Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Ancient Way of Being In The World

Have you cried recently? Watching or listening to news of the suffering of others over the past few months (or years), have you felt that mounting pressure in your chest, a pressure filled with emptiness? Have you felt that shift in your respiration, the sudden lack of strength, the emergence of moisture in your eyes, and the final release? Or perhaps you got all the way up to the threshold of release but forced yourself to hold the tears and the pain inside. I watch men do the later all the time when they are being interviewed on the news about some horrific or painful event. I’ve witnessed it up close and personal as well. Of course, women do this also but much less than men. I think one of the reasons people hold back is because for many men and women the pain, fear, frustration, anger, denial, alienation, and guilt that they live in everyday is so great that they are afraid to let go. Afraid that if they let go, if they give in to the release they will empty themselves of all will to go forward in the face of what they have seen and experienced in the world. So they deny the pain, suppress the tears, and harness the energy of those painful feelings to move forward one more day. And in so doing, they also escape the pain of criticism. (see Handbook)

When the Mysterious Dr. M. shares the fragments found by the Riri Enia that describe the angry and violent history of our species, he was pointing to a fork-in-the-road. A point in the journey of our family when we would (must) by circumstances or by fate, come to realize that this world cannot be governed by the Masculine Principle of Mind alone. The current angry, abusive, dehumanizing, isolating, destructive, and self-destructive condition of the human family has emerged because rationality without the guiding influences of the Feminine Principle of Mind is an imbalanced state. The Handbooks describes the tension between the Masculine Principle of Mind and the Feminine Principle of Mind in terms of the dynamic push and pull between our innate (in women) and nurtured (in men) Peaceful Space Response [PSR] and our Fight-or-Flight Response [FFR].

If you have shed a few tears for others recently or felt the urge then you should feel good about yourself (females and males). Those feelings and tears of empathy and compassion are a clear indication that the Peaceful Space Response is still alive in you. It means that it is still alive in our species and that there is hope that the human family can recover from our destructive disorientation. In the ancient dawn of our species females nurtured males into the Peaceful Space Response. Since competition was more functional to the survival of male genes than cooperation the PSR was not an innate, gene based characteristic for the survival of males. But it was increasingly necessary for the survival of the gene pool of the group. It was because of this nurturing by females of the Peaceful Space Response in their female and male children that our ancestors were able to live in accordance with the Prime Directive and thrive in Peaceful Space, as Dr. M. points our in the Handbook.

The right and left hemispheres of the brain, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, the right eye and the left eye must cooperate with each other. Cooperative systems eventually become interdependent AND interdependent systems must cooperate for their mutual survival. This is the rational and underlying message in the Prime Directive. Our ancient ancestors understood (on some level) the important role of nurturing the Peaceful Space Response into the children, especially the male children while they were still young, before puberty. They understood on some level that the driving forces of male nature could undermine the welfare of the group and therefore of the children. We see the results of an imbalance manifest in our world today. I also believe that many men are beginning to see what the patriarchal imbalance has reaped for our species and are ready to embrace a more balanced way of being in the world.

The Prime Directive offers a simple guiding message for nurturing of the Peaceful Space Response in our children. Cry for them and then do something! Teach them that their innocence need not be lost, painfully surrendered to a cruel world of denial and facades, and a cruel way of being in the world - angry, hostile, selfish, materialistic, phony, and mean. Teach them that their magical view of the world and their intuitive sense of its wonder, beauty, and unity are not childhood fantasies but a message from the distant past when their ancestors choose to live in alignment with the Prime Directive and to live in Peaceful Space. Teach them that they can choose to advance our species into the knowledge and wonders of this earth and the mysteries of the universe with the Prime Directive and the commitment to Creating Peaceful Space as their guides.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Preview The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I 

Resource: Some of you might enjoy some of the writings of Jeremy Griffith for a further understanding of the evolution of human anger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make a valid argument concerning the need for the guiding influences of the Feminine Principle of Mind to assist in the healing of “current angry, abusive, dehumanizing, isolating, destructive, and self-destructive” conditions that underlie the collective human family. Observably, the Male Principle of Mind strategies of existence are presently threatening the survival of life on our Earth. For example, the Male Principle is evident in the plundering of nonrenewable resources, the polluting of the natural environment, the disturbing ecological balance, and utilizing violence as a principle means of problem-solving. From a theoretic point of view, oppositional interaction with the Feminine Principle of Mind inevitably leads to individualistic societies discouraging, blocking, and obstructing other human family member’s efforts to achieve their goals. Their focus leans toward being production and preventing others from being ‘more productive’ than they are. As a result, NO INTERACTION can occur and without any INTERCHANGE with each other, major issues are confronting Mankind and Earth’s fragile ecological system. Social Psychologist, Deutsch (1949), one of the world's most respected scholars of conflict, in his research study, focuses on three variables: interdependence, interaction pattern, and outcomes. One of his findings is that “a sociological group exists (has unity) to the extent that the individuals are pursuing promotively interacted goals”.

In contrast, as Dr. M brings out in the Handbook, cooperation between each of these principle systems (Male and Feminine Principle of Mind), can eventually become interdependent with the assistance of the Prime Directive. Positional, positve interaction with the Feminine Principle of Mind inevitably leads to individualistic societies encouraging and facilitating each other’s efforts to accomplish the group’s goals and being productive and supporting others as well. As a result, “throughout the world “cooperative-based learning”, a reflection of the Feminine Principle Mind, (instead of being discounted and ignored in past decades), is progressing being seen as one of the “dominant instructional practices” whether it is in educational or institutional systems (i.e., pre schools, grade schools, universities, graduate school, adult training programs) or in its instructional materials (i.e., textbooks, journals, online articles). (Johnson & Johnson, 2009).

Of prime importance in promoting a Peaceful Space amongst human family, as Dr. M writes in the Handbook, is the assistance of the Collective Prime Directive within the collective realms of human consciousness. By human families cooperating interdependently, it can inevitably lead to infinitely larger cosmic inputs (extrasensory channels) about the Universe, and Earth’s affairs.Mystic/philosopher Sri Aurobindo (2005) states:

” Certainly, if this consciousness had no relation at all to mind nor anywhere any identity with the mental being, it would be quite impossible to give any account of it to our human notions. …But since this consciousness is creatrix of the world, it must be not only state of knowledge, but power of knowledge, and not only a Will to light and vision, but a Will to power and works.” (p.124).


Deutsch M. (1949) A theory of cooperation and competition. Human Relations 2:129–152.
Johnson D. W., & Johnson R. T.(2009). An Educational Psychology Success Story: Social interdependence theory and cooperative learning. Educational Researcher , 38 (5), 365-379.
Aurobindo, Sri. (2005). The life divine. Retrieved on June from