Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law 1070 & The Prime Directive

Last Saturday, Augustine came by the house to do a roof inspection. I didn’t know Augustine. He was simply the company employee who happened to be assigned for the service call.  Of course I asked! So what do you think about the new immigration law? He felt strongly that it was a bad law with bad consequences. He volunteered his own observation about himself, ‘I go in the same stores I’ve gone in for years, but now it feels different. I feel like people are looking at me differently. I can see the question written on their faces, Is he…?'

Dr. M. and I mindmerged (communicated mentally) recently about Arizona Immigration Law 1070 and its impact on the Quantum Personality of the State of Arizona and on the Quantum Entity that emanates from our planet (Ile Inurere – the House of Humanity). If you have read the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, then you can probably guess some of what came out of our discussion. Dr. M. started by saying the conditions that allowed for the emergence of this law would not exist if the Prime Directive had been internalized two generations ago. But, the time was not right then. The Fight-or-Flight Response has been provoked in its many variant forms by the passing of this law. Today many more people are reaching out in their dreams because of their psycho-emotional suffering generated by the passing of this law and the circumstances from which it emerged. There will be many Negative Predictable and Unpredictable Consequences. He also said that if the Prime Directive is put in place in the next two generations of the Ti-Enia (Humans), this and similar laws will have nothing to feed them and they will fade away.

We discussed the emergence and impact of Arizona Immigration Law 1070 in this and other dimensions of our reality. Dr. M. said that the Seeing People (the Riri Enia) have made a number of observations tied to Interconnectedness, Interrelatedness, and Interdependence (as described in the Handbook). The Riri Enia said, the U.S. is one of the most drug dependent nations in the world. This drug dependence is a crack in the Energy Signature (Ashe Ami) of the U.S. and it invites drug crimes to push through our borders and feeds their emergence in our cities and communities. This also creates cracks for other types of crimes to emerge. The profit-driven U.S. economic system thrives on inexpensive labor that invites desperate people to seek avenues (legal or illegal) to fill the demand for cheap labor. This in turn creates the conditions for human smugglers and traffickers to emerge. The convoluted U.S. Immigration Laws invites and indeed drives some people to settle on the illegal route to access the U.S. market which invites further criminal activity. The degree of interconnectedness between the U.S. government and the U.S. economy is such that, the national interests of the many are too often sacrificed for the economic interests of the few. Dr. M. gestured in my mind’s eye and said, ‘They (humans in the U.S.) travel thousands of miles away to protect the borders of other nations but leave their own house doors and windows wide open during a storm.’ The persistence of xenophobia (fear and hatred of things strange, foreign, or different) in U.S. culture is an unspoken source of impedance in immigration reform and a crack through which Negative Predictable and Unpredictable Consequences will continue to come. Arizona Immigration Law 1070 does nothing to address these critical cracks. At the root of all of these cracks is the absence of the Prime Directive and the commitment to Creating Peaceful Space.

The Riri Enia (the Seeing People) also observed that in another dimension the citizens of several border and adjacent states, including Arizona, closed ranks and through the unanimous voice of their political representatives and the power of the peoples’ unified presence on the streets, are forcing their Federal government to effectively address the challenges of border security and immigration reform. But the people started moving in that direction before this law was passed in their dimension. That means that there were people here (in our reality) who were thinking about making that choice but did otherwise. There is also a dimension where citizens from several states retaliated for the death of the rancher before this Law 1070 was passed and their retaliation has resulted in a level of crime and violence (not only in the southwest border states but across the entire U.S.) that is unimaginable to most of the Ti-Enia (Humans), especially to U.S. Citizens. What these citizens did, changed more than what they intended. Their world is in turmoil. The U.S. Ti-Enia of our reality are fortunate that they did not make that choice, though some were obviously thinking about it. The outcome would have been horrific for the entire U.S. well into the future!

I asked Dr. M. what the Riri Enia, the Seeing People saw in the Ojiji Aiye (the Shadow World) as a result of Arizona Immigration Law 1070. He said, the Oku Enia (The Corpse) is feeding on the people's confusion and negative emotions, it is growing, and most of the Ti-Enia are ignoring the signs. Remember what Dr. M. pointed out in the Handbook about earthquakes and other unnatural natural disasters. There are signs of what is happening in the Ojiji Aiye and the unintended consequences that are pushing through the cracks back into our world (the Pataki Aiye). Regardless of what your personal opinion may be about Arizona Immigration Law 1070, remember that you (your thoughts) are affecting the Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) of our planet. Be careful, very careful, what you call into existence!

The land, oceans, trees, sun, and air interact with each other to produce weather on Ile Inurere (the House of Humanity). We, the Enia (The People) and the Ti-Enia (the Humans) are the ones who change the atmosphere regardless of the weather. Arizona Immigration Law 1070 has brought about a significant change in the atmosphere and not in the direction of Creating Peaceful Space. Its existence highlights the need for the Prime Directive of the Human Species.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The I, The Me, and The Prime Directive

Many of my meditation students ask the same question, How do I quiet the chatter in my head when I'm trying to meditate? Part of the answer is to focus the attention or mind on a specific thought, image, emotion, object, or sound, and to continue to refocus each time the mind strays. In time the mind will yield to the discipline. It is also important to occasionally take the time to analyze the chatter in your head whether you are trying to meditate or not. Of those approximately sixty thousand thoughts that we think each day, there are two categories of thoughts that should be sifted out and evaluated. Before we discuss these two categories of thoughts we have to understand the concepts of the Masculine Principle of Mind (the I aspect of self) and the Feminine Principle of Mind (the Me aspect of self).

The Mysterious Dr. M. and I were recently discussing one of our ancient Ancestors, the great Egyptian scholar and teacher Hermes who proposed that each individual has a Masculine and a Feminine Principle of Mind. The Masculine Principle of Mind is active, conscious, voluntary, spontaneous, objective, and idiosyncratic (unique to each individual based upon their unique set of experiences). It is the intra-active aspect of the self. The Masculine Principle of Mind is ever present but always unseen by others. It is expressive but speaks and acts through a emissary. The Feminine Principle of Mind is passive, unconscious, involuntary, and subjective, the social and interactive aspect of the self. The Feminine Principle of Mind is the emissary of the Masculine Principle of Mind and it engages the world of experience at the request and according to the directions of that aspect of mind. The mind of every male and every female has both of these aspects of the self that we experience as the I aspect of self and the Me aspect of self. Many of the problems of modern male-dominant societies emerge from the false dualistic idea that males are exclusively masculine and females are exclusively feminine, and never the twain shall meet. This notion sets the stage for internal dissonance and the constant, stress inducing chatter between the I and the Me, the Masculine and Feminine Principles of Mind innate to each individual.

The I aspect of self is the part of you that wills your Me aspect of self to act along certain lines. The I aspect of self is responsible for directing and shaping the experiences of your Me aspect of self and of anticipating the consequences of your actions. Your I aspect of self is (should be) in control. Your Me aspect of self is the intuitive, creative, generative, unconscious problem-solving, and social aspect of self. The I aspect of self observes how the physical and social worlds respond to the Me aspect of self, and then makes adjustments in your actions and presentation of self in order to protect your Me aspect of self from the things Dr. M. describes throughout the Handbook (and especially in Chapters 3 to 19). This idea becomes clearer as soon as you begin analyzing the chatter in your own head. The chatter is mostly a conversation between your I aspect of self and your Me aspect of self and it tends to fall into one of two categories of thought (chatter).

The first category of thoughts to which you should pay attention is I-Me chatter, the chatter that contains sentences and thoughts that begin with I and end with Me, and that contains self-evaluation in between. "I like this look on me!" "I wonder if this will work out for me!" "I love who I am (I love Me)!" "I hate myself (Me) for ...!" (Note: You don't always think in complete sentences but the sense of the I and the Me is always present in I-Me chatter.) The words that are thought between the I and the Me in the I-Me chatter can empower you with confidence, infuse you with a sense of the beauty in and around you, and lift you to heights of personal joy and spiritual bliss. Or, the words you tend to place between the I and the Me in your inner dialogue can plunge you into the depths of self-derogation. Remember the statement, "I think, therefore I am" ("Cogito ergo sum" - Rene Descartes). To analyze the first category of thoughts you must listen to your chatter and answer the question, 'what do I think I am?' ('What do I think of Me?') In other words, 'how to I feel about Me?'. That is the content of much the chatter in your mind. It is your Masculine Principle of Mind that is responsible for controlling the content of the I-Me chatter. As Dr. M. clearly points out in the Handbook, the content of the I-Me chatter must itself emerge from some source and have something that is feeding it.

The second category of thoughts to which you should pay attention is the I-He/She/They-Me chatter, the chatter that begins with I, ends with Me, and has a He/She/They content reference in between. I should say that often the I part of the thought remains in the background. Sometimes we think, 'I believe he insulted Me'. But too often we think, '...He insulted Me'. 'I wonder if he(she) like me?' I wonder if he/she/they are mad at Me because I ...' 'She made Me so angry, I could have...!' (In reality what happen is that she did something and I allowed Me to get angry over it, and in my lost of control I could have...!') This second category of thoughts has to do with your Me aspect of self, your Feminine Principle of Mind, making subjective and intuitive evaluations or judgments about how other people are responding to you, acting towards you, or what they are thinking about you. This is the interactive aspect of the self. It is the aspect of your overall self through which you engage the world. "Though you may see Me, you can never truly see who I am." Correct or incorrect, these evaluations or judgments about how the world sees Me can create powerful physical, mental, and emotional changes, and are a second source of much of your mind's chatter and your stress.

It is negative content in both categories of thoughts that create the kind of annoying and disturbing chatter that challenges you in meditation, and most important for my intended message in this Post, it is this negative chatter that challenges your desire and ability to live a harmonious existence and to Create Peaceful Space. This negative chatter provokes your Fight-or-Flight Response and all of the consequences of the stress associated with that response as Dr. M. points out in the Handbook. Choosing to align your life with the Prime Directive is a way of reducing the negative chatter by rising above the perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, actions, reactions, and predispositions that precipitate the Instinct of Self-Abasement (or Subjection) and the Emotion of Subjection or Negative Self-Feeling and their corollaries. (see the Handbook, Chapter 19)

Let me leave you with a thought about our children and the consequences of bullying as an example of the power of this inner dialogue. Open your mind and heart to the children who are being bullied right now. But don't think about the actual moment of their experience. Painful as it is, that is not the worst part! Instead, think about the chatter in their minds as they lay their heads on their pillows tonight trying to go to sleep, trying to escape the negative recordings playing over and over in their minds. Think about the I-Me chatter and the I-He/She/They-Me chatter that has driven some of our children to take their own lives. The Prime Directive has a place in solving this and other problems and so does the knowledge of the Masculine Principle of Mind and the Feminine Principle of Mind, the I aspect of self and the Me aspect of self. Will you share that knowledge with someone?

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Prime Directive: Avoiding The Seven Tribulations Of Humans

Life challenges us! Dr. M. makes this point clearly in the Handbook by speaking about his own trials. Today I met with a friend who is dealing with a medical problem. As we spoke I was reminded of the Ajogun (the tribulations of humans) that we all seek to avoid. There is a Yoruba prayer that we say in Ifa that speaks to these tribulations.  In translation, the prayer says:
Death is no more!
Sickness is no more!
Tragedy is no more!
Loss is no more!
Obstacles are no more!
Unforeseen Evils are no more!
Being Overwhelmed is no more!
The longevity of our fathers!
These are the Seven Tribulations of Humans. These are the common experiences that we face with anxiety and fear. Remember, Dr. M. touches on the relationship between these tribulations and fear when he outlines Our Six Shared Fears in the Handbook On Being Human. These Seven Tribulations can emerge under both natural and human orchestrated conditions. And it is important note the obvious, human choices can have the effect of altering the natural condition of our world in addition to fertilizing their own fields of misery. The ability of the Ajogun to affect your life is dependent (in significant part) on your choices; what you decide to do with the Two Gifts of the Moment. (see Post: Two Gifts of the Moment: Now and Choice). The wisdom of the great spiritual teachers of the ages as well as our pragmatic knowledge is that the Ajogun are facts of this life that should be both accepted and avoided. And it is your choices that either open the door of your life to the Ajogun, giving them access to your Energy Signature, or closes the door, puts a lock on it, and erects a barrier between it and you so that the points of entry for the Ajogun are minimized. In every moment, you make a choice about something. Some moments are more important than others in terms of the consequences of the choices made. Now think again about the Prime Directive and the intention of Creating Peaceful Space. Can you see that aligning your life with the Prime Directive and choosing to Create Peaceful Space is not just about doing good for the world? It is about sealing the cracks in your own energy field to deny the Ajogun entry into your life. That is why your Gift of Choice is so important. Because you are a co-creator of the reality that you will experience in this world.

The above prayer also carries another important message. This prayer is frequently associated with any supplication to our Ancestors. This is significant because the only time that the statements of the above prayer can become true in an absolute and eternal sense is when one enters the Realm of Ancestors. In the tradition we say, Aiye lo'ja, Orun n'ile (this world is the marketplace, the spiritual world is home). Most of us will experience periods in our lives when the Ajogun seem far away and preoccupied with others. Dr. M. speaks of the Pataki Aiye (the Material World) and the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow World) in the Handbook. We experience the Seven Tribulations only in the Pataki Aiye. Once you enter the Realm of Ancestors the Seven Tribulations can no longer affect you. This is true not only for the Believer, but for the believer as well. (see Post: On Being a Believer). For if indeed all of this (life) amounts to random probabilities emerging out of chaos, and there is not intelligent design or purpose, then when we pass from this world the statements of the prayer will nonetheless be true.

The choices we make create avenues for the Seven Tribulations to enter. How you react to any of the Seven Tribulations if they do enter your life will either strengthen their negative power in the Ojiji Aiye causing the tribulation to increase upon its return, or your reaction will cause the negative energy of the Ajogun to be transformed into positive energy (because of your conduct in dealing with it). When you internalize the negative energy of any of the Seven Tribulations and direct that energy out at others with anger, resentment, envy, and jealousy, you strengthen the impact of the Ajogun in our own life. The conduct that transforms the negative energy of the Ajogun into positive energy emerges only when you are in Peaceful Space.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Making a Difference in Every Moment

Again this week I heard from someone who is in touch with the pain and suffering that is in our world. He feels torn between pursuing his own life agenda and a compelling need to make a difference in the conditions of the people and direction of world affairs.  He was seeking guidance in settling the argument in his head and heart about what to do, pursue his life agenda or to make a difference. Dr. M. discusses the Destiny Mandate in the Handbook and points out that each of us comes into the world to fulfill some purpose and inner calling, and to manifest some particular set of talents. This is the voice of our Ori (Handbook), a compelling voice that speaks to us from the silence in our minds and moves us to move forward toward an often unknown but sensed purpose. We are also moved by the conditions of the world based upon the emotional capacity of our Foundational Personality and our Personality Superstructure as described in the Handbook. This empathic response to the conditions faced by many of our global family members is a sign of one who is Baja Enia (humans who are dissatisfied with the way things are, in their personal lives and in the world. They are in a state of questioning this reality and are pushing against the veil.) I assured the young man that he should feel both wonderful and blessed that he is able to experience empathy and compassion for the world.

There need not be a fork in the road that puts you into an either-or conflict about pursuing your life purpose or making a difference in the lives of the people. It is wonderful and necessary that some of us be able and willing to have direct, hands-on involvement in changing the lives of people who are suffering the ravages of war, famine, disease, and natural disasters. But we are not all called to the same thing nor did we come for the same reasons. What Dr. M. and the Enia point out in the Handbook is that on the quantum level it is equally important for each individual to be involved in shifting the energy field and adjusting the Quantum Personality of our planet (Ile Inurere - Home of Humanity) as it is for some of us to be more directly involved. This is something that each of us can do everyday. There are many ways to make a difference.  Too often we think our part has to be big and far-reaching. But the Handbook reminds you that on the quantum level even an apparently insignificant gesture can have profound energy consequences (both positive and negative). Even our thoughts, prayers, and meditations make a difference.

The Two Gifts of the Moment will present themselves when you are sitting home alone or interacting with family; as you surf through the television stations, ponder which book to read, or decide what to have for dinner. But the Gift of Now and the Gift of Choice will also be present in your everyday interactions with other people. Here is where you and I can make a difference everyday by choosing to Create Peaceful Space, by choosing to live in accordance with the Prime Directive, and by presenting everyone we meet, while following our unique paths, with the option to choose. Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited! How can they choose if they do not know? How can they know if they are not informed? You can make a difference one person at a time and if they are moved by the choice, they will share with others what you have shared with them and the positive effect of your small effort will be multiplied in the Pataki Aiye (Material World) and the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow World).

We are losing too many of our children to the chaos of the times as they are daily confronted with the worst examples of human potential. But many more of our children and youth are striving and crying out for leadership and a sense of direction that is not toxic with bitterness, anger, hostility, conflict, and death. Those desperate children and youth are not just suffering in underdeveloped nations around the world, but right here in our own nation, communities, and homes. That is why the Peaceful Space Project and this Blog have some small significance and why your participation as a reader is so valuable. PSPinc. hopefully provides you with a simple way to link someone to the message of Creating Peaceful Space. You can help the message, the choice, to move from friend to friend, co-worker to co-worker, and parent to child until every member of Inurere (Humanity - the complete family of humans that live on planet earth) has reflected upon the Prime Directive of the Human Species and considered its benefits to themselves, their families, and to the larger world community. That would be making a difference! You can make a difference in every moment of your life!

Learn from the Past, Live in the Present, and Plan for the Future!
Create Peaceful Space!

Peace, Love, and Health

Note: Dr. M. and the Enia have predicted increasing earthquakes and nature disasters as the Oku Enia (the Corpse) gets stronger. As I was writing this Post, I felt the earthquake that just hit the Mexicali, California area. They do seem to be getting more frequent, don't they?