Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Two Gifts of the Moment & The Prime Directive

Our condition in life certainly affects how we feel about The First Gift of the Moment, The Gift of Now. Most of us will experience moments when it is excruciatingly painful to be alive, physically, mentally, or emotionally. Today, many of our family members around the world are suffering such levels of pain. Yet most of them and us will also cling to life whenever and wherever we are threatened with the loss of The Gift of Now. This is a gift worth preserving! Life exists only in the Eternal Now and all that you and I hold dear can only be experienced in this Most Precious Moment. Many of the people I've spoken to over the years speak of a sense of purpose. They feel something pushing them from inside towards the completion of some task that defines their purpose for being in the world. The task itself may be a clear vision or as obscure as darkness itself, yet they feel pushed and pulled towards that something that will fulfill the demands of this silent and relentless call that dwells in the Eternal Now. Often people come to me to help them in clarifying their choices.

The Second Gift of the Moment, The Gift of Choice is both a gift and a challenge (a trial for the Believer). The gift is that we get to actually be the architects of our own lives. The Ifa Tradition of Yorubaland, West Africa holds the view that every human chooses to come into the world and that we come for a purpose. Ifa and some other worldviews also hold that we even choose our parents before we come into the world (this is, you choose to come knowing who your parents will be and the influence they will have on your life). Some of us come because of that knowledge, others in spite of it. From a psychological and sociological perspective we might hold the view that we can not be the architects of our own lives until we reach the maturity of reason or the age prescribed by norms and customs. The point still remains that wittingly and unwittingly, we are co-participants in our process of becoming. The person we become and the life that we experience are inextricably interwoven with the Two Gifts of the Moment, The Gift of Now and The Gift of Choice.

The challenge or trial of the Gift of Choice is that (for better or worst) our choices operate under the laws of cause and effect, and as the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, the effect of our choices are much more dynamic and far-reaching than most humans realize. Most of our everyday choices produce subtle ripples that fade from our awareness once they have manifested their intended effect. There are also choices that we make that produce immediate and observable shifts in energy (positive or negative) and that cause long-term shifts in our Energy Signature and the topography of our social landscape. According to the Enia and Dr. M., what the Ti-Enia (humans) don't understand is the aggregating effect of their collective choices in the quantum field and on the Quantum Entity of our planet. It is these aggregating effects that the Prime Directive is intended to address.

This weekend I spent time with some students in various wellness training programs. I was reminded of how many wonderful souls there are trying to navigate the cultural fish tank and to make a difference in the world. Their Energy Signatures radiate with the vibration of the Prime Directive. Every where I go I meet people who have that innate sense, that subtle awareness, that they came into the world to live in alignment with the Prime Directive of the Human Species, to seek pleasure and avoid pain for themselves and others, to transform negative energy into positive energy through their conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things.

Remember that you can make a difference! You chose to come and you chose to come for a reason - to complete a task. And you can't be in Peaceful Space unless you are On Path to answering that inner call. A positive shift in your Energy Signature can bring about dynamic changes in the Energy Signature of those around you and even further away. When you are paying attention, you can actually see the change, the shift in people's Energy Signatures taking place right there in front of you. You can see it in their faces, in their eyes, and in the language of their bodies. Right now! You can choose to do something different. Something that will create a small but positive shift in your own life, in the life of someone you know and care about, or even in the life of someone you don't know. It is a choice! And the only moment in which you can exercise the power of choice is now! Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Choose to Create Peaceful Space!

Peace and Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right when you state that our condition in life affects how we respond to ‘The First Gift of the Moment’. For instance, being a part of the educational system as a student has its benefits! I feel at this ‘forever moment’ a sense of gratification in that I am NOT wasting my life or hating my job. I realize that I have been given a golden opportunity to pursue a higher level of education and the gift of ability to achieve success (i.e., holistic approach – mind, body, soul). In addition, I have the privilege of extending my knowledge base on various subjects within my specific field of interest along with satisfying my curiosity through extended research inquiries. Furthermore, I can say that my choice of employment allows me to apply my ‘scholarly being’ to helping others at a critical time in their life in which there is a strong desire for a sense of direction, hope, and acceptance.

Concerning the Second Gift of the Moment: The Gift of Choice, my life is designed at this very moment to take “what I want” whether it be a fine mind, a healthy body, or a strong sense of spiritual being. As such, I can ‘walk away’ at any time with minimal and undesirable consequences. I realize through this week’s blog that this is in part due to “long-term shifts in my Energy Signature [within] the topography of my social landscape”. In essence, it is being mindful of the present energy surrounding me and making any necessary shifts of energy ( negative into positive) as need be.

Finally, as to the challenges/trials of the Gift of Choice, I believe that by joining hands with those who desire to live in alignment with the "Prime Directive of the Human Species", I have the chance to meet and work with some of the brightest and spiritual people on the planet who as Dr. M points out, understand the "aggregating effect of their collective choices in the quantum field and on the Quantum Entity of our plane"! Collectively, we have the opportunity to reach for ideas that were once beyond our grasp and, in so doing, extend our intellectual capabilities. We can thus solve problems that have not been solved before, explore concepts that have not been explored, and uncover principles that aline us in a peaceful space to make a difference in helping other Ti-Enia as well as our planet earth.

Thank you Dr. M for your continual guidance!

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul."

Horatio G. Spafford, 1873.