Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Conspiracy of Silence

The Mysterious Dr. M. talks about the conspiracy of silence in The Handbook On Being Human, vol I. I have been thinking about that lately - The Conspiracy of Silence. Sometimes it seems like people are just more comfortable living in denial and it is understandable to a degree. It is not easy facing big problems. If I might paraphrase the great sociologist C.Wright Mills from his benchmark publication The Promise where he states, what ordinary men are aware of and what they do are bounded by the private orbits in which they live. In other milieu they feel trapped, so they come to focus on their job, their family, and their neighborhood. Don't run! I know! We get tired of hearing about all of the escalating threats to our Peaceful Space. Drug crimes, people leaving the scene of accidents, road rage and drive by shooting, child predators and identity thieves, tainted food and killer toys, failing schools and the politics of the absurd, terrorist threats and new fronts, endangered species and global disaster. It is the environment of fear and although some good may emerge from it (you may become more alert and aware), the bad far outweighs the good. Stress mounts and people begin to reach their psycho-emotional threshold and the social fabric begins to shred. The negative aspects of fear have to be counter-balanced by the positive energy of hope. Do you realize that you have the power to give hope to others? As Dr. M. states, it can be a simple as a smile.

If you've read the Handbook you know that Dr. M. talks quite a bit about The Emotion of Fear. If you allow fear to drive you back from engaging life and facing its big problems, those problems will simply continue to grow until the consequences of neglect make the problems insurmountable and unavoidable.  Dr. M. states that we have already set some negative consequences in motion. I'm still feeling like most people just don't get it. I observe and interact with people and too many seem absolutely clueless that we are a world in crisis. The sense of banding together for the common good, that sense of community seems to be bleeding in the streets and people are just walking by as if it is not their problem. The sense of urgency that we expect to grab someone in the face of life-threatening danger is absent. There is a quote on my office door, "the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of moral difficulty, do nothing."

The Handbook states that everyone has a part to play. And every part is important whether big or small. Hey, today we have proof in our electronic devices that there can be great power locked up in little things. You can do some small thing each day to stay engaged in the process of Creating Peaceful Space. The positive pushing back against the negative is in the nature of things. You can unlock the radiance of your Positive Energy Signature and transform negative energy into positive energy.

The Handbook was written because our family and planet are suffering. I for one, want to make a difference. As a father and grandfather, I want to be able to look my children in the eyes and say I did something to try and leave the world a better place than I found it. Collectively, we have failed in that legacy but individually, you can still live up to that commitment. Please help someone to rise to Enia. Share your comments on this Blog and the Handbook with someone you care about! Thanks!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Following my personal study of the Handbook, I began my journey of unlocking the radiance of my own Positive Energy Signature at a higher level than I have previously known. For instance, it is not unusual for me now to lock eyes with others, smile, and watch the transformation of their expression to joy by just being acknowledged. Furthermore, it is not unusual for me to “join hands” with another in support of their desire to transform negative energy into positive energy in addressing a matter of concern. As such, I am grateful for Dr.M’s message to us that “everyone has a part to play. And every part is important whether big or small”.

Furthermore, it appears to me that as I continue to engage in the process of Creating Peaceful Space, not only for myself but towards others, I draw attention of others within the community of like mind. For example, a few weeks ago, a well known and beloved leader on campus pulled up a chair up to where I study and had lunch with me. Memories of leadership activities and our desire to continue making a difference at a higher level, left me feeling humbled to be part of a community that radiates its own Positive Energy Signature (instead of a Negative Energy Signature that links to “the conspiracy of silence”). Mother Theresa (as cited by Karen, n.d.) exemplifies such a signature. She states:

"People are often illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway."


Karren, K.J. (n.d.). The Gift of Positive Energy for Optimal Health. Retrieved on February 22, 2010 from