Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Burden of Hate

It is all about energy! When we look beyond the veil of the Pataki Aiye (Material World) and see creation in its fundamental form we can’t help but understand and feel the interrelatedness, interconnectedness, and interdependence of all things, seen and unseen. The Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia, in the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, teach about our Energy Signatures. If we could all see our Energy Signatures in the radiant colors that emanate from and surround our bodies, if we could all see how those fields of energy shift as we act, interact, and react to each other, if we could see clearly, with our own eyes, the dance of vibrant yet nebulous forms that emerge with our every thought and action, we would be in awe and wonder, and we would be in dread of an evil thought. We would especially want to avoid the Burden of Hate. A burden is a load, especially a heavy one. Burden implies a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief. To burden means to weigh down, encumber, hamper; overload. To be under a burden suggests trouble, worry, distress, strain, stress, and being overwhelmed. Dr. M. talks about how our thoughts and actions, our interactions and reactions influence our Quantum Personality and the Quantum Entities that emerge between one’s self and other people.

To hate implies a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something, to have a strong aversion to someone or something. Hate also denotes hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice towards some individual, group, or idea: a hate crime. To harbor hate is to loathe, detest, despise, abhor, or execrate someone or something. It is to be repelled by, be unable to bear or stand something, to find it intolerable, to recoil from it, to shrink from it, or to look upon it as an abomination, something that should and deserves to be removed from existence. To nurture hatred in your heart is to feed your soul with feelings of abhorrence, aversion, hostility, enmity, animosity, antipathy, revulsion, disgust, contempt, and odium. These are the antithesis of love. They are the sour fruits of the Fight-or-Flight Response. Hate and the feelings that accompany it are thorns in one’s mind, body, and spirit. Hate is a very powerful negative form of affective energy that can place a greater burden on the one who hates than it places on the person or thing that is hated. Dr. M. is very clear about the negative consequences of letting the Fight-or-Flight Response dominate in our everyday lives, distorting our view of the world and robbing us of joy, hope, happiness, vitality, vision, creativity, companionship, and the love of life.

The Burden of Hate begs the question, when is hatred an appropriate reaction and to whom or what should that response be applies? Part of me argues that hatred is never an appropriate response to an animal or other living thing. In fact, hatred is never an appropriate response to a natural thing, animate or inanimate. Animals, trees, plants, insects, creatures of the sea and air, mountains, valleys, caves, meteors, and the weather to not warrant the response of hatred. Granted, you may feel uncomfortable, and in fact may be endangered by some of these living things and environments, and granted, you may wish to avoid them, but what you hate is not the thing or environment. It is the way it makes you feel. The way it disturbs your nature, the way it breaks your inner peace and sense of balance, the way it seems to put you at risk. Avoidance or challenge would both be appropriate responses. You might choose to simply avoid being around certain kinds of animals or in certain environments. Or you may choose to face the discomfort, face your fear, and take it on as a challenge to be overcome. Either way, blaming and hating the nature of things is hardly of benefit to you.

Part of me says that people fall into a different category because people have a capacity for choice and reason that is not shared by other members of our earth family or other aspects of our earth environment. So is it appropriate to hate people? I think not! Something in my Ori says people should not be hated for the conditions of their birth. Something in my Ori also says people are responsible for the choices they make but hating them for their choices serves no positive end. That is not to say that we would not hold them accountable for their choices. To hate what they do, how they act, interact, and react, to hate the pain and damage they bring into the world, Yes! Or maybe! Because, if hatred is a negative form of energy (and it is) then even hating the things that they do will serve no good purpose. It will only generate more negative energy. Hatred burns deep in the soul, it feeds on the spirit, it enchants the mind into exaggerations of reality and it distorts the truth giving credence to illusions and lies. Hatred casts a veil over the eyes, a screen or filter that enhances the color red that emerges from the dark background of fear. To hate what some people choose to do? Yes! But hatred is a poison. It is a toxic and corrosive emotion that consumes from within. It seeds in the mind, in words and ideas, and then it enters the nerves and bloodstream so that it can travel to and root itself in the heart. From their it burns hot urging the enraged soul into some kind of hostile action, a word, a deed, a glance, a frown, an act of violence.

The Prime Directive of the Human Family states that we should convert negative energy into positive energy through our conduct in the world. Yes! It seems impossible to avoid that feeling and the passionate expression of it, I hate…! But then what? What should you do with that negative energy, that poison? It is all about energy remember? Energy is neither created nor destroyed only changed from one form into another.  Rather than responding to the things that we abhor with hatred, hostility, opposition, and vehement protest against them, adding more negative energy to the Quantum Entity that reflects the Energy Signature of our planet as a whole, perhaps it would be wiser to contemplate the opposite of those things that we abhor, and to focus our minds, bodies, and spirits on calling and being those good things into existence. To stand against something or someone makes you wholly dependent on them. You open a crack in your Energy Signature and invite that negative thing into your consciousness like bacteria entering an open wound. Ask yourself what price you are willing to pay for the satisfaction of hating. And know for a certainty that there will be a price to pay.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Process of the Middle Way, Part III

This is a somewhat lengthy but hopefully meaningful conclusion to our topic. The Middle Way is not a structure laid out before you. No one can provide the specifics of your unique path. But there are common elements in our individual journeys as the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. The Middle Way is your ideal way of being in the world. The word Process comes for the Latin processus meaning progression or course. A process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. It also implies a natural or involuntary series of changes like the aging process, the process of photosynthesis, a spiritual or ceremonial process, the maturation process, or the process of change. When you speak of the Process of the Middle Way, you are inquiring into the actions or steps that must be taken in order to achieve the Middle Way or the Middle Path in your particular life journey. How can you avoid the emotional extremes that are like jagged rocks making your journey more of a struggle than you want it to be, or than you feel it needs to be?

Remember the first two letters between U and the Mysterious Dr. M.? And remember the image that is printed throughout the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I? The image of the mountain, off in the distance, standing alone, crowned by clouds, yet appearing to be illuminated. In those first two letters, U and Dr. M. discuss the dream that brought them together. And throughout the Handbook Dr. M. uses the image of the mountain to describe the process of our individual journeys through this life. In U’s dream there was no clear path or way, only the inner feeling that U had to reach the top (the Destiny Mandate). Dr. M.’s description of the wheels on U’s car and the process of the wheels gradually rounding are hints at the difficulty of achieving the Middle Way. The fact that there is no clear path in U’s dream also indicates difficulty and that the ultimate route that U takes to the top of the mountain will be the consequences of U’s choices. And as another hint about our life journey, notice again that the image of the mountain is in the distance. You know that from a distance and even when you are in the midst of the climb, you cannot always tell how many peaks, fissures, and valleys lay on your path. And finally remember that Dr. M. tells U that he has traveled into people’s dreams who have given up on their journey because of its difficulty. Throughout the Handbook Dr. M. encourages you and me to trust in the process!

In the last Post we repeated, the Process of the Middle Way is about being sensitive and responsive to the signals and signs that indicate when you are approaching an extreme (going off-path). In other words, it is U trying to be in the moment to traverse the immediate challenges of the terrain and also looking ahead in order to anticipate the future choices that will ultimately get U to the top of the mountain. But you can't anticipate everything! Sometimes on your journey you may come to a sudden drop, requiring a sudden downward (or backward) movement. Think about struggling to climb to the summit of some difficult mountain only to find that you will either have to retrace your steps and try another route or you will have to risk a potentially life changing fall into the darkness below not knowing the depth of the abyss. Either way, you are going to have to go down before you can climb up the next peak.

Sudden downward movements can present their own set of choices about how you should respond to your experiences. The first thing to remember is that it isn’t just happening to you! Sudden downward movement is part of the nature of our common journey in life. No one escapes the experience. It is a part of the Laws of Vibration and Rhythm. The second thing to remember is that there is always a lesson to be learned from a sudden downward movement, a lesson that (if learned) will make your choices wiser and your journey smoother in the future. The third thing to remember is that your response to a sudden downward movement in your life will determine the depth of the movement. A host of negative feelings, attitudes, and behaviors can emerge during sudden downward movement if once again the Fight-or-Flight Response suppresses the Peaceful Space Response. A negative response to sudden downward movement increases the cracks and deepens the fall. When you allow your energy signature to shift towards envy, jealousy, resentment, anger, cynicism, animosity, bitterness, malice, and general negativity, you open the Door of Misfortune for more adversity, woe, and tribulation to come into your life as Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. A positive response to sudden downward movement (trusting in your process, aligning with the Prime Directive, Creating Peaceful Space, listening to your Ori) will heighten your intuition and creativity, illuminate the lessons to be learned from your experiences, seal the cracks in your energy signature that required the lesson, and enhance your ability to recover from the sudden downward movement with greater personal power.

The Prime Directive says that the Process of the Middle Way is to seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, to transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. The Peaceful Space Response is a response to the conditions that you call into existence when you align you life with the Prime Directive. In the Handbook, the Enia proclaim that the Peaceful Space Response is a necessary condition for the sustainable existence of social order and life on this planet.

Whether we are talking about our hypothetical young lady, or Michael Steele, or U in the Handbook, or you, the Process of the Middle Way is really the process of learning to trust in yourself and in the universal laws that you see operating in your life. Who among us has not had that strange sense that the universe or something unseen within it has had some influence in your life, that it has saved you from some hardship or misfortune, that it has warned you without words of some event to be avoided, or that it has guided you toward some opportunity or good fortune? The Middle Way in your life can only be realized by you listening to your self, your Ori. Therefore, the Process of the Middle Way must be an act of paying attention to your self, of listening to yourself, and of trusting yourself. As Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, the Yoruba word Orisa is said to derive from Ori (to see) and sha (to choose) – meaning to choose to see. To choose to see what? To see your own way to be a positive influence in the world, your way of seeking, avoiding, transforming, nurturing, and struggling while avoiding the extremes!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Process of the Middle Way, Part II

In The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, The Mysterious Dr. M. states that each of us comes into the world with a Destiny Mandate. He describes the Destiny Mandate as that evocative energy that drives you to fulfill some purpose in your life, whether large or small, distinguished primarily by a sense of personal fulfillment. We don’t need to continue using the language of Bollinger Bands because now you understand (from our previous Post) that Bollinger Bands are to stocks what Path is to you. What defines your Path is your Destiny Mandate, the reasons you chose to come into the world, that is, the things you came to do (large or small), to learn, and to experience. Your Destiny Mandate generates the gravitational force that pulls you to your Middle Way, your most direct route to personal fulfillment and self-actualization, your innate way of being in the world. But of course, the world challenges you!

Dr. M. also explains that your Fate is the consequences of your choices. Your choices are like the individual movements of a stock’s price, sometimes moving up (forward), sometimes moving down (backward), and sometimes remaining unchanged. Dr. M. states that we live the consequence of our choices, and that the only way to escape the backward swing of the pendulum (that is, to escape the negative consequences of our bad choices) is to rise to a higher plane or higher energy signature. How do you know when you are making choices that will tend to take you Off-Path? What are the signs and can you see them in other people? We were talking about sudden upward movement in our last Post so lets finish that discussion.

Lets call our hypothetical young lady, U! What are some of the negative shifts in U’s energy signature that might be predictive of a future fall? Just think about some of the movie stars, television personalities, athletes, and other successful people who have gone off-path and precipitated a fall. I think a good current example of the negative consequences of being unprepared for sudden upward movement is Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, the first African American to become head of the RNC. Success, especially success in the form of sudden upward movements, brings with it a host of trials and temptations. In the Handbook, the Mysterious Dr. M. mentions the Instinct of Pugnacity (L. pugnax – to fight) and states, this instinct is called forth from the internal interpretation of a feeling or an experience, like being challenged, threatened, constrained, or deceived. The condition of its excitement is rather any opposition to the free exercise of any impulse, any obstruction to the activity to which the creature is impelled by any one of any such instincts. Pugnacity brings with it the Emotion of Anger. One of the first signs that U is going off-path is that she will experience the Instinct of Pugnacity and the Emotion of Anger that are both inconsistent with her success. U might also experience either Self-Abasement or Self-Assertion as described in the Handbook and manifest these instincts in ways that alienate the very people she needs to help stabilize and sustain her sudden upward movement.

Dr. M. talks about cracks in the Handbook and we have discussed them in our Posts. In the last Post we said, the Process of the Middle Way is about being sensitive and responsive to the signals and signs that indicate when you are approaching an extreme (going off-path). Those signals are both internal and external because the way we change inside affects the way the world response to us. When success creates cracks in your energy signature it opens the way for negative energies like arrogance, narcissism, greed, egotism, haughtiness, pugnacity, anger, hostility, paranoia, and an obsessive need for power and control over others. When these feelings, emotions, instincts, and dispositions begin emerging in your thoughts, they are in the process of shaping your view of the world and your energy signature is shifting to the negative. As your energy signature shifts your attitudes and choices will also shift and you are inclined to lose all of the benefits that Dr. M. outlines in 10 Selfish And Unselfish Reasons For You To Create Peaceful Space. As your energy signature is depleted of positive energy the potential for a fall increases. As Dr. M. states in the Handbook, Your power emerges in Peaceful Space! If your path is unfulfilling to you, you are not in Peaceful Space! …You decide whether your world is full of potential enemies or potential friends! …Shape yourself into a being you can love and give others a chance to love you too!

The Pataki Aiye (the material world) and the material consciousness that we have internalized about it cause us to focus our attention on a superficial level of our existence. This is an energy-based reality, everything is connected, and you are capable of feeling, sensing, knowing when significant changes are coming into your life. You have an inner guide that tells you when you are going off your Path. The Fight-or-Flight Response is not our normal state of being. It is a reaction to internal and external stimuli and forces. Our normal and ideal state is Peaceful Space! Even your physical body signals to you when you are going off your Path. If you observe, listen, and response to those signals you will know when your choices are consistent or inconsistent with your Destiny Mandate.

You may also experience sudden downward movements in your life journey. Sometimes you make a choice even after you get that certain feeling inside that it’s not the right choice to make. Your Ori speaks to you and you don’t listen. Not listening can sometimes cause sudden downward movements that take you off-path.
To be continued:

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!