Our condition in life certainly affects how we feel about The First Gift of the Moment, The Gift of Now. Most of us will experience moments when it is excruciatingly painful to be alive, physically, mentally, or emotionally. Today, many of our family members around the world are suffering such levels of pain. Yet most of them and us will also cling to life whenever and wherever we are threatened with the loss of The Gift of Now. This is a gift worth preserving! Life exists only in the Eternal Now and all that you and I hold dear can only be experienced in this Most Precious Moment. Many of the people I've spoken to over the years speak of a sense of purpose. They feel something pushing them from inside towards the completion of some task that defines their purpose for being in the world. The task itself may be a clear vision or as obscure as darkness itself, yet they feel pushed and pulled towards that something that will fulfill the demands of this silent and relentless call that dwells in the Eternal Now. Often people come to me to help them in clarifying their choices.
The Second Gift of the Moment, The Gift of Choice is both a gift and a challenge (a trial for the Believer). The gift is that we get to actually be the architects of our own lives. The Ifa Tradition of Yorubaland, West Africa holds the view that every human chooses to come into the world and that we come for a purpose. Ifa and some other worldviews also hold that we even choose our parents before we come into the world (this is, you choose to come knowing who your parents will be and the influence they will have on your life). Some of us come because of that knowledge, others in spite of it. From a psychological and sociological perspective we might hold the view that we can not be the architects of our own lives until we reach the maturity of reason or the age prescribed by norms and customs. The point still remains that wittingly and unwittingly, we are co-participants in our process of becoming. The person we become and the life that we experience are inextricably interwoven with the Two Gifts of the Moment, The Gift of Now and The Gift of Choice.
The challenge or trial of the Gift of Choice is that (for better or worst) our choices operate under the laws of cause and effect, and as the Mysterious Dr. M. points out in the Handbook, the effect of our choices are much more dynamic and far-reaching than most humans realize. Most of our everyday choices produce subtle ripples that fade from our awareness once they have manifested their intended effect. There are also choices that we make that produce immediate and observable shifts in energy (positive or negative) and that cause long-term shifts in our Energy Signature and the topography of our social landscape. According to the Enia and Dr. M., what the Ti-Enia (humans) don't understand is the aggregating effect of their collective choices in the quantum field and on the Quantum Entity of our planet. It is these aggregating effects that the Prime Directive is intended to address.
This weekend I spent time with some students in various wellness training programs. I was reminded of how many wonderful souls there are trying to navigate the cultural fish tank and to make a difference in the world. Their Energy Signatures radiate with the vibration of the Prime Directive. Every where I go I meet people who have that innate sense, that subtle awareness, that they came into the world to live in alignment with the Prime Directive of the Human Species, to seek pleasure and avoid pain for themselves and others, to transform negative energy into positive energy through their conduct in the world, and to nurture life and struggle against death for the welfare of the planet and the coexistence of all living things.
Remember that you can make a difference! You chose to come and you chose to come for a reason - to complete a task. And you can't be in Peaceful Space unless you are On Path to answering that inner call. A positive shift in your Energy Signature can bring about dynamic changes in the Energy Signature of those around you and even further away. When you are paying attention, you can actually see the change, the shift in people's Energy Signatures taking place right there in front of you. You can see it in their faces, in their eyes, and in the language of their bodies. Right now! You can choose to do something different. Something that will create a small but positive shift in your own life, in the life of someone you know and care about, or even in the life of someone you don't know. It is a choice! And the only moment in which you can exercise the power of choice is now! Living in alignment with the Prime Directive is a choice to which everyone should be invited!
Choose to Create Peaceful Space!
Peace and Love
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Two Gifts of the Moment: Now and Choice
Whether you are a believer or a Believer, there is an inescapable fact that exists for each of us. Regardless of what you choose to believe about First Cause (whether It is sentient or not), the mere fact that you are reading this Post means that you are experiencing the Two Gifts of the Moment. The First Gift of the Moment is called now or the Eternal Now (depending on your ethos - worldview). It has been said that we think some 60,000 thoughts per day and that the great majority of those thoughts are of the same things we thought the days before. And I would add that a majority of those thoughts are about the past and the future, more past than future. So many of us pass by the Gift of Now by spending it dwelling on the past as if the past could be changed. Some of us pass by the Gift of Now by spending it fantasizing about the future without understanding the relationship between our future, the Gift of Now, and the Second Gift of the Moment.
Now or the Eternal Now is the only moment in which we can have an experience. We can call up memories of past experiences or images of a future yet to be made manifest, but these memories and images can only be experienced in the singular, yet eternal, moment of Now. You may believe that this moment of your sentient being-ness is the result of some random events, or you may recognize, as I do, that this moment contains a Gift, one of the Two Gifts of the Moment, the Gift of the Eternal Now. And it is in this moment of your sentient existence, and this moment only, that you can experience life and embrace the Second Gift of the Moment. That is one of the Laws of your Creation. Your past and your future are bound by the laws that govern the Two Gifts of the Moment!
The Second Gift of the Moment is the Gift of Choice. Dr. M. drives this point home in the Handbook, over and over exalting you to recognize this profound gift and power that is in your control. A dynamic web of cause and effect, of Interrelatedness, Interconnectedness, and Interdependence shapes your and my world through the agency of our choices. Your choices about what to think, what to believe, how to be in this world shape the world that you experience. It is so important to remember that the only time that you can exercise the Gift of Choice is in the Eternal Now. Right now! That is a Law of Creation. As Dr. M. points out, your choices of yesterday (of even a moment ago) have already created their quantum effects in multiple worlds. Their energy can not be called back, only altered, transformed by the choices that you make right now. In this Most Precious Moment!
"To live is to be aware of the experiences and the choices that we allow to emerge within each precious moment!"
I hope you've taken the time to read some of Sandra's comments to my various Posts. She has been very thought provoking and shared some great references.
Trust Your Process!
Create Peaceful Space!
Now or the Eternal Now is the only moment in which we can have an experience. We can call up memories of past experiences or images of a future yet to be made manifest, but these memories and images can only be experienced in the singular, yet eternal, moment of Now. You may believe that this moment of your sentient being-ness is the result of some random events, or you may recognize, as I do, that this moment contains a Gift, one of the Two Gifts of the Moment, the Gift of the Eternal Now. And it is in this moment of your sentient existence, and this moment only, that you can experience life and embrace the Second Gift of the Moment. That is one of the Laws of your Creation. Your past and your future are bound by the laws that govern the Two Gifts of the Moment!
The Second Gift of the Moment is the Gift of Choice. Dr. M. drives this point home in the Handbook, over and over exalting you to recognize this profound gift and power that is in your control. A dynamic web of cause and effect, of Interrelatedness, Interconnectedness, and Interdependence shapes your and my world through the agency of our choices. Your choices about what to think, what to believe, how to be in this world shape the world that you experience. It is so important to remember that the only time that you can exercise the Gift of Choice is in the Eternal Now. Right now! That is a Law of Creation. As Dr. M. points out, your choices of yesterday (of even a moment ago) have already created their quantum effects in multiple worlds. Their energy can not be called back, only altered, transformed by the choices that you make right now. In this Most Precious Moment!
"To live is to be aware of the experiences and the choices that we allow to emerge within each precious moment!"
I hope you've taken the time to read some of Sandra's comments to my various Posts. She has been very thought provoking and shared some great references.
Trust Your Process!
Create Peaceful Space!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
On Being a Believer
It is certainly rewarding to believe in that which can help you to understand your world. It is even more rewarding to believe in that which can inform and comfort you when inexplicable events happen in your life. On the continuum of stability this reality is neither total chaos nor perfect order. It lies somewhere in between and we tend to experience it as a shifting condition over time. On the continuum of belief you may entertain the notion that there is no prevailing order and no ultimate purpose to creation and that you are experiencing a kind of mechanistic probability, or at the other extreme you may hold to the view that there is an absolute, deterministic, sentient, and unconditional force underlying and controlling every aspect of creation, and that you are without choice in the matter and affairs of your life (predestination). Each individual chooses to view the world from some vantage point along that continuum of belief. In that sense, we are all believers (in something) but we are not all Believers.
Your system of beliefs may be based on spirituality, religion, metaphysics, tradition, philosophy, or science. It may be part of an organized path or your own unique process. Science is very good at feeding the rational mind, but when the heart and mind are assaulted by life's Unpredictable Negative Consequences (as discussed in the Handbook), the arguments and explanations that Science provides in order to inform us do not necessarily give us the comfort and sense of purpose that our hearts seek. That is one of the reasons that I feel so blessed to be a Believer and that my vantage point on that continuum of belief is one that connects me to a Sentient Being that is full of wisdom and power, compassion and love. I remember reading once that, "...the one thing that God can not command is your Love, for Love must be given willingly and willfully." So, the mere act of choosing to believe in a Sentient First Cause is in itself an act of love. And since the Gift of Faith is itself an act of love (from First Source to us), choosing to be a Believer brings double comfort to my mind.
To me it is difficult to imaging a world thriving in Peaceful Space in the absence of a common belief in a Sentient First Cause. To believe that life is just purposeless chaos is a crack and opens the door of misfortune for the individual to justify any action against themselves or others, without a sense of regret or remorse. All members of the human family need not frame their concept of this God, and of this Ultimate Relationship and Connection, in the same way nor practice the same traditions. But it would seem that those most likely to hear and respond to the message of Creating Peaceful Space are those that have a sense that there is a purpose to life and a higher purpose to their individual lives.
The Prime Directive is a stepping stone to a higher level of social acceptance and appreciation. It may be that the first step in finding Peaceful Space within yourself is to locate yourself on the Continuum of Stability and the Continuum of Belief. Is your world tending towards chaos or order? And what of our world? Do you believe this experience is the result of random events disconnected from any conscious intent? Or is yours a world full of Beings and Entities that fill your moments of hopelessness and despair with the spiritual power to move on in spite of the difficulties? You experience the world in accordance with your system of beliefs and you pave your way with your choices!
Create Peaceful Space!
Your system of beliefs may be based on spirituality, religion, metaphysics, tradition, philosophy, or science. It may be part of an organized path or your own unique process. Science is very good at feeding the rational mind, but when the heart and mind are assaulted by life's Unpredictable Negative Consequences (as discussed in the Handbook), the arguments and explanations that Science provides in order to inform us do not necessarily give us the comfort and sense of purpose that our hearts seek. That is one of the reasons that I feel so blessed to be a Believer and that my vantage point on that continuum of belief is one that connects me to a Sentient Being that is full of wisdom and power, compassion and love. I remember reading once that, "...the one thing that God can not command is your Love, for Love must be given willingly and willfully." So, the mere act of choosing to believe in a Sentient First Cause is in itself an act of love. And since the Gift of Faith is itself an act of love (from First Source to us), choosing to be a Believer brings double comfort to my mind.
To me it is difficult to imaging a world thriving in Peaceful Space in the absence of a common belief in a Sentient First Cause. To believe that life is just purposeless chaos is a crack and opens the door of misfortune for the individual to justify any action against themselves or others, without a sense of regret or remorse. All members of the human family need not frame their concept of this God, and of this Ultimate Relationship and Connection, in the same way nor practice the same traditions. But it would seem that those most likely to hear and respond to the message of Creating Peaceful Space are those that have a sense that there is a purpose to life and a higher purpose to their individual lives.
The Prime Directive is a stepping stone to a higher level of social acceptance and appreciation. It may be that the first step in finding Peaceful Space within yourself is to locate yourself on the Continuum of Stability and the Continuum of Belief. Is your world tending towards chaos or order? And what of our world? Do you believe this experience is the result of random events disconnected from any conscious intent? Or is yours a world full of Beings and Entities that fill your moments of hopelessness and despair with the spiritual power to move on in spite of the difficulties? You experience the world in accordance with your system of beliefs and you pave your way with your choices!
Create Peaceful Space!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Missed Placed Priorities
In the Letters to U: From the Mysterious Dr. M. an alternative view of the world is put forth. In that world, Quantum Forces are at work impacting our daily lives and influencing global events. Quantum forces that are influenced by human thoughts and actions. Although the language of Dr. M.'s world is the scientific language of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, and Quantum Sociology, and the world of the Enia pulls at your imagination, what Dr. M. describes is as real as the chair in which you are sitting. It is as real as the empathy you feel when you see so many people suffering.
Remember how God (whoever or whatever that means to you) use to get all the blame for our pain and suffering. I think it is a step forward that today more and more people are looking to governments, decision-makers, and power brokers for answers to the question we always took to God. "Why?" I'm sure that God appreciates our small step forward. Now that so many of us have come to see that it is our individual and collective choices that are exerting the greatest negative influence on our planet we can hopefully see why Dr. M. emphasizes the importance of the Prime Directive. It is about aligning human priorities.
Does it even begin to make sense that we (humans) spend billions of dollars slaughtering our own kind and then turn around to spend billions of dollars more rebuilding what we have destroyed? Oh, and millions more in humanitarian aid to assist victims of natural disasters the impact of which could have been mitigated by a change in priorities before the disaster occurred. Had the development of Haiti and the safety of its people been a priority in this geographic region, Haitians may have lost fewer lives then they did by comparison to Chile', even given the differences between the Haitian earthquake and the Chile' earthquake. Haiti could have been better prepared but for a shift in priorities before the event. How about spending just a small portion of the billions-4-war to provide safe homes-4-humanity? Or on unlimited and state-of-the-art training and equipment for coordinated legions of First Responders and Disaster Relief Personnel?
War is too costly for most and too profitable for a few. It will not go away without effort at Creating Peaceful Space. Peace has to become a human priority and that will not happen without a Prime Directive that is the will of the people. The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I tells you that you are a being of power, great power. That you have the ability to influence the world around you in ways seen and unseen. Not that it will happen anytime soon, but just consider the fact that if tomorrow every individual on the planet said I will not take up arms or act to harm another human for one year, we would have a year of Peace. Image that!!! Nothing else would have to happen! No Extraterrestrial Beings coming to force us to get along. No Divine Entities coming to bring the fear of final judgment. Just you, and me, and all of our family saying, enough is enough! Peace be with you! And then, keeping our word. Think about it!
Create Peaceful Space!
Remember how God (whoever or whatever that means to you) use to get all the blame for our pain and suffering. I think it is a step forward that today more and more people are looking to governments, decision-makers, and power brokers for answers to the question we always took to God. "Why?" I'm sure that God appreciates our small step forward. Now that so many of us have come to see that it is our individual and collective choices that are exerting the greatest negative influence on our planet we can hopefully see why Dr. M. emphasizes the importance of the Prime Directive. It is about aligning human priorities.
Does it even begin to make sense that we (humans) spend billions of dollars slaughtering our own kind and then turn around to spend billions of dollars more rebuilding what we have destroyed? Oh, and millions more in humanitarian aid to assist victims of natural disasters the impact of which could have been mitigated by a change in priorities before the disaster occurred. Had the development of Haiti and the safety of its people been a priority in this geographic region, Haitians may have lost fewer lives then they did by comparison to Chile', even given the differences between the Haitian earthquake and the Chile' earthquake. Haiti could have been better prepared but for a shift in priorities before the event. How about spending just a small portion of the billions-4-war to provide safe homes-4-humanity? Or on unlimited and state-of-the-art training and equipment for coordinated legions of First Responders and Disaster Relief Personnel?
War is too costly for most and too profitable for a few. It will not go away without effort at Creating Peaceful Space. Peace has to become a human priority and that will not happen without a Prime Directive that is the will of the people. The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I tells you that you are a being of power, great power. That you have the ability to influence the world around you in ways seen and unseen. Not that it will happen anytime soon, but just consider the fact that if tomorrow every individual on the planet said I will not take up arms or act to harm another human for one year, we would have a year of Peace. Image that!!! Nothing else would have to happen! No Extraterrestrial Beings coming to force us to get along. No Divine Entities coming to bring the fear of final judgment. Just you, and me, and all of our family saying, enough is enough! Peace be with you! And then, keeping our word. Think about it!
Create Peaceful Space!
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