Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's Make a Deal

The Handbook On Being Human is not a book written to or for children. However, it is a book about raising children and giving them the tools and insights necessary for them to navigate their unique journey towards Self-Actualization. The Handbook discusses the journey from before birth to after death and the stages of the journey in between. Let’s Make A Deal is the subtitle of Chapter 26 of the Handbook On Being Human. The main title of that Chapter is Arrival. I’ve been rereading the Handbook for additional edits. As I reflect on current world events and review the message that Dr. M. and the Enia presented I’m taken by the insights of the Riri Enia (the Seeing People). Dr. M. said that the Riri Enia saw into the Shadow World (Ojiji Aiye) and into the future and said that the Oku Enia (the Corpse) would cause increasing natural and man-made catastrophes as it tries to push its way into our world.  Think about the events that have taken place since the Handbook was published in 2009.

Most of the people-in-the-know have been saying that the events in the Middle East and North Africa caught them and everyone by surprise. Well, not everyone! I don’t often quote whole paragraphs of the Handbook in my Posts but as the forces of Social Change of the Fourth Kind sweep across the region (and the world) Dr. M’s words ring as true as the other predications of the Riri Enia. Here is a quote from Chapter 26.

Most parents believe that their way of seeing the world is the right way for their children to see the world. This belief is both true and false. It is true because there are certain fundamental lessons that are critical to the welfare of the child, the preservation of social order, and the survival of the species. It is false because the parents and the child do not live in identical cognitive, cultural, or social realities. Each has to make an effort to understand the cultural reality of the other. As a parent you can give your children insight and navigational skills to access the culture. Your children on the other hand are born to bring social change. Herein lies an essential tension between parent and child, adults and children, the present generations and those to come. It is best if this potentially explosive tension is resolved in Peaceful Space. When the youth are under-educated, unemployed, disenfranchised, and their essential nature stifled, they will seek to bring about change by any means necessary. Look at the countries around the world where the innate potential of youth has been denied to the violent detriment of the society. Most modern societies around the world have shifted their focus away from the needs of their children, the future of their children, and the Prime Directive in favor of the selfish short-term interests of adults, especially those who exercise the various forms of social power (governance, economic, institutional authority, or social status).

Current events speak to the truth of Dr. M’s message. In the Handbook, Dr. M. says that the collective experience of the Inurere (Humanity) forms a Quantum Personality with its own Energy Signature. And every change that takes place within the Energy Signature of our planet (Ile Inurere – the Home of Humanity) affects everything as a whole (the land, water, and air, the micro-organisms, plants, insects, fish, birds, animals, and Inurere). What is happening now in the Middle East and North Africa is just the tip of what is pushing its way into the Pataki Aiye (Material World). I wonder to what extent we in the United States are pushing our own children towards a confrontation with the established order that it would be best for us to avoid. Clinging to things that are by nature impermanent is the source of suffering was the Buddha’s message. Change and adaptation are in the nature of things and in the nature of our children. If a society chooses to cling to that which is contrary to the nature and needs of its children it does so to its own great peril.

Across the US children are living in poverty, being under-educated for the needs of the times, being driven into lifelong poor health through the consumption of unhealthy foods, and being seduced to believe that their worth as human beings is based on their level of consumption. We should take current events as a warning of what lies beneath the surface of our present social order. Promoting the Prime Directive as a fundamental and essential aspect of our social interactions with each other and in the nurturing and education of our children is another step towards establishing a Human Contract that works.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The Handbook On Being Human was written as a teaching tool. Throughout the Handbook the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia remind and inform you about your quantum, genetic, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual makeup. The message of the Handbook was prescribed by the Enia to help humans (the Ti-Enia) Create Peaceful Space in their personal lives and in the global human family (the Inurere – Humanity). In the Handbook Dr. M. talks about the Door of Good Fortune (Ilekun rere) and the Door of Misfortune (Ilekun buburu), and about the way that your individual choices can create cracks in the barrier between the Pataki Aiye (material world) and the Ojiji Aiye (shadow world). The Door of Misfortune binds negative energies in the Ojiji Aiye. When you create cracks in the Door of Misfortune more Predictable and Unpredictable Negative Consequences can escape and push their way into our world and your personal life. I’m sure we have touched on this topic in several of my previous Post. After reading this Post you should have a better understanding of how some of these cracks are created and therefore how they can be avoided.

A crack is a line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking into separate parts, like that crack in your car’s front windshield or in that old pair of glasses that you still keep around for some reason (just in case). In your social world this kind of crack comes about when your actions or inaction changes the quality and strength of the bond between you and a family member, friend, co-worker, supervisor, employer, or other individual or group. It is the kind of crack that weakens but does not break relationships. But it does make those relationships easier-to-break. The quality of the negative energy that emanates from this kind of crack leaves legacies like, we still did things together but it just wasn’t the same after I (he, she, they)…

Crack(s) can also refer to the narrow space(s) between two surfaces that have broken, been separated, or otherwise moved apart from each other. In the Handbook Dr. M. shared his experience of seeing a single blade of grass growing in the crack of a boulder when he stopped to tie his shoe. A blade of grass is not the only thing that can grow and come out of a crack of this kind. Just think for a moment of what can happen if you get this kind of crack (separation) in your skin. Bad stuff can get into your body and poison you, even take your life. More times then not you know when you have created this kind of crack in your social world because you find yourself wondering if it will ever heal, if the offended party will ever forgive you, if they hate you, are they angry enough to want to get back at you, and all of the other thoughts that your imagination can conceive. This kind of crack produces a narrow space or separation between your Energy Signature and in the Quantum Entity you share with the person or persons affected by your choice(s). In other words, there is hope that the pieces can be mended back together like a once broken vase.

An intended or unintended gesture, a word spoken in the wrong tone or at the wrong time, an action taken without a thought as to the possible consequences, sometimes even something done with the best of intentions can produce a crack that breaches the barrier between you and the Door of Misfortune. This is why the Enia allowed Dr. M’s discussions with U about the quantum nature of reality to be published in the Handbook. Everyone needs to understand the profound power of our thoughts, words, and actions. Our choices create our reality!

A crack is also a sudden sharp or explosive noise like the crack of thunder that not only reaches your ears but also makes your body vibrate right down to your bones. It is most important that we get the Ti-Enia to understand the power of their tongue. What comes from their mouths is more powerful and potentially damaging than anything that Shango has manifested in the sky. (Spoken by one of the Olukoni Enia, the Teacher People). A sudden harshness or change in the pitch of your voice can cause your words to penetrate so deeply into a person that their vibrations will resonate in that person's Energy Signature for days, weeks, months, years, even decades. A critical or unkind joke intended to provide laughter for some might indeed cause significant damage to another. This is why Dr. M. talks about racism, sexism, classism, and all forms of prejudice and discrimination among the Ti-Enia. These are cracks in the barrier between the worlds.

The message of the Handbook is that we must live our lives mindfully, paying close attention to how our individual and collective choices affect the people around us, and the environments we share. A crack in your window not only lets in the outside air. It also allows your controlled atmosphere to dissipate into the outer environment. The crack also allows insects to enter into your private spaces and the weather to damage the things that you cherish. So why be careless or uncaring and create cracks in your own Energy Signature and in the Quantum Entities that you create and share as you go about your daily interactions with those with whom you share the world? Why make choices that create cracks in the barrier that separates the worlds and invite misfortune into your life? Why do that? 

No doubt we are all guilty of creating cracks and have already experienced some of the Predictable and Unpredictable Negative Consequences of our choices. If you want to Create Peaceful Space and make the kind of difference in our world that Dr. M. and the Enia talk about in the Handbook than Step 1 is to determine to stop making choices that create avoidable cracks. Step 2 is to seal the cracks that you have already created, like making a stained-glass window. The Handbook provides you with an understanding of human nature and you can use that knowledge to begin the process of healing old wounds where possible and rising above guilt where necessary so that you can achieve Peaceful Space within yourself. From that vantage point you can Create Peaceful Space with others.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!