Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Your Secret Trial: Personal Reality Check

Your body-mind is an integrated system of specialized parts each working interdependently for the benefit of the whole. At least they should be working for your benefit. But sometimes the system works towards its own detriment undermining the ideal relationship between your body, mind, and spirit. A Personal Reality Check [PRC] can help to keep the system working to your best advantage and to the benefit of the entire human family and our home (Ile Inurere). If you are going to do a PRC you need a standard or criteria against which to take your measurements or make your evaluations. The Prime Directive provides you with the perfect criteria. The Prime Directive states that you should seek pleasure and avoid pain for yourself and others, transform negative energy into positive energy through your conduct in the world, and nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things.

Personal Reality Check – Step 1: Take a few moments to contemplate the relationship between your body and your mind. Recognize that it is a mutual relationship, that is, the body provides a vehicle and medium for the mind to experience the world and the mind acts as the command and control center from which the actions and experiences of the body are regulated. In other words, your mind is in charge, at least it should be.

Step 2: Take a few moments to contemplate the nature of your body. It too is an integrated system of specialized and interdependent parts that ideally work together for the benefit of the whole. The heart, kidneys, liver, digestive system, spleen, pancreas, lungs, and other organs and biological systems each have their unique function. These parts also depend on and support each other in order to maintain the health and well-being of the body as a whole. Much of the inner workings of this dynamic system take place without the conscious involvement or intervention of your mind.

Step 3: Think about the structure of the body that supports your ability to interact with the outer world, especially the social world. Your body has feet and legs, hands and arms, mouth and tongue, nose, ears, and eyes, and it is these parts that are designed to respond to the conscious commands of your mind.

Step 4: Understand that since the mind is given the command and control function, all the various parts of your body lay claim to innocence.

Step 5: Call on that wonderful capacity of your mind that we refer to as imagination. Imagine that you are in a courtroom with your mind as the defendant or accused. And imagine that each of the parts of your body mentioned in Step 3 is given an opportunity to speak and to account for the actions and experiences they have engaged in up to this point in your life.

Step 6: Listen carefully as each of your parts bears witness to what they have done and as they each turn to the judge and jury and declare it was not I who chose to do these things. I was commanded to do these things by the one who is in charge.

Step 7: Sit silently, open your mind, and listen to the testimony given whether good or bad, whether uplifting or depressing.

Step 8: Imagine what your feet and legs would say about where they have taken you at your command.

Step 9: Imagine what your hands and arms would say about what they have done to yourself and to others at your command.

Step 10: Imagine what your mouth and tongue would say about what you have put into your body and about the words they have spoken under your command.

Step 11: Imagine what your eyes and ears would say about what you have fed your mind through them.

Step 12: Now ask yourself if the testimony that has been given makes you feel good or bad about who you have been and how you have acted in the world. Is the testimony something that you would proudly share with someone whose friendship and respect you value, or is it something that you would rather hide from the world and deny to yourself?

The Peaceful Space Project is about changing the condition of the world through an individual social evolutionary and developmental process. We can all make better choices and a first step in that process is a Personal Reality Check. In the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, the Mysterious Dr. M. takes U through a series of lessons designed to help U to discover and unlock the higher potential that lies dormant in each of us. We have the capacity to create a better world for ourselves, our children, and the yet to be born. That capacity is expressed in the choices you and I make each and every day of our lives. Choose to Create Peaceful Space and to align with the Prime Directive.

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Seeking Peace: Reality Check

The atmosphere is so full of drama, so charged with noise and distraction, so burdened with pain and suffering that we long for a moment to be in Peaceful Space and to live in a world that is finally at Peace. In the Handbook On Being Human, vol. I, the Mysterious Dr. M. states, Peace does not descend down. It stems from the individual human heart and branches outward like a vine seeking to wrap itself around other hearts.

Reality Check Step 1: Take a few moments to imagine this world without the human factor. Just close your eyes and erase the human animal and our cultures from the canvas of your mind. Plants would still grow, fish would still spawn, and the oceans and fecundating rivers would be flowing with life. Predators species would still hunt, prey would still breed, and the weather would challenge them both. Birds would still fly bringing beauty to the sky and mammals would still roam the earth. The earth’s life process of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, floods, and ice ages would still occur. All aspects of life on planet earth would be in a symbiotic dance giving off a harmonic vibration that the Mysterious Dr. M. and the Enia refer to as the Quantum Personality of Ile Inurere (the House of Humanity, Earth). Every creature and thing would still feel the struggle, which is the life process itself. The processes of coming and going, of rising and falling, of expansion and contraction, of ebb and flow would still occur. This is the Ile Inurere, the House of Humanity! As you hold that image in your mind consider that it represents the world into which we (humans) were born. Gift or chance this is our home! Think of the words you would use to describe that world! Not much need for negative terms and judgments in your description is there?

Step 2: This time close your eyes and create a list, with pictures, of some of the current problems going on in the Ile Inurere, the ones that give you particular concern. Call to mind an image or picture for every item on your list. After you have completed the list in your mind you are certain to have a clearer vision of the obvious. The critical items and images in your list are not inherently characteristic of Ile Inurere, the House of Humanity. In other words, it is we humans that have brought most of our current problems into and upon our house. Social discord, division and conflict, poverty and war, terrorism and environmental degradation, greed and ambition, selfishness and disregard are part of the human factor in today’s world.

Step 3: Play the blame game! Go ahead and unload. If there is no one else around you can even do this part out loud. After all, some people seem to really enjoy playing the blame game. Maybe there is something to it! Now go ahead and name all of the national and international organizations, institutions, industries, corporations, agencies, governments, and countries that you blame for the problems on your list. Take as much time as you need. You wouldn’t want to let any group off the hook!

Step 4: OK! I know that was difficult because I suggested listing only groups and you so wanted to mention some individuals that you blame for some of the things on your list. No problem! Welcome to Step 4 where you get the chance to blame whoever or whatever you want for the concerns you listed. Don’t hold back! You don’t know when you will have an opportunity like this again.

Step 5: Calm down! Relax! Breathe!

Step 6: Recognize that there was no difference between Step 3 and Step 4. National and international organizations, institutions, industries, corporations, agencies, governments, countries, and other designated groupings (ethnic, racial, religious, and political groups) don’t do anything. These are mere labels, organizational structures, policies and protocols that define agendas. These bureaucratic structures cannot act and in fact would not exist without the agency of the human factor.

Step 7: Reflect on Axiom 1 from the Handbook, when two or more individuals interact a Quantum Personality or Quantum Entity is formed. This Quantum Entity comes into being in the Quantum Field because of the aggregation of human consciousness and is not an independent entity. It is the whole that emerges as a result of the interaction of the parts. [The whole is greater than the sum of its parts but not independent from them.]

Step 8: Recognize that what these national and international organizations, institutions, industries, corporations, agencies, governments, and countries do and what they experience is a manifestation of the Quantum Entity emerging from the aggregate of the choices made by the individuals in and interacting with those groups. It is ultimately about each individual and our capacity to choose.

Step 9: Understand that the human factor is the greatest influence on the Quantum Personality of Ile Inurere. Reflect on Axiom 7, human societies exist within a quantum reality and no aspect of their functioning can be separated from the Quantum Field or fully explained without consideration of Quantum Social Forces.

Step 10: Understand that we human are the only species who can write our history in advance. We can shape the course of our future if there is the will and determination to do so. We can choose the direction and the conditions of our future to a greater extent than any other creature.

Step 11: Understand that the key to writing our history in advance is to plant the seeds of an alternate future in our children. Ask yourself what seeds we humans are planting in our children today and then compare those seeds with the seed of the Prime Directive and the encouragement to Create Peaceful Space. Which message is likely to bear the fruits that you hope for your descendants?

Step 12: Do something to make a difference. It happens One-By-One! Peace does not descend down. It stems from the individual human heart and branches outward like a vine seeking to wrap itself around other hearts

Living in alignment with the Prime Directive
is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
You have been invited!

Create Peaceful Space! 
Trust Your Process!

Peace, Love, and Health!