Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Pathology of Supremacy

Peace Be With You!

Peace! That was the first word and the first vibratory energy that the Mysterious Dr. M. shared with U in his first letter. Over the 18 Letters and 42 Chapters Dr. M. shared with U some of the knowledge that explains the current human condition. In Letter 14 titled The Energy Signature and The Fragment, Dr. M. tells U that ‘The key, the catalyst, the power behind the rise of the Ti Enia (humans) and the survival and Self-Determined Evolution of Inurere (Humanity) is choice, each individual’s ability to choose.’ In this same important letter Dr. M. also tells U that, ‘For tens of thousands of years the Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) of the Earth was positive and aligned with life.’ In speaking about the Fragment that was discovered Dr. M. tells U, ‘The fragment talks about a future time when earth’s Ashe Ami could shift from Peaceful Space and a bias towards the positive energy to a bias towards negative energy and the Instincts of Flight, Pugnacity, Self-Assertion, and the Emotions of Fear, Elation, and Subjection. The Earth’s energy signature would be dominated by chaos, and the Fight-or-Flight Response would predominate among humans.’ You and I are living in that future time. We are the ones who have inherited the consequences of the bad choices made by those who came before us. The list of bad choices and negative consequences outlined in the fragment only scratch the surface since it ends with the early 20th Century, WW I, and the 8.5 million killed and the 21 million wounded. Humans continued to make bad choices throughout the 20th Century and we seem to be in stride to perpetuate and perpetrate the same into the 21st Century. Dr. M. also warns U that, ‘Something is coming through the energy membrane that separates the worlds. The dark energy is forcing it to take shape, … the buildup of something trying to push through from the Ojiji Aiye (Shadow World), something bad, something very bad!’ He continues his warning saying,

‘Time is running out! The Enia teach that every action creates a movement in the Ashe that is like a pendulum. When your positive energy pushes the pendulum its return trip acts like a lift to help carry you up to a higher level (socially, spiritually, financially, in health and wellness) on your journey up your mountain. When your negative energy pushes the pendulum its return trip acts like a scythe cutting holes in your Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) and creating conditions for sickness, loss, tragedy, obstacles, unforeseen evils, overwhelming events, chaos, and death to force their way into your everyday life. This is true for you as an individual and for Inurere as a whole.’

Being a sociologist I’m somewhat compelled to pay attention to the news and current events, nationally and internationally. What I see (and what I hope you can see), not just in terms of individual events but also in terms of national and global trends, is a confirmation of Dr. M’s warning, ‘Time is running out!’ I wish I could say it baffles me, but it doesn’t, that so many people in the U.S. express such profound concern for the financial indebtedness that is being placed upon the backs of our children and grandchildren but somehow fail to show the same regard for the legacy of dehumanization that we have bequeath them because of our historical and continuing deceptions, lies, theft, ill-will, debauchery, and murder. This legacy of dehumanization is like the soft tissue infections called Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) also referred to as the ‘flesh-eating bacteria’. Necrotizing soft tissue infection develops when the bacteria enters the body, usually through a minor cut or scrape. The bacteria begin to grow and release harmful substances (toxins) that kill tissue and affect blood flow to the area. As the tissue dies, the bacteria enter the blood and rapidly spreads throughout the body. This is a killer infection unless treated quickly and effectively, and effective treatment is more a hope and a prayer than a certainty.

The legacy of dehumanization based upon social class, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, culture, nationality, and all of the other rationalizations that support the Pathology of Supremacy, is eating away the fundamental threads of our humanity. For NF, a hopefully effective treatment would be a regimen of powerful antibiotics and anything else that might kill the bacteria before the treatment or the bacteria kills the patient. What is the treatment for the social infection, the social-fabric eating legacy that is being bequeathed to our descendants? How can we hope for them to live out their lives in Peaceful Space when we are failing to teach them the truth about choice and consequences? How can they possibly internalize the Prime Directive when we allow them to be deceived into believing that their worth, and the value of other individuals, is to be measured by the things they own, the clothes they wear, and the degree to which their body image reflects that of a biased and artificial standard of beauty and belonging?

The Prime Directive calls us to ‘seek pleasure and avoid pain for ourselves and others’. But how can we respond to that call if to many of us are not willing to question how our pleasures may cause pain to others? Do some of us really believe that they are better than the next person because of their social class, the color of their skin, their language, religion, sex, height, or weight? Do some of us really believe that? Or are they suffering from the Pathology of Supremacy, a delusion that hides the truth that sits at the core of their being – the truth that they are not really better, superior? Education, knowledge can elevate us in this world and help us to elevate the life circumstances of others, but do some of us really believe that Iku (death) will greet them differently because of their level of education or knowledge? How can so many of us not care enough, about the suffering of so many hungry children in the U.S. and around the world, to use their worldly advantage to the benefit of at least one of those children? Something of their essential humanity is being eaten away and their loss is even greater than that of the hungry and neglected.

If you cannot see, because you will not look, the suffering of young African American youth in cities across the U.S. and the potential that is squandered because of their continuing dehumanization then something of your essential humanity is being eaten away. If you cannot feel the suffering of families around the world as their sons, daughters, brothers, fathers, mothers, extended relatives and friends give their lives to wars of today that will become the history of friends of tomorrow, and if you do not ask yourself, why then did they not find a way to friendship without the slaughter of so many souls, the destruction of so many families, and the abuse of so much earth, then something of your essential humanity is already eaten away. No evil perishes by itself! For evil must have a hand to come into the world, it must have help in order to stay, and it must meet with overwhelming resistance in order to be driven out! What role are you playing? The Pathology of Supremacy, in all of its forms and in all of its places of manifestation, has to be driven out, not necessarily in some grand happening but by each of us making a decision to seek knowledge, speak truth, and take action in whatever way we can in our everyday lives and within the framework of the Prime Directive.

We tell our children to study history and then we teach them half-truths and lies, truth mixed with falsehood in order to support our frail egos and self-delusions. The Peaceful Space Project and those who truly support its mission cannot be purveyors of lies and fantasies. The future of our children is the burden that we share and must carry together. Empathy, being able and willing to feel the pain of others is the first step towards compassion, the determination to make a difference!

One-by-One we can change our world!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!