Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Balancing Positive and Negative Energies

I just scanned through some of the news blogs I try to follow.  You know what I found!  The failed Christmas Terrorism Attack, Police close N.Y. School after ..., parents killing children, children killing parents, new fronts in the Global War On Terrorism, just to start a short list.  It is enough to make even the perpetual optimist frown.  As I thought about the Headlines and the message in the Handbook about what is coming (the Oku Enia), my mind drifted to the message that runs like a thread through so many of the sacred teachings of the world.  The Holy Qur'an states that humans are born into toil and struggle in this world and that it is a place of trial.  The Buddha stated that this world is a place of suffering because of the attachments we form with things that are not permanent.  The Bible paints the picture of a demonic force that starts out as a serpent in the Garden and ends up as a Dragon that seeks to consume this world by influencing human choices.  Maybe we really should not be so surprised to see so much suffering in this world.  From a scientific perspective we know that the positive and negative do co-exist in the universe, and they are interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent.  What should concern us is the degree of negative energy as compared with the degree or amount of positive energy that we see manifest in our world.  The direction of things.  Are people getting healthier, wiser, more stable and productive?  Is life robust?  Or are we experiencing increased negative energies in our everyday lives?  Are you feeling more optimistic or more pessimistic as the days go by?

The Quantum Sociological Perspective that the Mysterious Dr. M. presents in the Handbook is a key to understanding how you and I can and do participate (wittingly and unwittingly) in shifting the balance between positive and negative energies and thereby creating cracks or sealing the cracks through which Negative Unpredictable Consequences can come into our lives.  Some negative consequences are predictable.  If you stick your hand on a hot plate, you will be burned.  But there are also Negative Unpredictable Consequences.  The experiences of sickness, loss, tragedy, obstacles, unforeseen evils, being overwhelmed, and death that can force their way into your life like a sudden and unanticipated wind.

What Dr. M. is pointing out in the message about Creating Peaceful Space is that the more you witness the manifestation of negative energies in your world, the more important it is for you to strive to Create Peaceful Space as a counterbalancing force.  It is all about energies!  Did you get this?


Anonymous said...

It takes an intense desire of “getting healthier, wiser, more stable and productive” to cause reality to change while a vast portion of the world around me appears to be in a docile state of being. I find that when I take time out to create the life or reality that I want to draw to me, I can influence the quantum field of energy, through the law of attraction, to open doors for me. One of the ways which I find helpful is to take charge of my thoughts, as the outside (physical) and inside (mental) are reflections of each other. My guiding force is being single-mindedness in my intentions towards creating a peaceful space. At times, this entails replacing emerging negative thoughts with positive thoughts due to their “interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent” connection. This entails replacing emerging negative thoughts with positive thoughts. For example, being a doctorate student entails a vast amount of energy and time. As such, it is not uncommon for me on a daily basis to address my inner thoughts in a proactive manner by prayer and reciting from A-Z reasons of gratitude. For instance, A “I’m grateful that I am able to 'acknowledge' the privilege of learning. B “I’m grateful for 'being able' to pursue my academic desires”, C “I am grateful for being able to 'connect' with Dr. M’s powerful words of wisdom”. etc.

Moving into a place of positive thinking, at a deeper level, can tap into my subconscious mind power. With charge over my subconscious thoughts and beliefs, I can inadvertently shift the balance between positive and negative energies thereby “sealing the cracks through which Negative Unpredictable Consequences can come into our lives” as brought out in the Handbook.

The Quantum Sociologist said...

I really agree with you Sandra. Being mindful of the things, moments, and events in our everyday lives for which we can experience gratitude is a very important part of Creating Peaceful Space in the place where it has to start - yourself. And the positive energy of gratitude acts as a strong mortar to seal the cracks that we invariable create, sometimes with the best of intentions. And yes, a vast portion of the people around you may be in a docile state of being, but that is why the Mysterious Dr. M. points out that you seek and Create Peaceful Space, not for the response of the people around you but because of the positive effect and benefits it has for you. The positive influence on other people is their's to claim if they are also seeking Peaceful Space.
Thanks for sharing!