Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Be Selfish in 2012!

Happy New Year! Or is it? A change in the solar calendar is not really as magical as we might like it to be. But I hope your 2012 is off to a good start and turns out to be a great year! The Mysterious Dr. M. did not say that Creating Peaceful Space would be easy. What he did say is that ‘Peaceful Space is the field of energy that emerges when humans interact with each other mindful of the intimate connection we share and the profound positive or negative impact we can have on one another’. Everyone is not going to be responsive to or respectful of your and my efforts to live in alignment with the Prime Directive and to Create Peaceful Space in all of our shared places. Humans (Ti-Enia) have created so many divisions between themselves that the probability of conflicts is increasing geometrically. This is made clear in the Handbook On Being Human, vol I. Now here I am promoting the Enia’s message to Create Peaceful Space and here you are dealing with people and situations on a daily basis where you feel like you just want to shake somebody. The coworkers you wish you could give a piece of your mind. The boss you wish you could tell to grow up. The store clerk you would get great satisfaction out of smacking. The employee you want to fire for their continued insubordination and unbridled disregard for others. Some people are in so much personal pain that their only relief is to syndicate sorrow and misery to others. And you have to deal with them not as a therapist (unless you happen to be one) but as a colleague, coworker, employee, or employer.

To your right and your left, in front of you and behind you, you see people, people who seem to deserve, or at least need, some kind of dramatic intervention. Of course, you probably don’t act on all of those impulses so you end up holding all of those feelings and all of that negative energy inside affecting your own Energy Signature (Ase Ami). Add in the negativity of the media and our world seems to be spinning into total chaos, leaving you and me to ask what’s the point of promoting the Prime Directive and striving to Create Peaceful Space? People seem to be loosing their minds! Nobody wants to listen! Too many people seem to be totally absorbed in their own self-interest at the expense of others! Why should I care enough to make the effort?

The answer is simple and you know it, you feel it in your heart! It is not a matter of whether you should care. The fact is that you do care! Why else would you be a regular reader of this Blog? Because you care about what kind of world you live in. You care about your work environment where you are spending a good portion of your life. You care about the future of your children and our children. You care about the future of the earth and her abundant forms of life. You care about all of the children made orphans and all of the women made widows by the predictable and unpredictable consequences of war. You care about all of the families made homeless by natural disasters, genocidal conflicts, and human greed. You care, but often those problems can seem so overwhelming, so daunting that you find it hard to believe that your individual actions could make a difference. And so you don’t act and then feel a sense of dissonance in your Ase Ami because your heart-mind and your intellectual mind are in conflict. Dr. M. would say that your Fear of Criticism, your Instincts of Pugnacity and Self-Abasement (or Subjection), and your Emotion of Anger are in conflict. If you think about Dr. M’s messages regarding Our Basic Instincts and Emotions then you can understand that your tendency to care and your tendency not to act are both natural aspects of your nature. People often stop caring about various things for a host of reasons, even things that they once valued or felt to be important. You are not alone in that. People often fail to act even when that action can mean life or death for someone else. Again you are not alone. It is part of our nature. We have the capacity of Selflessness and Selfishness neither of which is purely good or bad. None of our instincts, emotions, and drives is good or bad in some absolute or moral sense. They are simply the stuff of which we are made (so to speak) and they can be functional and dysfunctional in any given situation.

Lets Be Selfish in 2012! Being selfish can be quite functional! In the Handbook Dr. M. says, ‘Your brain is designed to function best in Peaceful Space. When your body-mind is experiencing cordiality, friendliness and a sense of belonging, encouragement and supportiveness, empathy and compassion, kindness and sensitivity, and attentiveness and mutual safety, you are operating with a different biochemistry and neuro-physiology, a different energy signature.’ In other words striving to live and work in Peaceful Space is to your own personal benefit. The positive impact on others is icing-on-the-cake! That fact that something you do benefits you does not in any way alter the fact that your actions may also bring great benefit to others. That is one of the reasons Dr. M. and the Enia subtitled the Handbook and named Part IV of the Handbook, 10 Selfish & Unselfish Reasons for You to Create Peaceful Space. Creating Peaceful Space and following the Prime Directive have as much to do with you taking control of the quality of your own life than they have to do with changing or saving our world. The logic of the Enia based on the Quantum Reality is that if your take control of the quality of your own life by following the Prime Directive and Creating Peaceful Space in your own sphere, then in that individual action you change the entire reality. That is why the Ero Enia (the Traveler People) and other members of the Traditions of the People (Itan Atowodowo Enia) visit each and every person who reaches out in their dreams. It is because each and every individual’s Ase Ami makes a contribution to the Quantum Entity that surrounds our planet or to the Oku Enia (the Corpse) that is coming.

You cannot escape your role in this drama. If twelve people are voting and one decides they are going to abstain from the vote, they will change that voting universe. The possibility of a six-six draw will no longer exist in the reality that their choice will create. If you are an organizational, civic, or business leader and you fail to act when someone or something is undermining the Ase Ami of your organization, your decision not to act affects every other individual who works with and for you. As an educator I have to establish protocols for the classroom that create (as much as is possible) an ideal learning environment for my students. If a student violates those agreed-upon protocols and I fail to act, my choice affects the learning environment of every other student in the class. Leadership is about managing Quantum Entities. As Dr. M. says to U in the Handbook, ‘it is all about energy’!

Why should you care enough to Create Peaceful Space? Here as a reminder from the Handbook are the 10 Selfish & Unselfish Reasons for You to Create Peaceful Space.

  1. It is in your nature.
  2. It will improve your health and that of the people around you.
  3. It will heighten your mental performance and powers.
  4. It will extend your social network and enhance your confidence.
  5. It will broaden your access to other people’s knowledge and experience.
  6. It will generate good will towards you and your endeavors furthering your personal success.
  7. It will augment your personal security and that of the people around you.
  8. It will produce a positive contagion and change the atmosphere in your shared places.
  9. It will facilitate a positive future for your children.
  10. It will promote the survival of our species.

In 2012 do it for your self! Do it for your own peace of mind! Go ahead and be selfish this year and Create Peaceful Space for the most selfish of reasons, your own health, well-being, and success. As Dr. M. states in the Handbook:

To succeed you must overcome obstacles and challenges.
To overcome obstacles and challenges you must understand their nature.
To understand the nature of what is to be overcome you must observe and study.
To observe and study you must pay attention and focus.
To pay attention and focus you must calm your mind.
To calm you mind you must enter into Peaceful Space.

Whatever your personal goals for 2012 they will be better served if you live each day of the year in Peaceful Space.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space!
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!