Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Making a Difference in Every Moment

Again this week I heard from someone who is in touch with the pain and suffering that is in our world. He feels torn between pursuing his own life agenda and a compelling need to make a difference in the conditions of the people and direction of world affairs.  He was seeking guidance in settling the argument in his head and heart about what to do, pursue his life agenda or to make a difference. Dr. M. discusses the Destiny Mandate in the Handbook and points out that each of us comes into the world to fulfill some purpose and inner calling, and to manifest some particular set of talents. This is the voice of our Ori (Handbook), a compelling voice that speaks to us from the silence in our minds and moves us to move forward toward an often unknown but sensed purpose. We are also moved by the conditions of the world based upon the emotional capacity of our Foundational Personality and our Personality Superstructure as described in the Handbook. This empathic response to the conditions faced by many of our global family members is a sign of one who is Baja Enia (humans who are dissatisfied with the way things are, in their personal lives and in the world. They are in a state of questioning this reality and are pushing against the veil.) I assured the young man that he should feel both wonderful and blessed that he is able to experience empathy and compassion for the world.

There need not be a fork in the road that puts you into an either-or conflict about pursuing your life purpose or making a difference in the lives of the people. It is wonderful and necessary that some of us be able and willing to have direct, hands-on involvement in changing the lives of people who are suffering the ravages of war, famine, disease, and natural disasters. But we are not all called to the same thing nor did we come for the same reasons. What Dr. M. and the Enia point out in the Handbook is that on the quantum level it is equally important for each individual to be involved in shifting the energy field and adjusting the Quantum Personality of our planet (Ile Inurere - Home of Humanity) as it is for some of us to be more directly involved. This is something that each of us can do everyday. There are many ways to make a difference.  Too often we think our part has to be big and far-reaching. But the Handbook reminds you that on the quantum level even an apparently insignificant gesture can have profound energy consequences (both positive and negative). Even our thoughts, prayers, and meditations make a difference.

The Two Gifts of the Moment will present themselves when you are sitting home alone or interacting with family; as you surf through the television stations, ponder which book to read, or decide what to have for dinner. But the Gift of Now and the Gift of Choice will also be present in your everyday interactions with other people. Here is where you and I can make a difference everyday by choosing to Create Peaceful Space, by choosing to live in accordance with the Prime Directive, and by presenting everyone we meet, while following our unique paths, with the option to choose. Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited! How can they choose if they do not know? How can they know if they are not informed? You can make a difference one person at a time and if they are moved by the choice, they will share with others what you have shared with them and the positive effect of your small effort will be multiplied in the Pataki Aiye (Material World) and the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow World).

We are losing too many of our children to the chaos of the times as they are daily confronted with the worst examples of human potential. But many more of our children and youth are striving and crying out for leadership and a sense of direction that is not toxic with bitterness, anger, hostility, conflict, and death. Those desperate children and youth are not just suffering in underdeveloped nations around the world, but right here in our own nation, communities, and homes. That is why the Peaceful Space Project and this Blog have some small significance and why your participation as a reader is so valuable. PSPinc. hopefully provides you with a simple way to link someone to the message of Creating Peaceful Space. You can help the message, the choice, to move from friend to friend, co-worker to co-worker, and parent to child until every member of Inurere (Humanity - the complete family of humans that live on planet earth) has reflected upon the Prime Directive of the Human Species and considered its benefits to themselves, their families, and to the larger world community. That would be making a difference! You can make a difference in every moment of your life!

Learn from the Past, Live in the Present, and Plan for the Future!
Create Peaceful Space!

Peace, Love, and Health

Note: Dr. M. and the Enia have predicted increasing earthquakes and nature disasters as the Oku Enia (the Corpse) gets stronger. As I was writing this Post, I felt the earthquake that just hit the Mexicali, California area. They do seem to be getting more frequent, don't they?


The Angels of New Hope said...

Peace and Grace,

I agree with what you have said to a certain extent. I believe we all have a purpose, yes, some "bigger" than others. However, I speak from experience. I once was homeless and living out of my car during the summer months. I was blessed to have at least a car to live in and did not have to sweat the heat of the Arizona summer. But, none the less it was an experience that provided me with a life experience that enables me the gift of empathy and sympathy. I was the struggling soul to survive and lived in question of why is that I had to live in this way asking for help from those that ignored or abandoned me when the darkness of physical struggle blanketed me.
I know first hand to feel how it is to wonder why people continued to watch from their privileged windows on wheels while I sat stale in pain.
I believe the universal duty of all human kind is to love. I think if we choose to greatness NOW, greatness will manifest and we will be able to take the small and affect the masses that are stricken with pain and struggle for liberation.
If I find it comfortable to take care of my "own" and leave it as that praying that one day down the blood line one of my child's children will be the one chosen to make the great difference then I sit only to wait and watch. When NOW I could take the necessary actions to work towards a larger goal seeing the God in me and living to see the God in others and liberating us all.

The Quantum Sociologist said...

Thanks for sharing your comments. I agree with you! In our everyday lives, we can all choose to make a positive difference in some way, in someone's life. There are also occasions when the desperation of the situation may call some of us to disrupt our everyday lives and act in response to the needs of the situation. All hearts will not respond in the same way, at the same time, to the same set of circumstances. We can also act now to mitigate the level of desperation we (the Human Family) experience next year, fifty years from now, and generations from now by the choices we make today and through what we teach and model to our children. The Prime Directive speaks to all of these opportunities to make a difference. Thank again for your comment!

Create Peaceful Space!

Sarahjavon said...

I really enjoyed this post, thank you. I forget this point so often, even the simplest act of kindness can make such a difference.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what insightful postings! I so agree that it is important to keep our focus on our inner Ori (as well as our foundational and superstructure personality),taking the necessary actions to work towards a larger goal (The Angels of New Hope), and that even the simplest act of kindness can make a difference (Sarahjavon). In this way, living on a daily basis, for the most part, appears to be more self fulfilling, adventurous, and self-discovering. For example, I am amazed that a part of me can come forth to address a situation that appears insolvable, and through continual effort, see it become solvable towards the good of others or myself. I am also amazed at the continual thirst I have towards a continual ‘uphill dance’ with ever-changing dance partners or challenges (i.e., challenging class assignment, illness or relationships). As I partake in dancing, I also take along the select music of love, enthusiasm and sincerity. This playful yet meaningful activity allows me to unfold my talents in areas I excel.

In alignment with the Prime Directive, I also feel the need to pause for a bit to gain the peace and centrality necessary in my heart to adjust not only my level of quanta energy( in favor of the positive) but “the Quantum Personality of our planet” as Dr. M. and the Enia bring out in the Handbook.

As an example of channeling my Ori in a gradual uphill dance along with taking time to pause for the Ile Inurere,I joined hands earlier today, with those in the community in addressing the mental health and housing needs of the homeless ( H3 project). Prior to going out in the field work, my tendencies were to “generalize” the homeless population. Now, in the Gift of Moment, I have the ” gift of empathy and sympathy”, as the Angels of Hope mention, towards the ‘specific ‘ issues of the homeless. This includes acknowledging the particular circumstances’ of the twenty- something year old couple lying on top of cardboard boxes in the ally and the older gentleman sleeping in a hidden spot away from ways harm in a meaningful and supportive way (i.e., mental and medical health, housing) congruent with the Prime Directive.