any other person or thing by our thoughts, words, or deeds our world would change instantly.

The year 2011 has been a turbulent one. There have been loud and passionate voices crying out for freedom, justice, and equality in nations across the world, and we have witnessed equally passionate acts of political and military resistance to the legitimate aspirations of the people. Natural disasters have wreaked havoc in many of our lives, yet the generosity and kindness of others has helped our hearts to retain a sense of hope and faith in our fellow human beings. Too many families have been ravaged by war, too many children have been made orphans, too many stomachs have gone unfed, too many people have lost their homes, too many of our elderly have been left alone, too many of our hopes have been dashed against a wall of arrogant resistance, and too of our dreams have been turned into nightmares. But where there is life there is still hope, the hope that in the next year of 2012 things will get better.

The year 2012 can be the beginning of something new. A shift in your personal Energy Signature (Ase Ami), a shift in what you choose to contribute to the Quantum Entity that surrounds our planet. My prayer is that you will choose to Create Peaceful Space wherever and whenever you can!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive

is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Disconnecting Good From More

Are you stuck in the trip set by the link between good and more? Beginning in Chapter 2 of Letters To U: From The Mysterious Dr. M. – The Handbook On Being Human, vol I Dr. M. explores Your Shared Human Needs, Your Four Desires, Your Basic Instincts and Emotions, and Our Shared Fears. The entire first part of the Handbook deals with our fundamental nature as human beings. I think Dr. M. and the Enia were trying to tell us something very important right from the outset. The message has to do with our predictability and our unpredictability. Remember Dr. M. said, whenever you change a thing, you change more than what is intended. Well, to me that means, we need to be careful about the messages we give ourselves and the choices we make because when you change the thinking of an individual or the ways of a society or culture, you set into motion forces and consequences, some of which are predictable, most of which are not.

In U.S. culture the word good has become highly associated with the word more. In the Handbook Dr. M. describes how your brain thrives on associative links, your mind needs to fill in the blanks, and your imagination loves information in the form of stories. Words and ideas become associated with your feelings and emotions and the network of associative links shape your habits of behavior. Good means to be desired or approved of, pleasing and welcome. I do not see a problem with good. Good seems good to me! Of course, if we insist that everyone see the same things as good then we increase the probability of conflict. If we insist that everyone see the same things as good at the same time that we do we increase the probability of conflict. The Enia believe that good is relative but there are also certain good ideas and values that all Ti-Enia will rise to in their time. Dr. M. said that the Enia have the power to force change on the Ti-Enia but they choose not to because enduring change must come from within. We can all learn from their example. Nurture the inner and the outer will give form to it. Impose form on the outer without nurturing the inner and the outer form will crumble into the void.

It seems to me that in Western Culture, good has become associated with the ownership of things and conspicuous consumption. Power is good! Prestige is good! High Social Status is good! Owning more stuff is good! That may be alright on some level but a problem arises when the word enough becomes negatively associated with good, and the word more becomes so powerfully positively associated with the word good that wanting more of anything and everything that we experience as good seems so obvious as not to require any hesitation or thought. More Power, more prestige real or imagined, more social status, more stuff! Good and more is a problematic association in the environment of human emotions, needs, desire, instincts, and drives. Good’s negative association with the word enough is the other side of the problem. When is good enough, good enough? Maybe a test score or an auto repair job is not good enough. But, maybe there are some things that are good enough just as they are for now. You know the Handbook is about adults’ responsibility to teach the youth so they can rise. So what do you tell them about good enough? What associations do you want them to form between the word, idea, and feeling of good, and the word, idea, and feeling of enough?

We eat something and experience it as good and say ‘more’, instead of saying that experience was ‘good (and I have had) enough’. We are now the most obese population on the planet. I think a good example of the strength of the good-more association is the successful Storage Rental industry. I’m not talking about the people who require temporary storage because they are in transition, or those who use them for business purposes. I’m thinking about all of those people who need to rent storage space simply because they have not disconnected good from more. Our mother earth is a finite reality. The drinkable water, the balanced chemistry of the air, the atmospheric limitation on the suns powerful rays, the vital oxygen given out by the trees, the land under our feet are all under assault because of the unchallenged association of good with more. How can the next generation come to understand that there are times when good is good enough? There are actually times when good enough is the best course of action. There are times when more is not better. In fact there are times when more, even of that which we experience as good, is downright deadly. Water is a good we can all agree on. Yet people have killed themselves from more in the form of over-hydration.

In the Handbook Dr. M. speaks to U about the process of coming into the world, being born into a cultural fish tank. The Prime Directive is a guideline for all of the important decisions we have to make for our children and that they will have to make for themselves and their children. If we teach them to follow in our footsteps they are on the wrong path for sustainability. You know that and there is enough evidence around you for you to believe that what you know is the truth. Humanity is on the brink of an abyss shaped out of our bad choices. Our children need to find a different way of being in the world. Their creativity and natural talents hold the secrets to new ideas, new definitions of community, new ways of building cities, new modes of transportation, new ways of preserving our environment and all of her forms of life. This is what Dr. M. and the Enia are hoping and working for. Their goal is to unlock the potential of our youth by unlocking the minds of those who are closest to them, their parents, teachers, counselors, mentors, and friends. The primary Mission of the Peaceful Space Project is to promote the Prime Directive of the Human Family and give our youth the opportunity to choose a different paradigm for building the future.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Choice AND Consequences

If you are like me, you can think of some things you wish you did not do, some things that you wish you had done differently, some things that you did with the best of intentions that still turned out bad, and of course, some things you have done (hopefully a lot of them) that you are so glad you did. As the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in The Handbook, choice is the mechanism of our greatest opportunities and our greatest trials. The web of life, the Quantum Field that Dr. M. describes in the Handbook is so interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent that our seemingly simple choices can have always dynamic, and sometimes profound consequences. Something just came to your mind, didn’t it? The memory of some occasion when some seemingly simple or well-intentioned choice you made resulted in consequences that are still there in your mind today. Isn’t that how it is with us? Do you sometimes feel like you were thrown into a game of Choice AND Consequences? I sometimes wonder if our Ancestors and other Spiritual Beings are in their Realm cracking their sides (figuratively speaking) as they look down on our attempts to figure out the rules of the game. Do you ever get that feeling?

With some choices it is pretty easy to figure out that there will be bad consequences. At a certain age some stuff should just be obvious. Ignorance and bad judgment have to yield to a more severe crack in the person’s Ase Ami (Energy Signature) as an explanation for their choices. If you are like me, you probably avoid most of the obvious stuff and try to live – lets say, on the right side of the law and in the general good graces of the society. You definitely don’t go out of your way to attract bad consequences. But this game of Choice AND Consequences is real tricky, isn’t it? Example: You plan to go straight home and it feels right to you but at the last minute you decide to stop at the store. For a moment your Ori cuts through the chatter in your head and reminds you to go straight home but the chatter returns and you head to the store. Of course you get a flat tire on the way and spend the next hour or more worrying about things at home, trying to get your tire fixed, and repeating the infamous chant – If I had only listened to myself! If I had only listened to myself! If I had only listened to myself! And of course you also wonder if your Ancestors and other Spiritual Beings are in their Realm cracking their sides (figuratively speaking) and saying, we tried to guide you but you did not listen. You were not in Peaceful Space!

If you are anything like me what keeps you going are those occasions when the choices you make bring about Good Consequences, in the short or long term. Hey! Moving to Arizona wasn’t really something that I had planned out for years. I’d never been to Arizona! I had never thought about moving to Arizona until about six months before my family and I relocated. If you said the word Arizona to me when I was living in New York the only thing that would have come to mind would have been the legend of the Phoenix Bird. That’s it! But for me, it is one of those choices that changed the course of my life and brought about an abundance of good consequences. Over the years a few of the rules in the game of Choice AND Consequences have been discovered. One of them is that, because of the nature of the Quantum Field whenever you change a thing, you will change more than what you intend. It is the unintended consequences that we don’t anticipate and the negative unintended consequences that we most want to avoid. There are a few other important observations about the CAC game that I can share and hope that they help you in your own CAC process.

  • The Consequences of our Choices are not completely random or arbitrary.
  • Just as Bad Choices tend to attract Bad Consequences, Good Choices tend to attract Good Consequences.
  • Both Good and Bad Choices will produce unintended consequences.
  • The unintended consequences of Good Choices will tend to be positive just as the unintended consequences of Bad Choices will tend to be negative.

When I think of the Peaceful Space Project I see the Prime Directive as a way for us to gradually master the game of Choice AND Consequences. I mean individually and collectively. From the moment we come into this world until the moment that we leave our experiences will be defined by the Choices AND Consequences that each of us bring to our world as a whole. The Prime Directive is simple (not easy, but simple).

  • Seek pleasure and avoid pain for your self and others!
  • Convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world!
  • Nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things!

Seems like a set of Good Choices to me. What do you think? It is hard for me to figure out what the unintended negative consequences of the Prime Directive would be so I’m committed to the idea. Aren’t we already dealing with enough of the intended and unintended negative consequences of enough people’s Bad Choices? Dr. M. and the Enia’s message to U in the Handbook is RISE. Don’t wait for someone else to change our reality. A single gnat flapping its wings changes the configuration of the Universe. Isn’t it time we each act like we are the most important link in the chain and do our part to live and promote the Prime Directive for our own sake and for the sake of others?

The Choices that matter are the ones that bring a smile to your face, a warm feeling to your heart, and pleasant memories to your mind. They are the Good Choices that make a positive difference in the lives of others in some small way. Like when a student comes up to me after one of my classes and thanks me for something I said, or a video I showed, or a discussion I assigned. In those moments my face, my heart, and my mind witness that I’ve made a Good Choice and my Ase Ami are infused with positive energy and equally positive memories. I know in those moments that a positive Quantum Entity has formed between the student and me as Dr. M. describes in the Handbook.

What do our children think of the choices we have made and the ones we are making today? And what of those who will be born tomorrow into the consequences of the choices we are making today. Change can occur from the top down with effective leadership. But in the absence of leadership change must emerge from the ground up. And for any change to be of lasting consequences it must be seated in or seeded into the minds and hearts of the people. In a movement of the people everyone counts. Especially you!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bad Consequences!

There are an abundance of rewards that come from making the right choice. In Letters to U: From The Mysterious Dr. M. - The Handbook on being Human, vol I the benefits of making the right choice, of choosing to Create Peaceful Space and to align your everyday choices with the Prime Directive are clearly outlined. Every situation presents a new set of choices and each choice opens a different path. In the end, in a spiritual sense, they may all lead to the same state of being. But there are consequences for the choices we make individually and collectively. Throughout the Handbook the Mysterious Dr. M. reminds U that we humans are the primary responsible parties in the welfare of Ile Inurere (the Home of Humanity). And in my humble opinion humans are failing miserably in fulfilling that responsibility. I’m reminded of the fragment the Riri Enia found that repeated the phrase – they refused to see! We see, hear, and experience the benefits of our modern technological world but refuse to see its downsides. And if we do see the downsides, dysfunctions, risks, and obvious negative consequences we complain but still fail to change course. We fail to see the quantum reality and the connections between the Ojiji Aiye (the Shadow World) and the Pataki Aiye (the Physical World). Do you hear concern in my words? That is because there is concern. I just do not see the Ti Enia getting it. And that raises concerns about the Oku Enia (The Corpse). Read and re-read the Handbook. It is all there!

Remember Dr. M’s warning to U in the 16th Letter?

Can you even begin to imagine taking everyone’s fears, pains, suffering, hatreds, ill-will, and murderous thoughts, all of the negative energy generated by their prejudices, lies, breaches of trust, and violations of the Prime Directive (all six-plus billion people on the planet, not to mention the unresolved residue of past populations), combining these energies together, multiplying them at the quantum level, putting them on some new super-performance enhancing drugs, and then letting that deadly mixture take living, material form? Can you conceive of such a thing? That is what the Ti Enia are causing and allowing to happen in the Ojiji Aiye. That is the thing that is trying to come through. And our only hope is to wrap our Ile Inurere in a quantum field of Peaceful Space. The field must leave no cracks. Although there may be conflicting energies to be resolved within the field, the quantum field of Peaceful Space (around Ile Inurere) is as important to the survival of the planet and its life forms as the gaseous atmosphere that surrounds it, or the sun that gives it light and heat. For too many centuries the Ti Enia have been shifting the Ashe Ami of the planet and the characteristics of the Quantum Entity that has protected it for billions of years. Now, the pendulum is swinging back and consequences are coming. Bad consequences!

I wonder how many of the rocket launchers, missiles, and other weapons that Moammar Kadafi left behind are already in route to the wrong hands. Hands that will further feed the Oku Enia. And still they fail to see! What are we doing? This is madness! The Handbook On Being Human is a cautionary tale – it speaks of our potential to do great things and warns us in clear terms that we have already made bad choices that require a re-balancing of our collective Ashe Ami. Looking at the world through fogged lenses communities, cities, states, nations, and continents are being rocked by historic events, yet, the people fail to see! We fail to put the pieces together and understand that a shift in our Prime Directive is the key to shifting our future. There are Ti Enia who are rising to become Enia, especially among the Children of Nine mentioned in the Handbook. They represent a ray of hope but the level of negativity between the Ti Enia is rising at such a rapid rate that the winner of this deadly race in not yet clear to the Riri Enia (the Seeing People).

In discussing 10 Selfish and Unselfish Reasons for Creating Peaceful Space, Dr. M. first states, It Is In Your Nature. Speaking of our ancestors, he goes on:

Left to the rule of their most basic instincts, their Self-Preservation Mandates, and to the basic and sometimes baser instinct of procreation, our Ancestors would never have started the journey that you and I are continuing today. Instead of leaning towards negative social interactions (trepidation, fear, intimidation, hatred, and unbridled competition), our Ancestors chose to follow the positive path of Creating Peaceful Space so that cooperative group formation could take place. They learned to overcome trepidation and fear of each other; they reached down inside of themselves, and then reached out to each other, and found that developing a sense of interrelatedness, interconnectedness, and interdependence between themselves and with their environment created a much more effective means of survival than intimidation, hatred, and perpetual hostility and violence towards each other. The fruits of Creating Peaceful Space were that they were able, through cooperation, collaboration, and mutual support to overcome all of the challenges they had to face. And as a consequence, you are here!

What do our children think of the choices we have made and the ones we are making today? And what of those who will be born tomorrow into the consequences of the choices we are making today. Change can occur from the top down with effective leadership. But in the absence of leadership change must emerge from the ground up. And for any change to be of lasting consequences it must be seated in or seeded into the minds and hearts of the people. In a movement of the people everyone counts. Especially you!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Prime Directive: Competition versus Cooperation

It was January 31, 2010 when I first shared this Post. Think about what has happened since then and think about how little things have changed. The Paradigm or Directive of Competition is still winning out and as a result the entire human family and most of life on planet earth is suffering. What are we doing? How bad does it have to get before each of us rises (as Dr. M. put it)?

Re-Posted from January 31, 2010:
Who said life is suppose to be easy? It is more about finding the balance between the Fight-or Flight Response and the Peaceful Space Response. As you look around at the natural environment you can see that competition is a central component of life. From the tiniest organisms to the global ecosystem, at every level of existence we see evidence of competition. Even when you try to quiet your mind you must overcome the chatter of what has been called our noisy monkey mind. Competition is present in the inner and outer world, in the micro and the macro manifestations of reality. Even the Dark Matter and Dark Energy that Dr. M. discusses in the Handbook are in a competitive dance with one another.

The natural environment also manifests the characteristics of a cooperative system where each of the parts serves its unique function insuring its own survival through its service to the survival of the whole. This cooperative relationship between planets, animals, insects, and other aspects of the environment appears essential to long term sustainability. Dr. M. wanted to share this story with you!

A very long time ago, three men and their wives lived within view of each other. Each man had a special talent, one a master of wood, another a master of the soil, and the third a master of the animals that lived in their area. Being masters, they were each alpha males, independent, stubborn, and proud. The master of wood built a beautiful home for he and his wife, full of handmade furniture and carved wooden beams. But they had almost no food. In fact, they were slowly starving themselves. From their second story patio they could see the master of the soil and his wife working their land which was full of food that made their mouths water. The master of the soil and his wife had plenty of food but they had only a palm leaf hut as a shelter from the weather and a place to call home. At the edge of the master of the soil’s land, the terrain took a gentle slope into the valley were the master of the soil and his wife could see the master of the animals and his wife grazing and feeding their animals on the dry grass that grew between the slope and the range of mountains that provided a rock canopy as their shelter. Alpha males are by nature more competitive with each other so contrary to their otherwise logical minds, the three masters always took a competitive view of each others condition, a fact that kept each of them limited in their condition and in a state of constant stress (Fight-or-Flight Response).

One night, the Enia made the three women dream together. They dreamt that they were together at a common well. They each shared the good news that they were with child, but none of them was smiling. The wife of the master of wood said that she was afraid for her unborn because they had no food. She shared that she and her husband scavenged their barren land at night like animals to find things to cook that no human should each. The wife of the master of the land said that she was afraid because her unborn might not survive if it they had to take shelter under palm leaves from the weather. She added, but her husband is so proud and stubborn. The wife of the master of the animals agreed that their rock canopy was no place to raise a baby and that they need more than milk and eggs to survive. The women dreamt what their husbands would do when they heard the news.

Weeks later, on the same day, each woman announced to her husband the good news that she was pregnant. That night the Enia made the husbands dream together. They dreamt of their wives and their children not having shelter, being without food, and not knowing that a part of the world was green, yellow, and red. The dream triggered the Peaceful Space Response in each of the masters and the next day they met and worked out a plan to cooperate with each other for the sake of their wives, their unborn, and their mutual survival. The plan was the Prime Directive!

What our world needs now is…! What do you think?

End of original Post!

I am not surprised by the conflict we see in our world. The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia predicted this relentless degradation if the Ti-Enia do not change their attitudes and behaviors. Each of us has a role to play. The Enia plant their seeds of wisdom into the Ti-Enia's dreams. But in your and my reality most of the Ti-Enia are asleep even when they are walking around and going through their daily life. We say people should have the opportunity to make informed choices. Our children are growing up thinking that this competition-driven madness is the only way to be in the world. They should at least be told and shown that there is an alternative. You could plant the Prime Directive in someone's mind everyday, like a seed, trusting that when the time is right the seed will grow.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The Prime Directive

In the Handbook On Being Human the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia provide us with a set of ethical arguments for Creating Peaceful Space. They are a set of arguments that focus on the welfare of the individual as well as the survival and advancement of the larger community of life on planet earth. The consequence of accepting the arguments presented in the Handbook must logically and ethically be to align your life with the Prime Directive of the Human Family. However, human logic and ethics are constantly challenged by human emotions, egotism, and self-interest. The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago).

The role of the Prime Directive [to seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, to convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the co-existence of all living things] is to provide a universal guideline for ethical decision-making. It is a paradigm for socializing our children into an ethical worldview through the systematic cultivation of fair-mindedness, honesty, integrity, self-knowledge, and a deep concern for the welfare of others. This early childhood cultivation is the process for engineering an ethical world. The proper role of ethical reasoning is to highlight acts of two kinds: those that enhance the well-being of others and therefore warrant our praise, and those that harm or diminish the well-being of others, and therefore warrant our criticism. As a general rule it is fairly simple to establish agreement about what is and what is not ethical behavior. Ethical reasoning and principles are not based on religious, political, cultural, or philosophical worldviews which have historically been the basis of divisions and conflict among the human family. The key to understanding ethical reasoning and ethical behavior is a set of simple questions! How would you feel is someone did that to you? How would you feel if someone cheated, deceived, exploited, harmed, abused, embarrassed, ignored, avoided, ridiculed, diminished, or otherwise undermined you in some way? By asking these kinds of questions the governments of the world, were able to come together in 1948 and agree on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Have you ever read the document? Our global implementation of its protocols is flawed to say the least, but the aspirations and declarations of the document are a benchmark of progress in the ethical understanding of our species, our world, and the global human and inter-species relationships that support our existence.

The Preamble to the Declaration states:

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

The Prime Directive of the Human Family is the quintessence, the refined extract of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Forty-four words that any adult or child can commit to heart.  Consider Articles 1-10. They are all elaborations of the Prime Directive to seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others. Consider Articles 11-15 as examples of the directive to convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world. In fact each element of the UDHR is embodied in the Prime Directive of the Human Family. Consider Articles 24-25 in the context of the third protocol of the Prime Directive, to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the co-existence of all living things. Article 29 states that, everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. This is perhaps the most important article because without a sense of individual responsibility, the aspirations of the UDHR and the Prime Directive cannot be realized.

Article 26 of the UDHR states that, everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. It further states that, education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

Governments, corporations, and organizations are social institutions that do not run the world. People do! Humans breath life into institutions. We tend to forget that all of the world's leaders, heads, and decision-makers were once children raised by one or more of us. Raise the child's body on a diet of nutritious food and regular exercise and they will tend to grow into physically healthy human beings. Nurture the child's mind and spirit on ethical wisdom and practice and they will tend to grow into socially conscious and responsible individuals whether they become postal worker, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a community leader, a corporate mogul, a head of government, or the head of a powerful international organization. So the only way to change the policies and practices of our social institutions (government, economy, education, health care, family, etc.) is to change the worldview of the people who run them now, and (perhaps more importantly) those who will run them in the future. We are preparing the leaders of tomorrow in our homes, classrooms, and neighborhoods today. The Prime Directive should be promoted, instructed, nurtured, and exemplified in every home, every classroom, and every neighborhood. The children who grow into leaders from those kinds of environments will become the kind of leaders who encourage and support our process of healing our world. You can help make a difference by simply promoting the Peaceful Space Project web site and blog among your family, friends, coworkers, community social and civic leaders, government representative, and anyone else you can think of. No product to sell although I would hope that they would read the Handbook. No complex philosophy to try and articulate. Just be a planter and drop the seed at every opportunity trusting that when it is time for that seed to grow, it will! We cannot afford to give up on our own species because that means allowing ourselves to descend further into the nightmare abyss that the Enia outline in the Handbook. We have to believe that our children are capable of facing and overcoming the many social and environmental obstacles to survival that we have placed in their path. We have a responsibility to give them all of the fundamental tools the meet those challenges that we can. The Prime Directive is a fundamental tool, the quintessence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Preview The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I 

(Reference: Understanding the Foundations of Ethical Reasoning, Dr. Richard Paul, Dr. Linda Elder, Foundation for Critical Thinking, ISBN: 0-944-583-17-2)
(Reference: United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights) (link)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Fathers Day Message

It’s difficult not to think of all of the young males, especially the young Black males who have little or no relationship with their fathers. No one they can call, no one to whom they can send a card, or who they visit with a smile and a hug to say “Happy Fathers Day dad!” My personal pain goes even deeper when I think of all of the young Black males who will grow up feeling abandoned by their fathers, whether their fathers are living or deceased. My empathy and compassion are deep enough to feel for all of the boys who are missing a father in their lives. But, for young Black males, who are already disenfranchised from the greater society at birth, their loss seems to be the greatest of all. Any young male can relate to the sense of loss of the young Black male who grows up without a father although there are differences both in degree and kind of pain.

The word father can denote the inherent relationship between a man and his natural child or children (male or female). In a broader and more significant sense, father refers to a man who assumes continuous care and protection of a child or children, whether the relationship is based on birth, adoption, or foster care. As the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook On Being Human, each child comes into this world as pure potential, driven by an innate Destiny Mandate yet malleable and ready to be shaped by their environment. What a father’s love, caring, and protect brings to the environment of the child, especially the young male is irreplaceable. Let the voices of fatherless boys tell you about the silence in their heads as they ask questions for which there are no answers, not even a voice trying to answer. Let them tell you about the blank spots in the mirror where nothing is reflected back to them about why they are the way that they are, “is that a trait of my father’s?” Let their broken voices tell you of their struggle to achieve the most confusing and impossible thing, manhood, without anyone to guide them, without a father to show them the way. It is their voices, speaking to the emptiness in their souls, that reveals the importance of celebrating and honoring fatherhood on this Fathers Day, 2011.

The proverb, like father, like son is of no small importance in understanding the role and responsibility of the father and his affect on his son(s). We come into the world as pure potential and someone meets us here, and they begin the process of our becoming, Dr. M. states in the Handbook. The father begins the process of the son’s becoming. The natural relationship between the father and his son is that in the beginning the son(s) is in the process of becoming the father. The father is his role model for being in the world. When that role model is missing the child is subject to falter in his process of co-creation of the self. The father and the son co-create the son’s foundational personality together. In the absence of the father the foundational personality structure is full of cracks resulting from the son’s attempts at figuring everything out on his own, and from not having someone in whom he has unwavering trust.

Every father who has embraced the responsibility of their role as father with pride, joy, and commitment is an example to those who have not. And for those fathers who have somehow fallen short in honoring that role, it is never too late to seal whatever cracks can be sealed. The presence of a father’s love is intended by our nature to be guaranteed. If it breaks down, it can and should be repaired and may have to be replaced. But it should always be present in some form. Hence the African proverb, it takes a community to raise a child. It is also said that, a father can raise a son but only the community can raise a man. As important as these things are, we should not let education, work, careers, friends, hobbies, emergencies, must-dos and the host of other reasons, excuses, and priorities get in the way of being good fathers. Not to mention drugs, women, and a bad disposition about life. The role of father is too important.

The Prime Directive of the Human Family as outlined in the Handbook is a guide to successful fathering. When viewed from the perspective of fatherhood, the Prime Directive provides a guideline for the relationship between the father and his son(s). As a father, seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and your sons and teach them to do the same. Convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world and with your sons and teach them to do the same. Nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and your family, and teach your sons to do the same. Teach your sons how to live in and how to Create Peaceful Space!

Sometimes the challenge of all that responsibility can be overwhelming, frightening. But being a good father is in your nature. Don’t run from it! Embrace it! Don’t rush to become a father but once you are a father rush to answer its call and fulfill its responsibilities! And whether your father is dead or alive, if you have been blessed to be close to your father, to have a nurturing and loving relationship with him, let this be the day that you celebrate and be thankful for your that relationship with your father. And if like Dr. M., myself, and so many others you live with the scares of a breach in the father-son bond, then let this be a day to through off your burden of anger, resentment, regret, sadness, loss, and abandonment and say to your father, face-to-face or in their absence, from your heart, Happy Fathers Day, dad!

To all of the men out there striving to be the best fathers they can be, Kudos!

Happy Fathers Day!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Conflict and The Prime Directive

In most of what I write on this and my other Blogs I try to be both realistic and optimistic. That is not always easy! The reality of what the Ti-Enia have made of the world is heartbreaking and conjures a sense of foreboding that we are on the verge of a cataclysmic collapse of our social and natural environments. It feels inconceivable and obvious to me that the Ti-Enia’s arrogance and ignorance cannot go unchecked. The Ti-Enia are so busy blaming each other for this and that, so busy pointing the finger at them, that they fail to ask the most important question. What are we doing to our world? Conditioned into short-term memory, instant gratification, conspicuous consumption, hard-heartedness, and thoughtlessness many Ti-Enia seem blind to all of the signs that are in front of their faces. Their vision is too shortsighted to put the pieces together and see the bigger picture. Every social institution and every area of the global ecosystem seems to be experiencing some kind of unexpected and disruptive crisis yet, the Ti-Enia refuse to change course.

I am reminded of Dr. M’s 15th Letter to U where he discusses some of the fragments that the Riri Enia (Seeing People) have found. Remember, they connected each of the statements in the fragments with specific historical and current events. What I’m reminded of is the recurring statement, ‘They fail to see!’ The message is repeated eight times and then ends with ‘They are forced to see!’ I know that for all of you out there who do put the pieces together it is probably as difficult for you as it is for me to be optimistic, to wake up each day looking forward to the beauty and joy that each moment of life could hold. Of course, for you to deny the ignorance, arrogance, greet, prejudice, hatred, sexism, the dark side of globalization, and the faults that lie at the foundation of our political, scientific, and technological pursuits is not a solution. Going through life as though it is all good is as flawed a perspective as thinking and acting like it is all bad. Chaos and conflict are a part of the creation. The wisdom of The Architect of Creation is that It has put chaos and order, conflict and harmony into a fecund balance from which all of the wonders of the Universe emerge.

In Letter 15 Dr. M. states,

People who think that this reality is designed to sustain a world without tension and conflict fail to understand the nature of the world and the nature of our species. The aim of the Enia is to live in accordance with the Prime Directive of our species. There is no question as to whether conflict will emerge between Inurere. It will! The question is whether or not we use our wisdom to alleviate the conditions from which conflict emerges, and when conflict does emerge, to choose the method of mitigation and resolution that produces the least negative Unpredictable Consequences in the Pataki Aiye and the Ojiji Aiye.

The Ti-Enia have already set things into motion and planted seeds that are bearing poison fruit. Yet the Ti-Enia, from world leaders to common everyday people, continue to look away focusing their attention on empty pleasures and futile solutions to orchestrated problems. Did you hear the predictions about the end of the world? One group predicting it will end this Saturday, May 21, 2011 and the Mayan Calendar predicting that the world will end in 2012. Who knows for sure? People have been predicting the end of the world by divine intervention for thousands of years. Some people have spent their entire lives waiting for it to come. To me a Divine Day of Reckoning is a matter of personal belief and each should be free to believe as they choose. But reckoning is not restricted to divine or spiritual sources.

Reckoning means retribution, doom, punishment, and nemesis. But it also means fate, and your fate is the consequences of your choices. Once again the message of the Handbook rings clear, you are responsible for your choices and through your choices you shape your and our worlds (the Pataki Aiye and the Ojiji Aiye). You and I can choose to Create Peaceful Space in our own little part of the world. Dr. M. makes it clear that everything is connected to everything else. So when you choose to make a positive change in your little part of the fabric of creation, you actually change the whole thing. You change the Universe! More importantly, you can change the lives of the people around you. Remember, it doesn’t have to be big. A small act of kindness can truly go a long way. It can be something as simple as sharing this Blog and the Prime Directive with a friend, acquaintance, or coworker. Or how about sending them a copy of the Handbook On Being Human as a gift?

  • The Prime Directive is something to anchor your self to when conflict emerges. It is also a reminder of how to avoid conflict. 
  • The Prime Directive can give students the words to speak to address bullying. 
  • The Prime Directive can give parents the words to guide and socialize their children. 
  • The Prime Directive can give teachers words to establish their protocols for classroom management. 
  • The Prime Directive can give life-partners the words to define the parameters of their relationship. 
  • The Prime Directive can give business and political leaders the words to frame their relationship to the people whose lives they affect in such profound ways. 
  • The Prime Directive can be that choice that you and I make that changes our world by moving us in the direction of decreasing conflict and chaos, in the direction of Peaceful Space. 
  • The Prime Directive can be that thread that ties all of us together into a beautiful quilt. 

But it can only become these things if those who accept and align their lives with the Prime Directive share it with others. One-By-One!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Creating Peaceful Space

This should have been posted as my second Post of April but I was lost in my thoughts and feelings about the natural disasters that struck the US over the past few weeks. I still plan two more post in the month of May. I hope you, your family members, and friends were spared the wrath of the storms. I also hope that you will pause to feel the pain and suffering that so many of our human family are experiencing. The natural disasters are a function of us being in the way of Mother Nature’s own life processes. We die, we cry, and we hope! The nuclear crisis in Japan is a result of the intersection of Mother Nature’s own life processes and human choices. We die, we cry, and we hope! Our wars are purely our own doing. We die, we cry, and we hope! Creating Peaceful Space is about learning and choosing to find balance in our relationship with Ile Inurere (the Home of Humanity) and in our relationships with each other.

 In the Handbook On Being Human the Mysterious Dr. M. states, “You cannot really control other people, (even children). The greater the degree of control over another individual or group (through fear, intimidation, or violence) the more of a nemesis they become for the individual or group attempting to exercise control.” We can see the truth and wisdom of Dr. M’s words being played out across the Middle East, North Africa, and other parts of the world today. “You can however control yourself. You can choose to Create Peaceful Space!” In the Handbook, Dr. M. discusses the Multi-Causality Formula that states, “Any social phenomenon that we choose to call ‘Y’ is invariably the result of more than one causal element ‘X’." He goes on to give a brief list of 16 Causal Elements that will nurture the emergence of Peaceful Space. Here is a prescription for teaching our children how to create a better world. Here is a curriculum for unlocking the positive and beautiful potential of our species. Here is a simple set of guidelines for facilitating the rise of the Ti-Enia.

  • Understand the basic nature of life and your species.
  • Understand the composition of your own personality.
  • Live up to the Prime Directive of our species.

Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others,
Convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world,
Nurture life and struggle again death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things
. (The Prime Directive of the Human Family)
  • Look beyond the surface of things and feel the people around you.
  • Recognize diversity as a fundamental and unalterable characteristic of creation.
  • Develop a sense of empathy regarding the common human condition.
  • Accept the uniqueness of each individual’s journey.

Dr. M. points out in the Handbook that we create Quantum Entities when we interact with each other. These Quantum Entities take on the energetic qualities associated with our interpersonal interactions, positive or negative. The more we open ourselves up to the feelings of empathy and compassion for others, the more the Quantum Entities we create take on those attributes.

  • Be true to yourself.
  • Be self-determined and self-defined.
  • Honor each individual’s right to choose.
  • Embrace the positive and rise above the negative.
  • Encourage the best and support the highest aspirations of everyone you meet.
  • Do things that make you feel good about yourself and then nurture that good feeling in others.
  • Give people time to grow out of their fears and misery.
  • Plant seeds of wisdom wherever you can but don’t hang around waiting for them to grow.
  • Trust in the Process!

To which of these guidelines would you say, “No, I will not do that!” “No, I cannot do that!” Each of these 16 Causal Elements for the emergence of Peaceful Space is totally within your control. It is all about how you choose to live your life, everyday, every minute of every day.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Self-Determined Evolution

In his documentary Journey of Man, Spencer Wells comments that if we took the DNA of one individual and could stretch it out to its full length, it would stretch from earth to the moon 3,000 times. Imagine that! And each piece of that DNA is packed full of information. And just think! Among all of the forms of life that Mother Earth has produced and sustained, we (Inurere) are the only ones who have the capacity for Self-Determined Evolution. The Mysterious Dr. M. speaks of this concept in one of his Letters to U. Self-Determined Evolution is the progression and enhancement of the physical and mental capacities of our species through the agency of thought and based upon cognitional and intuitional approaches to fulfilling the Prime Directive. He also states that the key to Self-Determined Evolution is choice.

Creating a world where we, our children and grandchildren, and our descendants to come can live in Peaceful Space is the challenge of our times. Current events speak to the volatility of the moment. We are living in the grip of Social Change of the Fourth Kind described in the Handbook On Being Human as rapid, sustained, far-reaching, dynamic, and a precipitant of social dysfunctions and Anomie (a breakdown of social order). Creating Peaceful Space as a global phenomenon will not be easy but there is no other creature on the planet that is equipped to play your and my role. There is no one else and nothing else to pass the responsibility to, unless we simply decide to pass it on to our children.

Dr. M. and the Enia make a clear prediction about the path that we are currently following. Today, the technologies we have engineered and infused into the Global Society are precipitating unexpected changes and latent effects. Powerful social and technological forces are driving social change under the influence of their own inertia and dynamic tendencies (for example, social media versus parental and government controls). We have arrived at a generation of children who have spent more time with a piece of electronic equipment than they have in a park, at a lake, wondering at the stars, or making their own toys out of the scraps of their everyday environments. For many of them the sense of connection to Mother Earth, to our many relatives, and to each other is breaking down or non-existent. We have to ask ourselves what kind of qualities, characteristics, and protocols do our children need in order to cope with and progress during this period of Social Change of the Fourth Kind. What should be the goals of Self-Determined Evolution for our children?

The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia have written the Handbook to help answer those questions. Remember these hints:

Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas. In order to solve the problems of our times individually and collectively we must develop in ourselves and nurture in our children inventiveness, vision, initiative, inspiration, resourcefulness, and enterprise.

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is a sense of knowing based on an instinctive or subjective feeling rather than an objective observation. Who could possibly record the number of times that a hunch, feeling-in-the-bones, inkling, sneaking suspicion, idea, sense, notion, gut feeling, premonition, presentiment, or instinct (an innate behavior pattern or natural skill) has changed the course of in individual life or world history? Teaching and training our children to be sensitive to and to trust their intuitions is a very important part of preparing them for the challenges of this life.

Instincts are natural tendencies, inherent tendencies, inclinations, urges, drives, compulsions, and needs. Our instincts and their effects are extensively discussed in the Handbook. Instincts also manifests as talents, gifts, abilities, aptitudes, faculties, skills, flairs, knacks, bents, and genius. It is very important that we observe and respond to the instincts of the next generation rather than simply thinking that as parents and adults, we know what is best for them. Many of us have been directed into career choices and activities that were not in alignment with our instincts and denied the opportunity to express ourselves in areas that were more aligned with our instincts. The result is internal dissonance and dissatisfaction.

Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions. It is a kind of self-modification to meet a new need or fulfill a new purpose. Adaptability could require a change in your Foundational Personality but it can also be built into the personality of children starting at an early age. Routine behavior development is very important to establish positive life-style behaviors. But nurturing adaptability is also extremely important. During Social Change of the Fourth Kind, Self-Determined Evolution must anticipate the need for versatility, modifiability, convertibility, alterability, adjustability, and multi-purpose functionality.

Flexibility is the ability to bend easily without breaking. Like adaptability it is characteristic of an individual or organization that can easily modify itself to respond to altered circumstances or conditions. Flexibility is characterized by pliability, suppleness, plasticity, give-and-take, cooperation, amenability, tolerance, and willingness to compromise. Adults and children who share this characteristic will be less prone to be overwhelmed by disappointments and changes in their everyday lives.

Resilience is the ability to spring back into shape after being bent or compressed (or to recover one’s health or spirits quickly). Both flexibility and resilience are essential qualities for Self-Determined Evolution. Resilient individuals are strong, hardy, buoyant, irrepressible, and hardwearing.

Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. Dr. M. talks about the human brain in the Handbook. The Brain thrives on associative links, the mind needs to fill in the blanks and complete pictures, and the imagination loves stories. Insight is critical to problem solving and in its Middle English origin means inner sight, mental vision, or wisdom. With insight come the abilities of discernment, perception, awareness, understanding, appreciation, penetration, acumen, judgment, and apprehension.

We are a unique and wonderful species capable of so much good. Each day each one of us chooses the aspect of ourselves that we are going to call forth or allow to be aroused by outside stimuli. Each day we choose to give into our Fight-or-Flight Response and all of the negative thoughts and feelings that come with it, or we choose to Create Peaceful Space. As Dr. M. and the Enia point out in the Handbook not even death frees us from our responsibility for Self-Determined Evolution.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's Make a Deal

The Handbook On Being Human is not a book written to or for children. However, it is a book about raising children and giving them the tools and insights necessary for them to navigate their unique journey towards Self-Actualization. The Handbook discusses the journey from before birth to after death and the stages of the journey in between. Let’s Make A Deal is the subtitle of Chapter 26 of the Handbook On Being Human. The main title of that Chapter is Arrival. I’ve been rereading the Handbook for additional edits. As I reflect on current world events and review the message that Dr. M. and the Enia presented I’m taken by the insights of the Riri Enia (the Seeing People). Dr. M. said that the Riri Enia saw into the Shadow World (Ojiji Aiye) and into the future and said that the Oku Enia (the Corpse) would cause increasing natural and man-made catastrophes as it tries to push its way into our world.  Think about the events that have taken place since the Handbook was published in 2009.

Most of the people-in-the-know have been saying that the events in the Middle East and North Africa caught them and everyone by surprise. Well, not everyone! I don’t often quote whole paragraphs of the Handbook in my Posts but as the forces of Social Change of the Fourth Kind sweep across the region (and the world) Dr. M’s words ring as true as the other predications of the Riri Enia. Here is a quote from Chapter 26.

Most parents believe that their way of seeing the world is the right way for their children to see the world. This belief is both true and false. It is true because there are certain fundamental lessons that are critical to the welfare of the child, the preservation of social order, and the survival of the species. It is false because the parents and the child do not live in identical cognitive, cultural, or social realities. Each has to make an effort to understand the cultural reality of the other. As a parent you can give your children insight and navigational skills to access the culture. Your children on the other hand are born to bring social change. Herein lies an essential tension between parent and child, adults and children, the present generations and those to come. It is best if this potentially explosive tension is resolved in Peaceful Space. When the youth are under-educated, unemployed, disenfranchised, and their essential nature stifled, they will seek to bring about change by any means necessary. Look at the countries around the world where the innate potential of youth has been denied to the violent detriment of the society. Most modern societies around the world have shifted their focus away from the needs of their children, the future of their children, and the Prime Directive in favor of the selfish short-term interests of adults, especially those who exercise the various forms of social power (governance, economic, institutional authority, or social status).

Current events speak to the truth of Dr. M’s message. In the Handbook, Dr. M. says that the collective experience of the Inurere (Humanity) forms a Quantum Personality with its own Energy Signature. And every change that takes place within the Energy Signature of our planet (Ile Inurere – the Home of Humanity) affects everything as a whole (the land, water, and air, the micro-organisms, plants, insects, fish, birds, animals, and Inurere). What is happening now in the Middle East and North Africa is just the tip of what is pushing its way into the Pataki Aiye (Material World). I wonder to what extent we in the United States are pushing our own children towards a confrontation with the established order that it would be best for us to avoid. Clinging to things that are by nature impermanent is the source of suffering was the Buddha’s message. Change and adaptation are in the nature of things and in the nature of our children. If a society chooses to cling to that which is contrary to the nature and needs of its children it does so to its own great peril.

Across the US children are living in poverty, being under-educated for the needs of the times, being driven into lifelong poor health through the consumption of unhealthy foods, and being seduced to believe that their worth as human beings is based on their level of consumption. We should take current events as a warning of what lies beneath the surface of our present social order. Promoting the Prime Directive as a fundamental and essential aspect of our social interactions with each other and in the nurturing and education of our children is another step towards establishing a Human Contract that works.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The Handbook On Being Human was written as a teaching tool. Throughout the Handbook the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia remind and inform you about your quantum, genetic, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual makeup. The message of the Handbook was prescribed by the Enia to help humans (the Ti-Enia) Create Peaceful Space in their personal lives and in the global human family (the Inurere – Humanity). In the Handbook Dr. M. talks about the Door of Good Fortune (Ilekun rere) and the Door of Misfortune (Ilekun buburu), and about the way that your individual choices can create cracks in the barrier between the Pataki Aiye (material world) and the Ojiji Aiye (shadow world). The Door of Misfortune binds negative energies in the Ojiji Aiye. When you create cracks in the Door of Misfortune more Predictable and Unpredictable Negative Consequences can escape and push their way into our world and your personal life. I’m sure we have touched on this topic in several of my previous Post. After reading this Post you should have a better understanding of how some of these cracks are created and therefore how they can be avoided.

A crack is a line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking into separate parts, like that crack in your car’s front windshield or in that old pair of glasses that you still keep around for some reason (just in case). In your social world this kind of crack comes about when your actions or inaction changes the quality and strength of the bond between you and a family member, friend, co-worker, supervisor, employer, or other individual or group. It is the kind of crack that weakens but does not break relationships. But it does make those relationships easier-to-break. The quality of the negative energy that emanates from this kind of crack leaves legacies like, we still did things together but it just wasn’t the same after I (he, she, they)…

Crack(s) can also refer to the narrow space(s) between two surfaces that have broken, been separated, or otherwise moved apart from each other. In the Handbook Dr. M. shared his experience of seeing a single blade of grass growing in the crack of a boulder when he stopped to tie his shoe. A blade of grass is not the only thing that can grow and come out of a crack of this kind. Just think for a moment of what can happen if you get this kind of crack (separation) in your skin. Bad stuff can get into your body and poison you, even take your life. More times then not you know when you have created this kind of crack in your social world because you find yourself wondering if it will ever heal, if the offended party will ever forgive you, if they hate you, are they angry enough to want to get back at you, and all of the other thoughts that your imagination can conceive. This kind of crack produces a narrow space or separation between your Energy Signature and in the Quantum Entity you share with the person or persons affected by your choice(s). In other words, there is hope that the pieces can be mended back together like a once broken vase.

An intended or unintended gesture, a word spoken in the wrong tone or at the wrong time, an action taken without a thought as to the possible consequences, sometimes even something done with the best of intentions can produce a crack that breaches the barrier between you and the Door of Misfortune. This is why the Enia allowed Dr. M’s discussions with U about the quantum nature of reality to be published in the Handbook. Everyone needs to understand the profound power of our thoughts, words, and actions. Our choices create our reality!

A crack is also a sudden sharp or explosive noise like the crack of thunder that not only reaches your ears but also makes your body vibrate right down to your bones. It is most important that we get the Ti-Enia to understand the power of their tongue. What comes from their mouths is more powerful and potentially damaging than anything that Shango has manifested in the sky. (Spoken by one of the Olukoni Enia, the Teacher People). A sudden harshness or change in the pitch of your voice can cause your words to penetrate so deeply into a person that their vibrations will resonate in that person's Energy Signature for days, weeks, months, years, even decades. A critical or unkind joke intended to provide laughter for some might indeed cause significant damage to another. This is why Dr. M. talks about racism, sexism, classism, and all forms of prejudice and discrimination among the Ti-Enia. These are cracks in the barrier between the worlds.

The message of the Handbook is that we must live our lives mindfully, paying close attention to how our individual and collective choices affect the people around us, and the environments we share. A crack in your window not only lets in the outside air. It also allows your controlled atmosphere to dissipate into the outer environment. The crack also allows insects to enter into your private spaces and the weather to damage the things that you cherish. So why be careless or uncaring and create cracks in your own Energy Signature and in the Quantum Entities that you create and share as you go about your daily interactions with those with whom you share the world? Why make choices that create cracks in the barrier that separates the worlds and invite misfortune into your life? Why do that? 

No doubt we are all guilty of creating cracks and have already experienced some of the Predictable and Unpredictable Negative Consequences of our choices. If you want to Create Peaceful Space and make the kind of difference in our world that Dr. M. and the Enia talk about in the Handbook than Step 1 is to determine to stop making choices that create avoidable cracks. Step 2 is to seal the cracks that you have already created, like making a stained-glass window. The Handbook provides you with an understanding of human nature and you can use that knowledge to begin the process of healing old wounds where possible and rising above guilt where necessary so that you can achieve Peaceful Space within yourself. From that vantage point you can Create Peaceful Space with others.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Serenity Prayer and The Prime Directive

Tens of millions of people have heard, recited, and internalized the Serenity Prayer. It is hung in millions of offices and homes as posters and plaques. I recently received a calendar that posts the prayer in sections for the first three months of 2011. What a wonderful prayer to begin the New Year! What a wonderful prayer to recite each day! What a wonderful embodiment of the spirit and essence of the Peaceful Space Project and the Prime Directive!

Grant me the Serenity to accept the things 
that I cannot change,
The Courage to change the things that I can,
And, the Wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity is the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. Its Latin root, serenus means clear or fair.  As a noun in archaic language the serene refers to an expanse of clear sky or calm sea. In the Traditions of the Enia we would say clear path. The first expression of the Serenity Prayer is a supplication that you might live your life in Peaceful Space (to accept) even when the places and events around you are not as you would wish them to be. The Mysterious Dr. M. makes the distinction between a peaceful place and Peaceful Space very clear in the Handbook On Being Human. This appeal for serenity is at the same time an acknowledgment that life, by its very nature will challenge you. The metaphor of your journey up the mountain that Dr. M. shares with U in the Handbook makes it clear that there will be obstacles to overcome as you strive to realize your Destiny Mandate. It also reflects your acceptance that you are a limited being (the things that I cannot change) and only part of a much larger creative process and journey. The first expression of the Serenity Prayer also aligns with the description that Dr. M. gives of the relationship between the Peaceful Space Response and the Fight-or-Flight Response. Dr. M. states that the normal condition of human life is Peaceful Space. This is the condition you naturally seek. Your nature is to gravitate to Peaceful Space just as water returns to stillness after being disturbed. Dr. M. says that human potential can only be realized in Peaceful Space. The Fight-or-Flight Response on the other hand is a reaction to a threat or perceived danger (real or imagined). It is the alarm and the resource to fuel our reaction and our solution to the disturbance. Once the problem is solved you (should) gravitate back to Peaceful Space (Grant me...). Create Peaceful Space!

The second verse of the Serenity Prayer gives expression to the Prime Directive and to a purposeful life. Recognizing that life is full of challenges and obstacles as Dr. M. describes throughout the Handbook, living a purposeful life requires determination and resolve. Living a purposeful life is about striving for Self-Actualization, overcoming obstacles to achieve your Destiny Mandate, and growing a heart big enough to care for a world. Grant me the courage to change the things that I can! Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you. It is a state of strength in the face of pain, grief, or ordeal. This second verse acknowledges that although you are a limited being, you are not a powerless being. You can facilitate positive change in the world. Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things.

The third part of the Serenity Prayer aggregates your sense of limitation and your sense of personal empowerment and petitions for higher consciousness to emerge in you. Grant me the wisdom to know the difference! It concedes that your personal power lies in your capacity to choose. This is one of the most important messages articulated in the Handbook On Being Human.  Choose! Choose to Create Peaceful Space!

Through the Serenity Prayer some of you reach out to your concept of Creator and seek an enrichment and revitalization of your spirit. By aligning your life with the Prime Directive and inviting others to do the same your regenerated spirit can be put into action making difference in the world.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!