Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Serenity Prayer and The Prime Directive

Tens of millions of people have heard, recited, and internalized the Serenity Prayer. It is hung in millions of offices and homes as posters and plaques. I recently received a calendar that posts the prayer in sections for the first three months of 2011. What a wonderful prayer to begin the New Year! What a wonderful prayer to recite each day! What a wonderful embodiment of the spirit and essence of the Peaceful Space Project and the Prime Directive!

Grant me the Serenity to accept the things 
that I cannot change,
The Courage to change the things that I can,
And, the Wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity is the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. Its Latin root, serenus means clear or fair.  As a noun in archaic language the serene refers to an expanse of clear sky or calm sea. In the Traditions of the Enia we would say clear path. The first expression of the Serenity Prayer is a supplication that you might live your life in Peaceful Space (to accept) even when the places and events around you are not as you would wish them to be. The Mysterious Dr. M. makes the distinction between a peaceful place and Peaceful Space very clear in the Handbook On Being Human. This appeal for serenity is at the same time an acknowledgment that life, by its very nature will challenge you. The metaphor of your journey up the mountain that Dr. M. shares with U in the Handbook makes it clear that there will be obstacles to overcome as you strive to realize your Destiny Mandate. It also reflects your acceptance that you are a limited being (the things that I cannot change) and only part of a much larger creative process and journey. The first expression of the Serenity Prayer also aligns with the description that Dr. M. gives of the relationship between the Peaceful Space Response and the Fight-or-Flight Response. Dr. M. states that the normal condition of human life is Peaceful Space. This is the condition you naturally seek. Your nature is to gravitate to Peaceful Space just as water returns to stillness after being disturbed. Dr. M. says that human potential can only be realized in Peaceful Space. The Fight-or-Flight Response on the other hand is a reaction to a threat or perceived danger (real or imagined). It is the alarm and the resource to fuel our reaction and our solution to the disturbance. Once the problem is solved you (should) gravitate back to Peaceful Space (Grant me...). Create Peaceful Space!

The second verse of the Serenity Prayer gives expression to the Prime Directive and to a purposeful life. Recognizing that life is full of challenges and obstacles as Dr. M. describes throughout the Handbook, living a purposeful life requires determination and resolve. Living a purposeful life is about striving for Self-Actualization, overcoming obstacles to achieve your Destiny Mandate, and growing a heart big enough to care for a world. Grant me the courage to change the things that I can! Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you. It is a state of strength in the face of pain, grief, or ordeal. This second verse acknowledges that although you are a limited being, you are not a powerless being. You can facilitate positive change in the world. Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things.

The third part of the Serenity Prayer aggregates your sense of limitation and your sense of personal empowerment and petitions for higher consciousness to emerge in you. Grant me the wisdom to know the difference! It concedes that your personal power lies in your capacity to choose. This is one of the most important messages articulated in the Handbook On Being Human.  Choose! Choose to Create Peaceful Space!

Through the Serenity Prayer some of you reach out to your concept of Creator and seek an enrichment and revitalization of your spirit. By aligning your life with the Prime Directive and inviting others to do the same your regenerated spirit can be put into action making difference in the world.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Desire for Peaceful Space

Everyday the message of The Handbook On Being Human takes on greater and greater significance. Throughout the Handbook the Mysterious Dr. M. stresses the fact that the Peaceful Space Response is locked into our genetic code. Human survival has depended heavily on our ability to cooperate, to experience empathy for each other, and to act in concert when confronted with that that threatens the welfare of the individual or the group. Dr. M. and the Enia use the term ‘rising’ to describe the emergence of a higher consciousness and an understanding of our true nature as a species and of our relationship to the cosmos, this planet (Ile Inurere – Home of Humanity) and all of its creatures and life forms. The Handbook was written as a catalyst to this emergent process.  Because of the relationship between thought and the Ase as described in the Handbook, the mere process of writing the Handbook has its effect upon the Quantum Personality and the Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) of Ile Inurere. In the Handbook Dr. M. and the Enia predict increasing shifts in the quantum field as we resolve the tension between our Fight-or-Flight Response and our Peaceful Space Response. The human family must find balance. We can no longer sustain our extreme patterns of existence. The Fight-or-Flight Response has become the norm of our everyday experience and this is the very condition under which the fabric of our individual and collective humanity breaks down.

The Ti-Enia (those members of humanity who have not yet penetrated the veil of illusion or escaped false consciousness) are getting tired and are becoming disenchanted with the tricks, lies, and illusions of the Ashodi (the Opposers). In the Handbook the Mysterious Dr. M. states,

We have called to you for 8,000 years and still you raise children who will not follow the Prime Directive. You blame everyone for your actions and some of you have declared war against your own concept of God. Your personal pain, your anger and bitterness have blinded and poisoned you. You’ve witnessed the indiscriminate destruction that can come from human choices, yet you remain set in making the wrong choices. But you should be aware that when you think of bringing the system down, of precipitating a breakdown of social order and chaos, of sitting on a throne of political and financial power, and other illusions of personal glory, you are not talking about or thinking about what is actually coming.
The Ti-Enia are penetrating the veil of illusion and escaping false consciousness. As the events sweeping across the Middle East and other parts of the world unfold the words of the Prime Directive should be echoing over and over in your head. Seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others. Convert negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world. Nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things. In 3 sentences, 205 characters, and 40 words Dr. M. and the Enia have given expression to the voice that must be heard, the voice of many languages but one message. Create Peaceful Space for us and our children. That is what I hear in the sound of the people yearning. The people affected and touched by the events in Tucson, Arizona. The people affected by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those who have lost family, friends, limbs, and lives to the horrors of terrorism. The voices and words of the peoples of Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, and other countries around the world are the cries of people longing to live in Peaceful Space. All of the people affected by the failure of their governments to meet their most basic needs, much less their highest aspirations. People all around the world are crying out for the Prime Directive and the fruits it can bear, Peaceful Space and all that stems from it. As Dr. M. points out, it is in our nature to seek Peaceful Space.

In the Handbook Dr. M. warns us that there are things that we have already set in motion and there is no escaping all of the consequences of our past actions. Our scientist come up with new words, theories, models, and constructs to explain the extreme shifting patterns of the weather, the birds falling from the sky, lakes and rivers dying, ice caps melting, bee colonies disappearing, wild animals converging on towns and cities. Their constructs can often serve to keep you from putting all of the pieces together. In other words much of what we are told by the experts about events happening in the world is just that, words, theories, models, and constructs about separate events rather than explanations of the broader changes taking place on Ile Inurere. We are experiencing Social Change of the Fourth Kind (excerpt) as discussed by Dr. M. Not only our natural environment but all of our social, political, and economic institutions are now in flux. We are locked in the battle that Dr. M. and the Enia describe in the Handbook. The Oku Enia (the Corpse) is causing shifts in the earth’s quantum field and the Enia are touching the hearts of the Ti-Enia who are reaching out in their dreams and are influencing them to rise.

There is a better life that we can all choose for ourselves. It is a life in which we are all co-participants in helping each individual to achieve our Survival, Self-Preservation, and Destiny Mandates as Dr. M. describes in the Handbook. It is a world where the people greet and interact with each other in the spirit of the East Indian greeting of Namaste’, the best in me salutes the best in you, the best space in myself is open to the best space in yourself, the god in me acknowledges the god in you. It is a world where the people and their governments seek to Create Peaceful Space and where the Prime Directive is instilled into the heart of every child by both instruction and example. It is a world where the people respect and care for their cosmic home and all of her creatures, and in return, the land, water, and air, the plants, fish, insects, birds, and animals all contribute to a positive Ashe Ami (Energy Signature) for Ile Inurere. The only thing that stands between us and a better life for ourselves and our descendants is the process of inviting each other, One-by-One, to an understanding and acceptance of the Prime Directive, and to the selfish and unselfish reasons to Create Peaceful Space as discussed in the section of the Handbook entitled 10 Selfish and Unselfish Reasons For You To Create Peaceful Space. Hope you will share this Post with someone!

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!